Quote Originally Posted by Cloudfish
Quote Originally Posted by Alundil
Hehe - pure genius folks, and thats why he gets paid the big bucks (don't tell him that they're ACME bucks!!!)
I think you should double his salary. :1

OK---stupid question of the day. How in the hell do you join up on others playing? I'll start up XFire and notice a couple of you playing--but I have no idea how to find you in-game. I also can't find the TTP servers when I start up--even searching for them come up with no results. I hate being a noob.... :5
Add these fellow TTP'ers to your friends list in game...... I join from any of these and it works like a charm.

When searching for a server, put Texas in the search field (T capitalized) and it will shorten the search time as well as bring up the TTP servers. :9