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Thread: "{HRD} Member Request for Vlade.the_medic"

  1. Left 4 Dead
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    Maybe not a ranking system.
    but a player sheet type thing would be cool, so people could see how many wins you've gotten, or how many kills you have.

    I really want a kill counter aswell.

  2. Hi, my name is...
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    I agree yet disagree. Ranks would ruin the game--that's what makes Left 4 Dead 2 and its predecessor the gem that it is! The fact that there isn't a rank, you just savor the memories and say "Remember when we were in Dead Center..."; I like it better that way. However, there should be an in-game profile. It should consist of the following, just a draft, feel free to add [note: this is for 360, as that is the system I play on]:

    Versus Matches Won:
    Versus Matches Lost:
    Versus Matches Played:
    Scavenge Matches Won:
    Scavenge Matches Lost:
    Scavenge Matches Played:
    Best Survival Mode Time:
    Campaign Most Played (Offline):
    Campaign Most Played (Online):
    Character Most Used (Offline):
    Character Most Used (Online):
    Special Infected Most Used (Online):
    Firearm Most Used:
    Melee Weapon Most Used:
    Most Killed Special Infected (Offline/Online):
    Total Infected Killed (Offline/Online):
    Times Incapacitated (Online):
    Times Killed (Online):
    Disconnect Percentage:

    I also think for Weapons, they should have the kills amount chart like in Halo 3/ODST. Just my contribution. ^_^

  3. Senior-Senior Member
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    my only suggestion is a zombie/infected kill count how bout that?

  4. Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by IzTheWiz View Post
    In my opinion, Left 4 Dead 2 doesn't have a great amount of replayability because after the 10th time of playing a campaign, you've learnt the item/weapon spawns and once you're good with killing off SI, it becomes too easy to pub stomp, and matches ending before they even really started become too common.

    I think to boost the replayability of L4D2 for some people there should be some a ranked version of Versus/Scavenge in which you could play to gain experience or level up to show some progress online.

    You would gain experience as Survivors for getting to the saferoom, plus additional for helping people up, protecting people and healing people.
    As Infected, it would be your damage that would add to your XP, aswell as extra incap/kill bonuses.
    There could also be a map bonus (Similar to map difficulty multiplier) to encourage players to play through the entire campaign, as they'd get more experience towards the finale.

    • Shows length of playing time and experience in the game (vaguely)
    • Sets targets for players who want to achieve more than just a victory.
    • Encourages teamwork because you will get much more experience when everyone reaches the saferoom.
    • Increases replayability as people have to replay to level up.
    • Allow more serious players to group together and play matches, and more casual players to play their own matches.

    • Could make the community much more competitive.
    • Could encourage flaming. Serious players flaming less serious players for not doing so well.

    I think this would put more life into the game as it will give people something to aim for, although I'm aware there are plenty of reasons why not to include a rank system. I'd like to see some comments and criticism on this topic.
    Good ish idea but the awesome thing about L4d is it is already quite competitive but the comes with the thing that it isn't as competitive as other games. Still a chilled out laid back game. Also the stupid thing in this suggestion is the bonuses for damage as infected. Its just like the typical noobs you get when your team wins as infected and they go "Look at me i have most damage points." And they can get that by spitting on a survivor YOU smoked or booming all over them. You get so many assist points like that. Or they are a tank then YOU boom on them so they can't see then the tanks messes them up and starts boasting about his damage points.

    This game is a TEAM game. If any ranking should take place it should be in team versus and quitters should be penalized in there. But ranking up for infected damage will encourage people to jump on a smokers grab as a hunter instead of getting other survivors. We don't want left 4 dead turning into a massive egotistical community like CoD.

    And you also state it is too easy to pub stomp? Of course it is.. Public is full of Split screeners who just wanna play infected then leave or chilled out people who don't care about winning or losing. There is no skill in "Pub Stomping" Get 3 friends and play team versus.

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