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Thread: JB, it will be ok.

  1. Rob Zombie
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    i dont have a mic i can hear them through my speakers.

  2. Chicago Ted
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    I already know how bad 13 year olds can be.

    Imagine being left behind, ignored when you tell the douche to "stop singing", not having first aid shared, watching him go "zoooooooooom" etc

    Adults grief you for being English?, hmm..weird, everytime i was griefed it was always the Halo obsessed 13 year olds. Hell..anytime i've heard of that happen to my UK brothers it's always been 13 year olds.

  3. Rob Zombie
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    Am not english but british and proud to be. I get grief when playing Rainbow six vegas 2 as i am named one of the best 50 players on the game, anyway its always when i play with these group of canadians [no offense] and when i take out the whole team they say stuff i wont repeat which when they asked the host to kick me -.-

  4. Senior-Senior Member
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    Being young doesn't give you an excuse to be an asshole. Done.

    Btw, I'm 13.

  5. On the way to greater things
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    I'm fine with them, as long as they don't run around, don't suck, sit there while you're attacked, or make stupid screaming noises over the mic.

  6. Hi, my name is...
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    I honestly hate little kids. Especially if they are cocky or get in my way. However, it doesn't mean that I won't treat them with respect when they deserve it. I just tend to judge them before I know them. I like a lot of kids, but otherwise I could care less about them. As for a little kid playing video games such as L4D/2 online, I wouldn't really be able to tell. If they did poorly, they could just be bad at the game, or if they are rage quitting I also wouldn't know..

  7. Regular Joe Member
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    'Am not english but british and proud to be.'

    I'm curious where are you from XxplosivxX? To me this is a strange statement you are british and proud to be british. I am english and I have to say every englishman i have met calls himself an englishman and nothing else.

    I find people categorising themselves as british to be so vague, are you from ireland, wales or scotland?

  8. Rob Zombie
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spookytooth View Post
    'Am not english but british and proud to be.'

    I'm curious where are you from XxplosivxX? To me this is a strange statement you are british and proud to be british. I am english and I have to say every englishman i have met calls himself an englishman and nothing else.

    I find people categorising themselves as british to be so vague, are you from ireland, wales or scotland?
    Am from the phillipines born in london and live in london so that makes me british right :/

  9. Regular Joe Member
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    I'd say if you were born in London then that would make you english, embrace it.

    Anyway back to the OP, I will insta kick any kids playing with a mic. I play games to relax after a long day and annoying squawking from rugrats makes me want to go Derek Byrd.

  10. Rob Zombie
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    Its really a hard debate for someone like me to be english but they call us british its quite confusing. As in america if you live their your american if you live in england and your not english then they class you as british.

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