[IRON] Clan Code of Conduct

As IRON sharpens IRON, so one man sharpens another."

The quote says it all. We are here to help each other and to develop team players. Bottom line. This clan has not been established to inundate you with a ton of rules and regulations.

#1 Follow the rules of Teamplayergaming... They give us the privilege of being here. Let's honor that.

#2 Follow the rules and regs of any server you play on. Each server has their own rules and regulations that can be found in the game server thread for that game. Read it and be familiar with it.

#3 Be a TEAM PLAYER. Support your squad leader and your teammates. That is what drew you to Teamplyergaming... to start with.

Failure to comply with any of these rules can result in discipline up to and including removal from the clan. Teamplyergaming... reserves the right to discipline any clan member
independent of the clan rules.