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Thread: Questions regarding Gameplay

  1. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Questions regarding Gameplay

    TP said feel free to ask questions, so here's my post with some noob ones

    Terrorist side:
    As you can see from my pyscho stats, I rarely pick T's for 2 reasons. 1) I like being the good guy (CT) and 2) I suck with every weapon on T's except for the guns that are shared, like the P90,etc.

    I feel I'm getting slightly better with the AK, but the recoil is more than i seem to be able to compensate for.
    When I get killed from 300 yrds away with an AK, what kind of control is happening on the shooters side to achieve this?
    Is there anything I can do besides pulling down to become more accurate with this weapon? [Example: Close quarters, I tend to spray 5-10, but with the AK I'm shooting at the sky after 3 bullets.]

    Teamwork to me is working together to accomplish a goal. This includes treating others with respect.
    Is it just the nature of the beast (CS:S) that the 2 can't co-exist? This server has been far more mature, in terms of player treatment then any other I've played on.
    It was actually so bad on other pubs that it was ruining the game for me, so I turned that portion off. I've recently turned it back on to become a better teamplayer, but I'm still seeing this type of behavior, even from regulars.
    Am I in the wrong to try and calm people down and to stop being deragtory or negative?

    vs. 2 or more:
    What is tactically best in this situation? Soemtimes I'll surprise flank people, and kill one but get killed by the other. Should I kill, and retreat? Or stay put and still try and get the 2nd guy?

    I'm up to about 25 hours now, but haven't had the chance to interact much with [Killers]. Are most members done playing by 11pm Central?
    I have gotten to play a few maps with Waffen, but I can never understand what he's saying :twisted:

    I'll keep future questions to this same post, so it doesn't spam the forums.

    Thanks in advance,

  2. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Questions regarding Gameplay

    Hey Asikr, this is Waffen...

    I remeber playing on the server with you, sorry about my mic, I believe I may have fixed it.
    Anyway, I sent you a pm with my advice to your questions.

  3. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Questions regarding Gameplay


    I got your PM, thanks a ton
    And looking forward to playing with you again to see if that mic of yours is fixed, heh.

  4. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Questions regarding Gameplay

    Are map strategies allowed to be discussed in a public forum?
    Waffen has given me some good advice, and I'm feeling a bit more confident with the AK.

  5. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Questions regarding Gameplay

    Proper uses of grenades:

    Smoke Grenade: Is it recommended (as a CT) to save these only for when disarming the bomb? As a T, only use when planting?

    Flash Grenade: Is it better to hang on to these, or attempt to use them everytime you know a rush is going to some place?

    Hand Grenade: I tend to use these like flashes, use where rushes are happening. Is there a better use to save them for?

  6. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Questions regarding Gameplay

    sent a pm

  7. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Questions regarding Gameplay

    Quote Originally Posted by Asikr
    Are map strategies allowed to be discussed in a public forum?
    Waffen has given me some good advice, and I'm feeling a bit more confident with the AK.
    Asikr... Sure its allowed... Its just if I am going to go into detail, I dont feel like letting everyone in the world see it.

  8. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Questions regarding Gameplay

    Asking questions will save you alot of trial and error when game playing. I never asked them, thus I had to use alternative methods of learning.

  9. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Questions regarding Gameplay

    I was getting owned quite a bit around corners this weekend, mostly by Yung and TP. At most, I did 50 dmg before they killed me. Am I aiming in the wrong spot? Do you prefire around corners you know are usually populated?

  10. Devious Tyrant
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    4 giz (and others that like good dance music)

    Hey giz

    Lord Bass (dj of the Trance Lab radio show at WUNH) had a program with live mixing tonight. I think you'll dig the broadcast.

    The program just finished up but it'll be on the website till the next broadcast (Monday 9pm EST)
    91.3FM WUNH Durham, NH

    Just click the title and it'll stream the show

    He'll be uploading it for download later on his website (not up yet)
    Trance Lab

    Hope you enjoy

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