Thank you for your interest in joining the .:OgX:. clan. In order for us to consider your application you must meet the following requirements:

- 100 hours on the TPG severs.
- Minimum of 15 posts within the forums.
- Have a mic and actively use it.
- No bans within the previous 90 days.


1. A brief introduction about yourself.

2. Links to your steam profile and GameMe stats.

3. Team/clan and game history, professional or amateur competition.

4. Breakdown of active games and percent time devoted to playing each one.

5. Why do you want to join the .:OgX:. clan?

Thanks for submitting your application. We require a 3/4th majority vote from our board members after a 10 day trial period. Please submit your application under a new thread in the .:OgX:. public discussion forum. Check the thread often for updates on your application status.