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Thread: Gary Fail

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    Gary Fail Gary Fail Gary Fail Gary Fail Gary Fail
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    Steam ID: bunni Bunni's Originid: Dr_Bunni

    Gary Fail


    Channel ID: (('solarsystemid2', 30002782),)
    Channel Name: Local
    Listener: TanukiU
    Session started: 2009.10.18 20:09:48

    ?[ 2009.10.18 20:24:50 ] EVE System > Channel changed to Kaaputenen Local Channel
    ?[ 2009.10.18 20:33:17 ] EVE System > Channel changed to Kamio Local Channel
    ?[ 2009.10.18 20:34:35 ] EVE System > Channel changed to Ikao Local Channel
    ?[ 2009.10.18 20:35:42 ] EVE System > Channel changed to Uedama Local Channel
    ?[ 2009.10.18 20:39:14 ] EVE System > Channel changed to Ikao Local Channel
    ?[ 2009.10.18 20:40:34 ] EVE System > Channel changed to Kamio Local Channel
    ?[ 2009.10.18 20:42:02 ] Sleeper's > Le dual compte ca a du bon, du moment que toute la coorporation en bébificie ...
    ?[ 2009.10.18 20:42:31 ] Sleeper's > Il y a une offre de CCP mais je crois qu'elle se termine
    ?[ 2009.10.18 20:42:42 ] Minarella > pas de soucis de ce coté la, tout est tres bien organisé
    ?[ 2009.10.18 20:42:51 ] ISK Launderer > france merde
    ?[ 2009.10.18 20:43:42 ] Minarella > non mais moi je play gratuit avec les plex, suis trop riche
    ?[ 2009.10.18 20:44:21 ] Sleeper's > Oui tu gagnes pas mal d'isk's a la revente contrat sur jita ^^
    ?[ 2009.10.18 20:44:53 ] Minarella > tu es mal renseigné, ces infos dates un peut
    ?[ 2009.10.18 20:45:23 ] Minarella > mais bien tenté, dans le principe
    ?[ 2009.10.18 20:45:41 ] Sleeper's > Alors ca doit etre william
    ?[ 2009.10.18 20:45:54 ] Minarella > faudrait savoir
    ?[ 2009.10.18 20:46:08 ] Sleeper's > Il n'y a pas de mal a se faire des isk's pour financer ses ships
    ?[ 2009.10.18 20:46:39 ] Minarella > ou financer une corpo d'alt pirates pour pas avoir a mouiller son précieux main
    ?[ 2009.10.18 20:46:40 ] Minarella >
    ?[ 2009.10.18 20:47:32 ] Sleeper's > Le dual compte Mina, c'est la faute a CCP de faire un jeu aussi abouti
    ?[ 2009.10.18 20:47:59 ] Minarella > bah je trouve ca plutot bien moi
    ?[ 2009.10.18 20:48:27 ] Sleeper's > On choisit Eve Online par bon sens, on a beau voyager de Mmo's en MMo's, Eve est l'ultime
    ?[ 2009.10.18 20:49:47 ] Minarella > bon et cette wardec alors ? a-t-elle vraiment un sens ?
    ?[ 2009.10.18 20:50:14 ] Sleeper's > On peut voir ca comme une expérience grandeur nature
    ?[ 2009.10.18 20:50:46 ] Minarella > parceque tu vas pas me dire que c'est pour couler notre corpo ou je sais pas quoi, donc c'est juste pour faire du free pvp sans avoir a aller en low sec
    ?[ 2009.10.18 20:50:56 ] Minarella > oui donc on est d'accord
    ?[ 2009.10.18 20:51:18 ] Sleeper's > Du free pvp, nous serions en Factionnal
    ?[ 2009.10.18 20:51:30 ] Minarella > j'ai cru que vous nous en vouliez personnellement au début mais apparemment non
    ?[ 2009.10.18 20:51:50 ] Minarella > non trop risqué le factional warfare, vous cherchez des cibles plus faciles
    ?[ 2009.10.18 20:52:07 ] Minarella > comme le retriver a William (lol)
    ?[ 2009.10.18 20:52:20 ] Sleeper's > Des cibles plus faciles ? nous ne serions pas en wardec conter vous ^^
    ?[ 2009.10.18 20:52:35 ] William Schernie > ^^ en plus afk alors....
    ?[ 2009.10.18 20:52:44 ] Minarella > Les blue shperes devaient etre plus rentable
    ?[ 2009.10.18 20:53:08 ] Sleeper's > Nous ne sommes plus en wardec avec eux ^^ ils sont tres fair play
    ?[ 2009.10.18 20:53:52 ] Orlenda > lol
    ?[ 2009.10.18 20:53:54 ] Sleeper's > Pas d'insultes en local and co, ca nous aide a passer a autre chose
    ?[ 2009.10.18 20:53:58 ] PediCinMann > fail
    ?[ 2009.10.18 20:54:24 ] mjollnirna > ca s'appel du flame
    ?[ 2009.10.18 20:54:27 ] Minarella > on va pas vous dire merci non plus hein
    ?[ 2009.10.18 20:54:49 ] EVE System > Channel changed to Kaaputenen Local Channel
    ?[ 2009.10.18 20:59:31 ] EVE System > Channel changed to Kamio Local Channel
    ?[ 2009.10.18 20:59:40 ] Zarnaah > rofl
    ?[ 2009.10.18 21:00:01 ] Zarnaah > he woulnd even need to warp in. just pop from being a noob
    ?[ 2009.10.18 21:00:06 ] Halucard > l' est moche tn ship will
    ?[ 2009.10.18 21:00:32 ] mjollnirna > oui mais il les a tanké un bout de temps avec
    ?[ 2009.10.18 21:00:51 ] Halucard > a tanke.... le lus?
    ?[ 2009.10.18 21:01:15 ] William Schernie > oui il est carrement moche celui la
    ?[ 2009.10.18 21:01:35 ] Halucard > d' ailleur j' ai ma tete dans ton c...
    ?[ 2009.10.18 21:01:36 ] mjollnirna > les 4 habituels
    ?[ 2009.10.18 21:02:05 ] Halucard > alors c' est u bon ship
    ?[ 2009.10.18 21:02:31 ] Halucard > mais dieux, qu' il est vilain
    ?[ 2009.10.18 21:02:38 ] William Schernie > mais c'etait en bc que je les ait tanker
    ?[ 2009.10.18 21:03:26 ] Halucard > c' est bs cette horreur
    ?[ 2009.10.18 21:03:30 ] Halucard >
    ?[ 2009.10.18 21:03:50 ] William Schernie > oui ^^
    ?[ 2009.10.18 21:22:23 ] Zarnaah > can i help u Gray Bell?
    ?[ 2009.10.18 21:22:29 ] Gary Bell > can i have some ice?
    ?[ 2009.10.18 21:22:34 ] Zarnaah > no
    ?[ 2009.10.18 21:22:35 ] Gary Bell > bitch!!!!!!!
    ?[ 2009.10.18 21:22:42 ] Zarnaah > well thats not very nice
    ?[ 2009.10.18 21:22:48 ] Zarnaah > go mine it urself
    ?[ 2009.10.18 21:37:51 ] Gary Bell > lol
    ?[ 2009.10.18 21:37:58 ] Gary Bell > nice dummy thanks for the ore idiot
    ?[ 2009.10.18 21:38:18 ] acs > [Multiple Items] fitted+rigged moros.. willing to sell for 1,6bn
    ?[ 2009.10.18 21:59:29 ] Sopronia > teehee
    ?[ 2009.10.18 21:59:41 ] BuzMiner > Mooooooooo
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:01:00 ] Janos Vaas > no one wants to play with me... boooo
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:02:20 ] Janos Vaas > we've got a can over there for you guys to flip again... any takers?
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:04:29 ] none770 > im red vagina
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:04:32 ] none770 > shoot me
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:06:02 ] Janos Vaas > a red vagina? I think you need some kind of topical ointment
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:07:32 ] Sopronia > Either that or you shouldn't let us fuck you so much
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:07:39 ] Sopronia > You look sore
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:07:49 ] Janos Vaas > are we gonna circle each other and snarl all day long, of you guys gonna grow some stones and shoot someone?
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:08:32 ] AlucardZer0 > go red to someone
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:08:39 ] none770 > dude im red to u u have to fire b4 i can u fucking nub wow
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:08:41 ] AlucardZer0 > you'll see a dead abso
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:08:42 ] none770 > shut up u pussy
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:08:48 ] Janos Vaas > you were the onr born yesterday, not me
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:09:41 ] Janos Vaas > why don't you little pussy's come out to 0.0 and play with the big kids? Or... can you only attack miners?
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:10:02 ] Jude Law > Bane Rage Torpedo Blueprint
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:10:04 ] none770 > oh god honestly
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:10:07 ] none770 > im red to like ten of u
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:10:13 ] none770 > and ur to much of a pussy to fight lol
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:10:16 ] none770 > u are a vagina
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:10:19 ] Janos Vaas > yeah, but unlike your guys... we're kinda smart
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:10:28 ] Janos Vaas > /emote sniffles
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:10:30 ] none770 > no not really
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:10:32 ] none770 > ur a pussy
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:10:33 ] Janos Vaas > you called me a vagina
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:10:41 ] Janos Vaas > I'm crying now
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:11:06 ] Orlenda > good.
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:12:07 ] Janos Vaas > lol.. a Mega?
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:12:21 ] Janos Vaas > fail
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:12:43 ] Gary Bell > u guys aref ail lmao
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:12:48 ] Gary Bell > like ten of u and u run and dock lmao
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:12:49 ] Janos Vaas > all ail?
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:13:05 ] Janos Vaas > they're in mining ships? What do you expect?
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:13:11 ] Gary Bell > yeah both of the fail as pussy corps
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:13:19 ] Matsu Crunch > gf gary
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:13:23 ] Janos Vaas > english not your first language huh?
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:13:27 ] Gary Bell > yeah dock up pussy
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:13:33 ] Audeamus VI > gary bell is teh bumhole XD
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:13:47 ] Orlenda > hello pls
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:13:49 ] Janos Vaas > what's more of a pussy, someone who docks up, or someone who fights miners with ass frigs?
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:14:18 ] AlucardZer0 > no i think the vag in abso that can only talk shit is the worst
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:14:19 ] Gary Bell > someone who coems out in a cmd ship and does what docks
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:14:29 ] Gary Bell > or sits in the belt smacking
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:14:32 ] Gary Bell > ur funking fail
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:14:45 ] Janos Vaas > but as soon as one little command ship shows up, you guys stop aggressing like a bunch of pussies
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:14:52 ] Gary Bell > shoot me
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:14:58 ] Gary Bell > i cant agress u u dumb fuck
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:15:03 ] Janos Vaas > you first... clown
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:15:03 ] AlucardZer0 > nothing is red to us retard
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:15:04 ] Gary Bell > u have to shoot first
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:15:10 ] Gary Bell > ill fucking pop u shoot me
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:15:20 ] AlucardZer0 > hes a deet deet
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:15:21 ] Janos Vaas > really? it's been so long since I've killed can flipping fags
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:15:33 ] AlucardZer0 > must of bought his command ship toon off ebay or something
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:15:37 ] Gary Bell > okay well drop a can and ill take it
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:15:44 ] Gary Bell > then u shoot me and ill blow u up
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:15:46 ] Audeamus VI > hello pls
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:15:54 ] Gary Bell > lol so how much did u pay for that toon
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:16:05 ] Gary Bell > cuz u obviously dont know shit about how aggro works
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:16:06 ] Orlenda > hello pls
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:16:11 ] Janos Vaas > back in 03? nothing
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:16:15 ] Audeamus VI > hello pls
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:16:18 ] Gary Bell > yeah right
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:16:34 ] Gary Bell > drop me a can then
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:16:34 ] TanukiU > btw thanks for the salvage
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:16:36 ] Liyanna > btw gary, your iskur wreck gave crap salvage, prob reflects how worthless you are
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:16:40 ] Gary Bell > and u can shoot me u fucking vagina
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:16:49 ] Janos Vaas > /emote sniffles...
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:16:54 ] Gary Bell > wow nice insult that is funny
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:16:57 ] Janos Vaas > I guess you can't do anything huh?
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:16:58 ] Gary Bell > very hilarious
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:17:06 ] Janos Vaas > I am. I'm a comedian
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:17:08 ] Gary Bell > nope not till u fire first pussy drop me a can
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:17:25 ] Janos Vaas > why would I do that?
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:17:38 ] Gary Bell > well u smack about how we stopped shooting
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:17:41 ] Gary Bell > we never started
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:17:49 ] Audeamus VI > hello pls
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:17:50 ] Gary Bell > u came out here with that dickblower adn sat there
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:17:52 ] Janos Vaas > oh... you mean when you flipped cans?
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:17:52 ] Gary Bell > doing nothing
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:18:00 ] Gary Bell > i think that is definition of a pussy
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:18:06 ] Janos Vaas > are you upset because you got killed Gary?
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:18:14 ] Janos Vaas > whaaa, whaaaa
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:18:19 ] Gary Bell > nope sad that i dident pop u
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:18:21 ] Janos Vaas > want me to get your pacifier for you?
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:18:30 ] Janos Vaas > and you didn't did you?
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:18:35 ] Gary Bell > and sad that i managed to find another pussy in eve with alotta mouth and no action
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:18:36 ] Janos Vaas > you lost
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:18:42 ] AlucardZer0 > i want the abso shut the fuck up or fight
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:18:46 ] Gary Bell > lol af vs hac and i died lmao
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:18:55 ] Gary Bell > wow what an accomplishment
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:19:11 ] Janos Vaas > well, that goes back to my earlier point about you and your little bitch corp being fucking morons
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:19:18 ] Gary Bell > would u like em to get in an af so u might be able to kill me
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:19:22 ] Gary Bell > or perhaps a t1 frig
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:19:28 ] Janos Vaas > what moron attacks a HAC with an AF?
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:19:35 ] Gary Bell > one with help
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:19:43 ] xGradiusx > logis ftww
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:19:46 ] Gary Bell > lol humm lets see lemme link a kb for u
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:19:47 ] Janos Vaas > (Gary Bell is a moron that attacks HAC's with AF's)
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:20:00 ] Liyanna > lolerskates
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:20:02 ] Gary Bell >
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:20:03 ] Janos Vaas > you're little piece of shit corp has a KB?
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:20:05 ] Gary Bell > lets look here
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:20:10 ] AlucardZer0 > janos is a fag that talks shit and won't fight
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:20:18 ] Gary Bell > at the hacs bc and all of the above killed with an af
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:20:19 ] Liyanna > neener neener
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:20:22 ] xGradiusx > pew
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:20:25 ] Janos Vaas > in empire? that's right. Because I'm smarter than you
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:20:45 ] SW3 Taco > what is an AF?
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:20:46 ] AlucardZer0 > lol smarter, chicken same thing i guess
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:20:53 ] Janos Vaas > why don't you come out to TN25-J and we'll see who has all talk and no fight
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:21:00 ] Gary Bell > here we go come to low sec
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:21:04 ] Gary Bell > ur a doosh
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:21:09 ] AlucardZer0 > oh the come 0.0 speech
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:21:09 ] Gary Bell > fire and stop being a pussy
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:21:09 ] Liyanna > dooooooooooosh
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:21:10 ] Janos Vaas > low sec? Lmfao...
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:21:15 ] Gary Bell > unless u need friends
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:21:16 ] AlucardZer0 > all pussies say that
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:21:27 ] Gary Bell > lol
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:21:31 ] Janos Vaas > lol
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:21:36 ] Gary Bell > i love peple who say come out hee and fight in nullsec
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:21:41 ] Gary Bell > we can blob u 40 on one
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:21:43 ] Gary Bell > lol
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:21:46 ] Janos Vaas > lets all say "lol" alot to make ourselves feel better about losing in an emprie fight
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:21:57 ] AlucardZer0 > yeah deet deet and noobs
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:22:01 ] Gary Bell > it is so easy to tell someoen who has no idea what they are talking about when they start the 0.0 fight
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:22:07 ] Janos Vaas > 40 on 1? wow... I'm never seen a fleet that small
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:22:25 ] Gary Bell > ur making my point
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:22:32 ] Gary Bell > so lets bragg oh come out here fight here
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:22:35 ] Janos Vaas > how would you know Gary, I've got shit stains in my underwear older than you
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:22:36 ] Gary Bell > where my friends will pwn u
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:22:38 ] Captoris > what system are you in i wanna see this
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:22:40 ] Liyanna > welllll the point is buddy that you're a dumbass
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:22:49 ] Denaris1 > dnt lie janos your wife said that to u last night
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:22:56 ] Gary Bell > the point is that the more u tlk in local the dumber u look
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:23:00 ] SW3 Taco > he should probably wash his underwear
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:23:03 ] ViperCat > can you turn local off?
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:23:04 ] Janos Vaas > lol...
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:23:05 ] Gary Bell > u brought a bunch of guys out here for what
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:23:08 ] Gary Bell > to talk shit
    epic fail

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    Gary Fail Gary Fail Gary Fail Gary Fail Gary Fail
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    Steam ID: bunni Bunni's Originid: Dr_Bunni

    Re: Gary Fail

    [ 2009.10.18 22:23:10 ] Dezzy > lol, 'my friends will own you'
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:23:12 ] Gary Bell > and do nohting
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:23:17 ] Denaris1 > sorry m8
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:23:18 ] Gary Bell > with far superior firepower
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:23:27 ] Dezzy > so your a pet?
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:23:27 ] Janos Vaas > no... to kill can flippers. but as soon as we show up, they stop flipping cans
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:23:29 ] Denaris1 > just a passing coment
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:23:50 ] Gary Bell > i just took ur can again u fucking newb
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:23:56 ] Gary Bell > and ur rat wreak
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:24:20 ] Dezzy > WTS assault frig salvage
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:24:23 ] Denaris1 > janos i think u miss the point try taking 1 theyer cans
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:24:28 ] Janos Vaas > oh no... you took another corps can and wreck... but then again, you don't know how to fight in empire either apparently
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:24:34 ] Gary Bell > i took his
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:24:36 ] Gary Bell > he has friends
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:24:39 ] Janos Vaas > no you didn't
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:24:42 ] Gary Bell > and he still wont shoot
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:24:44 ] Gary Bell > he is a pussy
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:24:52 ] Gary Bell > umm yeah i did
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:24:55 ] Gary Bell > nice cover though
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:24:55 ] SW3 Taco > you took his stuff. that makes you a theif
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:25:04 ] Gary Bell > oh no i look like a pussy in local no u dident der
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:25:06 ] Gary Bell > ur lying der
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:25:10 ] Gary Bell > ur a fucking nub
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:25:19 ] Audeamus VI > hello pls
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:25:26 ] Janos Vaas > yeah, he's a thief. You see SW3, theives can't make it in 0.0 so they have to prey on miners and carebears in empire
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:25:32 ] Gary Bell > lol
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:25:36 ] Gary Bell > u have never ben to 0.0
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:25:42 ] Gary Bell > if u had u would no about fighting out there
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:25:43 ] Janos Vaas > I haven't?
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:25:44 ] SW3 Taco > carebear? Hey I resemble that!
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:25:48 ] Gary Bell > and that it is all 40 50 man blobs
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:25:54 ] Gary Bell > and it isnt pvp it is blob fighting
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:25:56 ] Gary Bell > and dumb
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:25:57 ] AlucardZer0 > 0.0 is boring and for noobs that blob fight
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:26:02 ] Gary Bell > ur a pussy who waont do anythign
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:26:13 ] Janos Vaas > Gary, what alliance am I in?
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:26:17 ] AlucardZer0 > stop talking like your hardcore your a chicken
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:26:21 ] Gary Bell > and WHERE ARE U
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:26:22 ] Janos Vaas > Tell, me what alliance am I in?
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:26:24 ] Audeamus VI > 0.0 is awesome, make more isk than missions XD
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:26:28 ] Gary Bell > NOT IN 0.0
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:26:36 ] Janos Vaas > I'm sorry Gary, I can't hear you, what did you say?
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:26:40 ] Audeamus VI > yup
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:26:56 ] AlucardZer0 > yeah 0.0 is great for poor noobs that want to make isk
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:26:57 ] Janos Vaas > It's easy Gary... right click => "show info"
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:27:04 ] Gary Bell > i said UR IN HIGH SEC TO
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:27:13 ] Gary Bell > TALKING SHIT ABOUT PVP WHEN U ARE SCARED TO PVP
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:27:15 ] Janos Vaas > so tell me (and all of local) what alliance am I in?
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:27:22 ] Gary Bell > A 0.0 ALLIANCE
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:27:23 ] TanukiU > gary, you might want to get off before your mom catches you raging again...
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:27:25 ] Gary Bell > AND WHERE ARE U
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:27:25 ] Janos Vaas > Not scared... just not stupid
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:27:27 ] Gary Bell > IN HIGH SEC
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:27:40 ] Liyanna > [22:22:56] Gary Bell > the point is that the more u tlk in local the dumber u look
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:27:41 ] Gary Bell > not stupid what have u done for the past 20 mins
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:27:47 ] Liyanna > [22:22:56] Gary Bell > the point is that the more u tlk in local the dumber u look
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:27:48 ] Orlenda > gary, did you forget your meds tonight?
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:27:59 ] BuzMiner > @liyanna I thought I heard that somewhere before LOL
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:28:02 ] AlucardZer0 > lol your not gonna do shit but talk big and give the come to 0.0 so my friends can blob you speech so stfu
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:28:03 ] Gary Bell > talk shit to me about how i want shoot u when u arent red to me and im red to u and ten of ur friends
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:28:14 ] Liyanna > [22:22:56] Gary Bell > the point is that the more u tlk in local the dumber u look
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:28:24 ] Janos Vaas > ooo... Gary, even the empire guys in here are talking shit about you
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:28:30 ] Janos Vaas > Are you gonna rage quit now?
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:28:31 ] SW3 Taco > what alliance? I know I know! Pick ME, I know the answer
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:28:42 ] Janos Vaas > Sw3... what alliance am I in?
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:28:47 ] SW3 Taco > kia alliance
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:28:51 ] Janos Vaas > bingo
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:28:52 ] BuzMiner > give it to us sw3 give it to us
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:29:01 ] Gary Bell >
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:29:02 ] SW3 Taco > you make little korean cars!
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:29:06 ] Gary Bell > lets see any solo km
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:29:12 ] Gary Bell > any km with less then five people on them
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:29:13 ] Audeamus VI > loool
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:29:17 ] Gary Bell > humm lets see nope dont see any
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:29:22 ] Gary Bell > nice blob work ur amazing
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:29:30 ] Gary Bell > good kd to
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:29:34 ] Gary Bell > 40 kills from 03
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:29:37 ] Liyanna > [22:22:56] Gary Bell > the point is that the more u tlk in local the dumber u look
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:29:39 ] Gary Bell > u are a hardcore badass huh
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:29:41 ] BuzMiner > Hey Gary check your wallet LOL
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:29:42 ] Janos Vaas > we are... and you're little chicken shit ass has to stay in empire because you can't hack it in 0.0
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:29:48 ] AlucardZer0 > wow what a hardcore deet deet
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:30:00 ] Gary Bell > janos u dont have any kill
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:30:01 ] BuzMiner > opppsss SW3 HE got the Dough...
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:30:11 ] Janos Vaas > it's what we scratched together from EC... which is, oh yeah... 0.0 also
    pt 2 of many

  3. Administrator Bunni's Avatar
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    Steam ID: bunni Bunni's Originid: Dr_Bunni

    Re: Gary Fail

    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:30:22 ] SW3 Taco > holy stink. Someone jave me megaISK
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:30:24 ] Janos Vaas > I don't? I no!
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:30:32 ] Gary Bell >
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:30:35 ] Gary Bell > now lets look at this
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:30:38 ] AlucardZer0 > maybe i just do play well with others
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:30:39 ] BuzMiner > Yea Janos did for getting the right answer
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:30:45 ] Gary Bell > lets check out this kd
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:30:45 ] AlucardZer0 > don't*
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:30:47 ] SW3 Taco > Thank you Sir
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:31:26 ] Janos Vaas > Did you get that from killing noobs in empire Gary?
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:31:32 ] Janos Vaas > reaaaal tough of you
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:31:41 ] Urethra Infection > dohoho
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:31:43 ] Janos Vaas > ever done any real PVP... like in 0.0?
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:31:45 ] Gary Bell > from foghting corps yep
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:31:46 ] CivilWars > Ity 5, Orca, Ret, you are a bad ass Gary.
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:31:49 ] Urethra Infection > i sense some carebears
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:31:53 ] AlucardZer0 > real pvp in 0.0?
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:31:53 ] Gary Bell > did u ever get a kill on ur own in 0.0 nope
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:31:56 ] Gary Bell > dident think so
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:32:01 ] AlucardZer0 > wow what a retard
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:32:03 ] Urethra Infection > you can pvp anywhere
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:32:07 ] Gary Bell > just alotta ima sit here and do 40 damage in the 30 person km
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:32:21 ] AlucardZer0 > 0.0 is like 90% blob fighting its gay
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:32:23 ] Gary Bell > hey civil lets look humm how many bs
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:32:28 ] Janos Vaas > lol... ah, poor baby, am getting under your skin?
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:32:29 ] Gary Bell > how many bc
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:32:30 ] Urethra Infection > when you undock you are giving permission for someone to come ruin your day, stop caring so much about internet fake money
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:32:34 ] Gary Bell > how many things in that shit af
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:32:38 ] Gary Bell > what 90 kills in it
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:32:43 ] Liyanna > [22:22:56] Gary Bell > the point is that the more u tlk in local the dumber u look
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:32:55 ] Janos Vaas > 90 kills? on retrievers and orca's.... wow, you're tough
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:32:57 ] Liyanna > that's the only right thing you said so far
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:33:00 ] Janos Vaas > can I be like you Gary?
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:33:04 ] SW3 Taco > talk more dude, I need the ISK
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:33:12 ] Liyanna > hahahaha
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:33:15 ] BuzMiner > LOLOLOLOLOLOL
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:33:19 ] Janos Vaas > are you gonna go beat up your old lady or a dog or something because you suck in EVE?
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:33:27 ] Dezzy > gary teach me to fail can flip in empire some time?
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:33:47 ] Janos Vaas > Are you yelling at the computer right now?
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:33:56 ] Janos Vaas > Are we gonna see this on youtube later?
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:34:07 ] Janos Vaas > hello... gary?
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:34:12 ] AlucardZer0 > lol what a fuck tard
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:34:15 ] Janos Vaas > Can you type faster? I'm getting bored
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:34:21 ] Sopronia > yes, gary is a fucktard
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:34:27 ] Liyanna > well said, alucard
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:34:29 ] Sopronia > I'm glad you agree Alucard
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:34:32 ] Janos Vaas > me too
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:34:58 ] Janos Vaas > Gary? Oh Gary... I'm getting lonely without you sucking my cock ... please
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:35:13 ] Janos Vaas > LOL
    [ 2009.10.18 22:35:17 ] Janos Vaas > WHAT A FUCKING IDIOT
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:35:18 ] Dezzy > lol concorded!!!
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:35:24 ] Janos Vaas > LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:35:26 ] Liyanna > HAHAHAHA
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:35:26 ] TanukiU > HAHAHAHAHAHAHAA
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:35:27 ] Dezzy > hahahaha
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:35:27 ] Liyanna > FAILMEGA
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:35:31 ] Janos Vaas > Gary got CONCORDED
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:35:45 ] Janos Vaas > LOL....
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:35:51 ] TanukiU > recorded!
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:35:54 ] SW3 Taco > ruh roh, gary just turned red.
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:35:56 ] TanukiU > goiing on youtube!
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:35:57 ] Audeamus VI > roooofl
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:35:58 ] Janos Vaas > But Gary.... what happnend?
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:36:16 ] BuzMiner > What a dumbass!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:36:16 ] Dezzy > 2x concorded
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:36:18 ] SW3 Taco > im in a mining barge. does that mean i am at risk?
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:36:22 ] Janos Vaas > Did your dumbass LOSE AGAIN?
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:36:29 ] Janos Vaas > no, you're fine
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:36:59 ] Dezzy > Gary you know theres no concord in 0.0 right?
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:37:02 ] Janos Vaas > lol Gary....
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:37:15 ] Janos Vaas > I killed someone with my brain today. how do I put that on the KB?
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:37:25 ] Audeamus VI > i think hes speechless
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:37:33 ] Gary Bell > nope just bored
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:37:36 ] Audeamus VI > either that or emo nerd rage
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:37:38 ] Gary Bell > felt liek shoting something
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:37:41 ] Janos Vaas > bored of dying?
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:37:53 ] Gary Bell > lol
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:38:01 ] Gary Bell > this from mr im not gonna shott ever just smack
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:38:03 ] CivilWars > You need to change your name to Gary Fail
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:38:19 ] Janos Vaas > But I just killed you without even firing a shot
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:38:36 ] AlucardZer0 > you didn't kill shit
    [ 2009.10.18 22:38:44 ] Janos Vaas > Gary, did you train Dickhead to V?
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:38:45 ] AlucardZer0 > post the killmail if you did?
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:38:50 ] SW3 Taco > eliminated the enemy...good. did it without expending munitions....even better. I am in the presense of greatness
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:38:59 ] Janos Vaas > thank you, thank you
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:39:36 ] Cylon 1 > oh dear the greatness of hiding behind a compueter screen... how sad
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:39:55 ] Liyanna > GARY +1 RETREIVER KILL... OH WAIT YOU FAILED
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:39:55 ] CivilWars > at least you killed the ret, right, oh wait, you failed at that too
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:39:56 ] Liyanna > HAHAHAHA
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:40:02 ] Liyanna > faillllll
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:40:16 ] Janos Vaas > well, without further ado... this concludes the end of tonights show. Please tip your waitress, Gary. She needs the ISK to buy a new Mega
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:40:48 ] SgtProzcoe > ty
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:41:48 ] Janos Vaas > there's your tip Gary
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:42:07 ] Liyanna > zing!
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:42:29 ] CivilWars > Gary, concord got your tingue?
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:42:35 ] CivilWars > *tongue?
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:43:00 ] Janos Vaas > Are you crying Gary?
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:43:07 ] Janos Vaas > Did we upset you?
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:43:18 ] SW3 Taco > if he got put into a pod, he is probably buying and fitting a new hull
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:43:28 ] Janos Vaas > maybe
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:43:43 ] Janos Vaas > surely Gary isn't THAT stupid though right?
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:44:01 ] Janos Vaas > you should log off Gary.
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:44:17 ] CivilWars > I know if I were 0-3, and couldn't even kill a retriever with a Mega, I would come back again
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:44:38 ] Janos Vaas > In fact, just sell me your account. I'll make him a janitor in my outpost
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:46:15 ] Liyanna > but cmon guys, gary was sooo brave for owning himself
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:46:17 ] Liyanna > right?
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:46:21 ] Janos Vaas > he was
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:46:27 ] none770 > lol
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:46:30 ] Dezzy > everyone loves a marytr
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:46:43 ] none770 > all i have to say is i love how there are ten people in local im red to and u wont shoot me lol
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:46:46 ] none770 > that makes me laugh
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:47:00 ] Dezzy > ask gary what to do
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:47:03 ] Dezzy > WWGD
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:47:10 ] SW3 Taco > what would i shoot youwith? mining lasers?
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:47:11 ] Janos Vaas > we'll consider this a victory for all empire miners who have ever been can flipped by a bunch of no talent pussies like Gary
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:47:23 ] none770 > god would hand u a razor blade and tell u to end it urself
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:47:34 ] none770 > lol and the best is janos
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:47:38 ] none770 > who threw out all his talk
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:47:40 ] Janos Vaas > Thank you
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:47:41 ] Dracorimus > o/

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    Steam ID: bunni Bunni's Originid: Dr_Bunni

    Re: Gary Fail

    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:47:47 ] Dracorimus > too slow assholes
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:47:47 ] Janos Vaas > and STILL KILLED PEOPLE... WITH TALK
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:47:47 ] none770 > has refused to engage just talk more and more
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:47:59 ] Dracorimus > o//
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:48:03 ] none770 > no i deff dont see u on any km
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:48:23 ] Janos Vaas > Yet... without me, Gary would still be flying around in his little Empire mega
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:48:35 ] none770 > lol gayr is getting in another right now
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:48:41 ] none770 > u should leave ur alliance so i can dec u
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:48:46 ] Janos Vaas > because he's THAT stupid
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:49:00 ] Janos Vaas > or, you could come out to 0.0 so wardecs don't matter
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:49:01 ] none770 > and then u wont be able to hide
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:49:03 ] none770 > would be fun
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:49:12 ] Janos Vaas > hide? Come to 0.0
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:49:17 ] Janos Vaas > we don't hide
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:49:22 ] none770 > janos
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:49:26 ] none770 > ive been to 0.0
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:49:31 ] none770 > have been in many allaince out there
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:49:36 ] none770 > have played on ec
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:49:43 ] none770 > ur kills took no ability at all
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:49:51 ] Janos Vaas > then you know this empire can flipping is beneath you
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:49:52 ] none770 > u sat there and locked as part of a forty man group
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:50:12 ] none770 > no empire can flipping requires ability to get a fight to pick one
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:50:18 ] none770 > to get other attacked so they can engage
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:50:23 ] none770 > 0.0 is point lock and fire
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:50:24 ] Janos Vaas > yet, you failed today didn't you
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:50:28 ] none770 > and make sure u have forty firnds
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:50:37 ] Janos Vaas > forty? try 200
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:50:39 ] none770 > see if u dident buy that toon u would know that
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:50:43 ] Liyanna > none, if you want a fight so bad, go join factoionwar or something
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:50:46 ] Janos Vaas > Buy it?
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:50:59 ] none770 > yep
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:50:59 ] Janos Vaas > From who? can you go find the thread where it was sold?
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:51:05 ] none770 > im looking at the post on the forums
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:51:07 ] Janos Vaas > go find it for me on the EVE site
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:51:18 ] CivilWars > link it
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:51:19 ] Janos Vaas > Go for it. Then you can link it for me so we can all see
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:51:29 ] Janos Vaas > link it
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:51:32 ] Janos Vaas > please link it
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:51:34 ] Liyanna > ahahha mann you and your accusations
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:51:43 ] Janos Vaas > where's the link?
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:51:45 ] Liyanna > none you fail so hard
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:52:01 ] TanukiU > its so hard fail, its epic
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:52:07 ] BuzMiner > Welcome to the Kamio Local Channel
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:52:11 ] CivilWars > I bet it's on page 37.
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:52:13 ] Janos Vaas > uh oh... did you actually just find someone in EVE who has actually been playing since 0.0?
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:52:48 ] none770 > yep
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:52:48 ] Janos Vaas > where's the link None?
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:52:59 ] none770 > the smae guy who has not a singel solo kille ver since 2003
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:53:01 ] Janos Vaas > do you know how to link stuff?
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:53:13 ] none770 > also a guy who has what 40 losses and 50 kills
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:53:14 ] none770 > lol
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:53:17 ] none770 > nice kd
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:53:20 ] Janos Vaas > lol.... how do you know this isn't my mining toon?
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:53:22 ] none770 > lol i love carebears there funny
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:53:27 ] none770 > ima add u to my address book
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:53:34 ] none770 > and when u eventully leave that nice allaince
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:53:43 ] none770 > ima gonna wardec u and make u quit eve
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:53:51 ] Liyanna > hahhhahaha
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:53:55 ] Janos Vaas > I have to leave my alliance for you to want to fight?
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:53:56 ] Liyanna > BOLD
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:53:59 ] none770 > for the simple reason that this game deserves a better class of player
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:54:03 ] Janos Vaas > I know right...
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:54:10 ] Liyanna > wow, agreed
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:54:10 ] Janos Vaas > then leave
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:54:15 ] none770 > not someone who has a mouth such as urs an such a sad attitide
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:54:24 ] Janos Vaas > because can flippers are the "better class"
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:54:33 ] CivilWars > lol, go cry more since you got beat at ur own game dumbass
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:54:35 ] none770 > can flipping gets fights
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:54:39 ] none770 > se when u fight a normal person
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:54:40 ] Janos Vaas > please don't breed none770
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:54:47 ] Janos Vaas > a normal person?
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:54:52 ] Janos Vaas > lol
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:54:54 ] none770 > they actually engage when they bring out fighting shipsnot come out with
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:54:58 ] none770 > ten guys and talk a lot
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:55:02 ] Janos Vaas > but you still died
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:55:07 ] none770 > i didetn
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:55:13 ] none770 > whne have u killed me
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:55:31 ] none770 > i have been red to ten of u for 30 min now and u are scared to shoot me
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:55:35 ] Janos Vaas > then... all you did was bring a warship to a belt and... wait for it... talk smack
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:55:38 ] Liyanna > you're already a sad, dead can flipper
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:55:51 ] none770 > no i stole from u prob ten mil in oree
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:55:55 ] none770 > and locked u but
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:56:00 ] none770 > like i said u were scared to fire
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:56:03 ] Janos Vaas > we've already won. we're just celebrating how fucking stupid you're ass is
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:56:10 ] none770 > reported thanks
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:56:15 ] none770 > have fun bye
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:56:18 ] Janos Vaas > bye
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:56:30 ] Janos Vaas > another one bites the dust
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:56:52 ] XxSOULxX > with concord on the gate ?
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:56:59 ] XxSOULxX > u got smart bombs ?
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:57:07 ] XxSOULxX > if not pointless
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:57:49 ] Janos Vaas > thank you all... have a great night
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:57:59 ] SW3 Taco > take care and thanks again
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:58:11 ] Janos Vaas > good people of EVE 1, asshat can flippers 0....
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:58:25 ] CivilWars > I just hope somebody got some vid of that to put on youtube
    ?[ 2009.10.18 22:58:35 ] CivilWars > if so evemail it to me
    ?[ 2009.10.18 23:07:26 ] Afecks > Obsidian Asylum is currently recruiting. Looking for experienced PVPers and industrialists. Convo Afecks for more details.
    ?[ 2009.10.18 23:24:25 ] Adam1337 > gf
    ?[ 2009.10.18 23:24:30 ] Adam1337 > I win :0
    ?[ 2009.10.18 23:24:34 ] Adam1337 > Have my drones :0
    ?[ 2009.10.18 23:25:42 ] Adam1337 > Good night
    ?[ 2009.10.18 23:36:27 ] Xeliya > Nocturnal Soldiers - Looking for new memebers, convo for more details!Tons of PVP, Fun, No Tax and so much more!
    ?[ 2009.10.18 23:39:52 ] El Inquisitor > 0/
    ?[ 2009.10.19 00:11:41 ] Almsy > Anyone need a fen to transport anything to Cat
    ?[ 2009.10.19 00:11:49 ] Almsy > while I am here
    ?[ 2009.10.19 00:12:35 ] Almsy > going once
    ?[ 2009.10.19 00:12:39 ] Almsy > twice
    ?[ 2009.10.19 00:12:45 ] Almsy > three times??

  5. Registered TeamPlayer Ranger10's Avatar
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    Re: Gary Fail

    Have fun reading all that...

  6. Registered TeamPlayer kyle700's Avatar
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    Re: Gary Fail

    Quote Originally Posted by Ranger10
    Have fun reading all that...
    I know I did!
    Me: "But the Gunslinger is so much more fun..."
    Langrad: "We're here to win, not to..."
    Me: "Have fun?" "Hahaha"

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    Re: Gary Fail

    please can we war dec him please!

    I vote we war dec until his corp kicks him or breaks up or he quits. Then we find his new corp and do it again

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    Re: Gary Fail

    oh and further more to his fail. the alliance he hires sucks
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