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Thread: What's your story?

  1. Registered TeamPlayer Demonofspeed07's Avatar
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    What's your story? What's your story? What's your story? What's your story? What's your story?
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    Gamertag: demonofspeed83 Steam ID: demonofspeed07 Demonofspeed07's Originid: Demonofspeed07

    What's your story?

    Hello PHX and friends! I'm glad I can still log in and I wanted to see how everyone has been holding up over the years. I just have a boring story of an aging man just trying to support my big family but I just can't seem to find the right career path for me. I would love to her an update from my people so just give us a peak into how things are with you if you see this. Also if there is a better way to communicate that I don't know about LMK!

  2. Registered TeamPlayer SpecOpsScott's Avatar
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    What's your story? What's your story? What's your story? What's your story? What's your story? What's your story?
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    PSN ID: Spec_Ops_Scott Steam ID: SpecOpsScott SpecOpsScott's Originid: SpecOpsScott

    Re: What's your story?

    Dude, the shit i could tell you. Its been a long time. I havent gamed with anyone in over a year, and only for about a 6 month period since Oct 2021. My youngest son died in the pandemic, from Covid. It has thrust his brother, my wife and my self into the deepest darkest depression you could imagine. We spent about a year in shock, just surviving. During that time, my extended family started to fall apart, mental illness the root cause. The current situation is that my niece and nephew, both teens, are living with us, my wife has full legal and physical custody. What we learned from these kids, and what we have seen from their parents just sickens us. Shit, im in my 50s now, i could see retirement on the horizon, now we are defacto parents again! LOL, life is funny. I wish i could hang with you guys in discord, gaming has always been my escape, but, the events of the last couple of years have changed me in ways that im just now learning to deal with. The good news is the fact that im sharing this, shows there might be some hope for the return of Scott some time in the future. There was a couple of other good things too, i hope to share all that in the future. See ya.

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