So over the past year our clan has had its ups and downs, with players coming and going, lands being won after months of trying but not being able to hold, and of course we have active and inactive players. We have not had a strong clan wars team in sometime. I take the blame for that myself since I am unable to play as much as I once did. And considering I do most the recruiting we have only had a trickle of new faces coming in. I have assigned episode29 as a recruiter and he has gotten a few new faces. Gungunus is in the process of bringing a clan over to join our ranks. They have 27 players but I doubt they are all active. With the influx of these new players we should be able to field a full clan wars team of top tier tanks once again. Even with good numbers participating we do not need to sit back on the recruiting front. We need to keep building until we hit a full clan of ACTIVE players. Many people out there enjoy playing with a good tight knit group of players and many want to test their luck on the global map. I would like this clan to be able to accommodate that. So if you find yourself playing, and others in our clan are on, perhaps people you haven't played with before, platoon up with them, make them welcome, get them on teamspeak, and if you see a quality player or two on either side when playing that are unclanned, pass their name on to me or episode29 or any of the deputy commanders to recruit.

Let's make 2014 a big year for SMART.