My dual Raptor Raid setup was starting to run low on space for all the Steam games I have downloaded. Now we all know Steam should have come out with a tool by now that would allow us to partition or move downloaded games to another drive other than the drive that Steam runs on, but they haven't. It is one of the biggest complaints with Steam. Sure some people will say run Steam from your bigger hard drive or other multiple options that you have already thought of, but some have moved into using SSD and we all know how much those babies cost p/gig and yet the reason some bought them were for fast load times.

I am not a computer genius or anything and I have been searching for an answer for Steams "so called" issue. I looked into junctures and mklink and linkd and so on...until I ran across this fine little tool that has been working great for me on Windows 7. It moves the actual game files (steamapps) to your secondary drive (or what ever drive you want) and stores the files there instead of taking up space in your valuable main drive space. Simply put, it makes Steam think that the files are on drive C: when they are actually on your backup/storage drive.

Use this at your own risk, I am just informing you of a product that I think works well for me.
Here are a few links to their website and a steam article where I found it on the last page. You should probably read the whole article for a base of knowledge. or
