Here is what I threw together since War is wiping server today.
Consider creating a sticky thread in this forum for our server rules.
Also a sticky thread for reporting problem players.

We are a friendly group of players that enjoy PvP & PvE. Keep in mind this is a PVP server, so while we are friendly and helpful we are all always aware that at any moment we can/will be raided or killed (so be prepared!).


- No harassment or hate speech in global chat
- No griefing or excessive camping of players
- Refrain from PvP against low level players
- PVO Allowed (killing players/pets & raiding while offline is allowed – so lock up your stuff)
- Excessive base demolishing is not permitted*

*Destroying what is necessary to raid a base (i.e. killing pets, gates, walls, turrets, etc.) is allowed. Refrain from complete base destruction or destroying special structures (i.e. Beds, Fabricators, Forges, etc.). We understand AOE destruction may happen and this is permitted, we simply ask you are not excessive.


- To report issues post in forums (please provide a screenshot if possible & detailed information for admins to review).

Provide your thoughts. I didn't want to be too strict with the rules from the start, we can always add later so I kept it general. For the most part I believe we will set the tone for others on the server so this is just in case crazies get in.

- Meena