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Thread: Your Favorite Arma 3 Experiences

  1. Registered TeamPlayer [F.E.A.R]Insomnia's Avatar
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    Your Favorite Arma 3 Experiences

    I feel like there should be a thread where we describe our favorite experiences in the TPG server.

    One of my favorite moments in Arma 3 was when I and my two friends tried to take an APC from a mission. Little did we know, Nuckle was right beside the APC. We drove up and thought that the area was clear. We killed the AIs, and as soon as the mission was successful, the APC shot and killed all three of us. For the next hour or so, we started bombarding Nuckle with every vehicle we could find, attempting to flip him. We may have failed miserably, but it was one of the funnest times I've had playing on the server.

  2. Registered TeamPlayer Echelon's Avatar
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    Re: Your Favorite Arma 3 Experiences

    I run with a lot of the same people each time I play. Pretty much anytime that we have all of us on are great fun.

    One of my favorite moments though was when I decided to get hammered while playing. I often drive for the team and this particular night I was demanding it. After a few horrible wrecks, everyone stopped letting me drive. So whenever we got to an objective and they all hopped out to load crates, I took the drivers seat. My driving got so bad that they were always in a 2nd vehicle and the driver would rarely get out.

    I had to call for multiple pickups as I would be following them along and wipe out. I was just sad they wouldn't let me anywhere near the Little Bird.
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  3. Registered TeamPlayer Tactical Tortoise's Avatar
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    Re: Your Favorite Arma 3 Experiences

    My Favorite Moments:

    A Four Minute Seat Swapping Massacre

    At the crossroads just southeast of Maxwell.
    2 damaged hunters and other various vehicles all missing wheels just sitting there. All the vehicles where disabled. I see an enemy hunter coming towards me on the road from the south west(girna) so i get into one of the hunters and keep the engine off hoping they will pass by. the hunter pulls up and 2 guys get out to check my hunter for weapons, they then check the other vehicles. While they are still lloting I hear in Direct "lets Tow these hunters"," yeah you take one ill take the other"

    I was like OH shit they are gonna find me now...
    So I've got nothing to lose, once they notice I'm in the hunter I'm done for. They were on opposite sides of my hunter but i figured id try to take out at least one with my pistol. I could see one guy found a rifle in one of the vehicles and it was still on his back, so switched to the passenger seat and hoped out took him out first. an easy kill(1) While the second man trying to quickly exit the loot menu i hopped back into the passenger side seat. the second man came around the vehicle looking for me and trying to figure out what just happened to his buddy. just before the first guy re spawned i heard him say "Get my rifle, hes somewhere close" they had no idea just how close.

    the second man looked around a bit and couldn't find me so after about 20 seconds he got down to try and get the rifle off his buddies body. I swapped the the drivers side got out and went prone. the guy was still fumbling trying to get the rifle into his hands when i shot him from under the vehicle.(2) Crawled forward and grabbed the rifle. while i was rearming my mags i overhear his dying words" Hes under the fucking Hunter!!Guys someone come down here and get him!!! hes right beside base!!"

    Five seconds later I start taking fire from Maxwell. I don't know where they are so I fire off a few rounds up the hill hopping to buy myself a few seconds to get behind and into the mobile hunter they pulled up in. I make it to the cover of the vehicle get in the passenger side and as I'm hopping seats they realize where ive gone and open up. they take out my front tires.. I'm Immobile again. But i can see where the shots are coming from now. There are two more enemies slowly walking down about halfway up the hill towards Maxwell. and i can see another armored Hunter just coming over the top of the hill dodging rocks and trees to get to me. as the hunter rolls by the two infantry, they stop firing and get up and start moving in behind it. Now's my chance.

    I've got a nice rifle now Just iron sights but its got more power than my pistol. I swap back the the passenger side to and get out. The hunter is still coming but slowly, its trying to preserve its tires, it doesn't want to hit any rocks and be stranded. I lay down there is a broken offroad just to the rear of the drivers side door preventing me from shooting under my hunter. I have to use the front end of the vehicle as cover and peek around. Three quick shots at the first guy running in the open and i duck back in. He dropped instantly(3). His friend finds cover behind a rock fires two shots but cant hit me. One shot from me and hes rolls over, the rock wasn't big enough(4).

    The hunter is about 100m away now and is in the open and moving fast. I can see at least two occupants in the front seats driver and passenger. I stand up trying to figure out what to do next, run or hide. I fumble to get back in the passenger side of the closest vehicle just as the enemy hunter pulls around almost squashing me against the door. Three men get out, but i can still see the driver in his seat. Four more enemies fuck me. I can hear them yelling "hes inside that hunter, Pin him in, He's not going anywhere" the driver keeps his vehicle pinned against my passenger door. and the 3 guys on foot move to the back and start out my rear tires. The offroad is still there and blocks the three guys view of me swapping to the drivers side and getting out. i switch to full auto and go around the offroad, two of them are reload and the third is still trying to take out my one last tire. I take the two re loaders out first they are closest and the third guy will have to reload shortly after wasting ammo on teh tires. it takes my entire mag and they are looking right at me shouting "HE'S OUT, HE'S OUT!!! but all three of them fall to the ground(5)(6)(7).The driver of the enemy hunter gets out while im reloading,"Fuck guys Kill HIM!" but im to fast i'v ducked behind the offroad again, and he has to chase me around the broken vehicles get all the way around to the driver side of his operational hunter hop in and rev the engine. I back over the previous driver knocking him to the ground, hes not dead but hes down.I'm about to turn and drive away when another enemy vehicle Plows into my side pushing me sideways. I get credit for killing the old driver on the ground as his friends push me over top of him(8)

    I'M still mobile but i don't get far, only 20 meters or so, before a second enemy vehicle coming done the hill from Maxwell hits me again taking out a single front tire. I can still move, but not in a straight line.Both enemy vehicles are trying to pin me against the rocks just off to the west of the crossroads. enemy infantry are trying to get out of the vehicles but the drivers wont stop moving while i wrestle with them and knock some of their teammates over. I loose track of the number of enemies on the ground there are at least 5 more including the drivers I'm completely surrounded and they have managed to pin me down. hunter behind me preventing me from backing up but the hunter pinning my drivers front side has given me just enough space to get out of my door. my drivers door and the enemy passenger door are feet way from each other. When the enemy driver gets out the opposite side of his vehicle i hop out of my drivers door and right into his passenger side, there are so many people running around the vehicles they don't notice that ive switched vehicles again they are still shooting at the old one. one of the guys has a machine gun and is unloading into the engine of the vehicle i was in moments ago" Get clear I'm just going to go full auto into the engine and blow it up!"I'm in a fresh vehicle and with all the confusion of teammates running them over by accident it takes them a moment to realize that one of the Hunters is purposely trying to run them over now. Im able to back over tow guys on he rocks behind me and get two kills(9)(10) Just as the last vehicle i was in explodes from the machine gun fire. The explosion destroys the my tires and kills at least two of their own. i'm not dead but ive taken health damage, i get out and RUN north east to the bushes and trees just off the road.

    They are looking for me "where is he, where the fuck did he go?, his vehicle exploded hes dead"., things go quiet for 2 seconds. Im hiding in a bush using a first aid kit Two meters off the road, the enemy is everywhere. just as i finish healing and pull out my gun "HE'S IN THE FUCKING BUSH! RIGHT HERE" yelled right in my ear. I spin we exchange a couple shots. Im hit again but the guys yells in my ear again"WHAT THE FUCK GUYS ITS ONE GUY, WHY CANT WE.... his voice cuts out he's dead(11), I turn back they heard my shots they know where i am. the bush provides just enough protection for me to get one last kill on an enemy trying to get in and hide in the passenger seat of the last operational hunter(12). Surrounded, i wound at least tow more enemies before im finally taken down.

    Im dead. my chest is still pounding...
    Before I black out and re-spawn
    "For fucks sake guys hes ONE guy and he killed everyone on our team, SOME OF YOU TWICE!"
    my chest is still pounding

    single handed took down an entire team TWICE in Four minutes.
    Last edited by Tactical Tortoise; 09-20-13 at 12:38 PM.

  4. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: Your Favorite Arma 3 Experiences

    No TLR, that was riveting! lol. Good write-up Turtle!

  5. Registered TeamPlayer Echelon's Avatar
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    Re: Your Favorite Arma 3 Experiences

    I want to change mine. I was on an Altis Wasteland server the other night with Archangel and Surgeon. We roll up in some small town, driving a hunter. They both yell Kaymesh (Infantry Fighting Vehicle) and bail out into the houses. I say where, so I could get the truck to safety but it was too late. I ate some 40mm shots and exploded into tiny pieces.

    So I spawn at a nearby town on other Opfor. I find a quad real fast and make the 1.2km drive (that is close on Altis). I get back and run into a building near where I died to see if I could get my gear. Somehow he saw me and I ate more 40mm shots.

    So I spawn AGAIN at that town (very agitated). I walk around for a minute or two and finally get a Cargo (Box) Truck. Thing is slow and handles like trash. (I put it on its side twice on the drive back). But I take a new route up on a hill overlooking the town. Midway back Surgeon gets discovered and killed.

    So I am hurrying as if Archangel went down we were going to lose our money/gear. I get to the hilltop and look down. The Kaymesh is on the main (paved) road looking kind of away from me. So I fly down the mountain and hit the main road. Archangel says the Kaymesh found him and he is going to be dead soon. So I had to act fast......

    At full speed I ram the Kaymesh from behind. Instantly killing the driver and gunner. I start laughing at their bodies falling out I take too long ejecting. I made it one step before both the Kaymesh and the Box Truck explode. It was worth it though as we kept our 25k and our gear.
    I never miss. I simply fire warning shots.

  6. Registered TeamPlayer [F.E.A.R]Insomnia's Avatar
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    Re: Your Favorite Arma 3 Experiences

    So, something happened yesterday that was just beautiful. I had gotten into a Strider and was driving to pick up my two friends. Down the road, I saw a dust trail of someone driving. It was a random guy named "Thomas" on a quad hauling ass down the road. I quickly got behind him and was in hot pursuit. About two minutes of following a white offroad just randomly spawns directly in front of him causing him to smash into it and then me right behind him at about 100 km/h. I managed to drive away unharmed right when the offroad and quad exploded. I don't believe I have ever laughed harder in my entire life.
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  7. Registered TeamPlayer Talkos's Avatar
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    Re: Your Favorite Arma 3 Experiences

    This wasn't specifically on the TPG server, but I feel the need to share it because it was pretty cool. There were about 30 players in a platoon sized unit.

    So after a road convoy in hunters and trucks from our previous AO we were tasked with clearing out a city and suppressing an AT unit. I'm leading a fireteam within Alpha squad when the lead elements at the edge of the city start taking fire from the fields to the NE. There's a forested hill up to the NW that I think we can get line of sight and fire on the enemies. So I lead my guys up there, only to find the enemy had been trying to occupy it as well, there's a short and intense close quarters firefight in the woods until we make it to the top with some remnants of Bravo squad, and we start firing for effect. Extreme range but we suppress the AT position, well the enemy starts assaulting our hill again, and my fireteam takes the brunt of it, everyone respawns as the medic is overwhelmed.

    My fireteam and some of the other casualties board the next chopper in, I take command since I'm the only team leader of the bunch, the rest are remnants of various teams. I see that Alpha and the rest of the Platoon have moved up to the hill, and they're being assaulted on all sides from the radio chatter. I start talking to the Pilot of the chopper, seeing how bold he wanted to be, he replied that he's a pilot, of course he's ready to be bold! So I tell him that there's a small clearing on top of the hill.

    As we come in we keep getting casualty reports, and that the guys on the hill are running low on ammo. I can't help but be reminded of Dien Bien Phu as we approach the hill, and wonder if there will be anyone left alive by the time we land. The chopper starts taking fire and one of my men gets shot out from the back, but the rest of us, about 2 fireteams worth make it down right into the middle of the firefight. We lay down suppressing fire for the medics who are working on the backlog of casualties and blunt the assault. The reinforcements turn the tide and we held the hill. I ended up dying and leaving soon after as I led an assault on a house the enemy was using as a sniping position, but WE HELD GODDAMMIT!
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  8. Registered TeamPlayer SgtRazor's Avatar
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    Re: Your Favorite Arma 3 Experiences

    I'd like to thank Hamstring for a fun game of cat and mouse. I was in a jet scouting around for enemy vehicles. I'd taken out a few objectives, and had a little under half my main gun ammo left, one ATG, one bomb, and 2 AA missiles left when I came across ham in his Little Bird. A few passes getting properly lined up and down he went thanks to the AA, payback for him and Tutrle destroying my Little Bird.

    An objective spawned in the NE corner so I start making my way there and I get an enemy blimp on my radar in a town. I take a turn and line up and drop on a bomb at the gun store. Unfortunately it lands short and I see an iffirt/hunter (hard to tell going so fast) fly out of there and Ham types out "no you don't." So it is on. We spend the next 30 minutes playing cat and mouse in the NE mountains till I finally run out of ammo. Just when I do he finds a tank.

    I leave to go scout the other airfields for another jet or chopper but no such luck. So what I am supposed to do with an empty jet? Exactly. I head back to his last position and I pick him up on radar again. One quick pass to confirm his location and I turn around and aim straight at him. His machine gun is unloading but all his shots are missing. And I maneuvered to have as much closing speed as possible so by the time he was able to confirm my intentions and hop out, the jet was already becoming one with the tank in a glorious fireball of death.
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  9. Registered TeamPlayer Merritt's Avatar
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    Gamertag: Slick54978 PSN ID: dslayer30 Steam ID: Merritt8 Merritt's Originid: Merritt8

    Re: Your Favorite Arma 3 Experiences

    Haha Hammy

    Sent from out back behind the shed

  10. Registered TeamPlayer Echelon's Avatar
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    Gamertag: Echelon4 Steam ID: Echelon4 Echelon's Originid: Echelon4

    Re: Your Favorite Arma 3 Experiences

    Last night I logged on Stratis server (relatively low pop). Cache popped up within a few minutes of logging in. I start heading that way. I cut off road to get there faster and almost broadside a hummingbird. So I stop and hop in and lift my ifrit along for the ride. I get to the cache to see it already being taken and take heavy LMG fire, so I bug out south.

    I was in the air for all of 2 minutes when rocket from airbase gun store drops me. Lenymo calls out that there is a base at the gunstore and they have an Armed Orca, Kajman, Hummingbird, and a Supply Truck. So we move on the next cache and secure it. We head to the ridge line south of the Airbase gunstore (I want revenge). We both grab PCML. His first rocket locks on to a person (no joke) wanting to see if it worked he fired. (it did). I hit the Kajman with 2 PCML and take it out.

    Lenymo then set up on overwatch while I took my Ifrit and Explosive charges to do more dmg. I explode the Armed Orca and Hummingbird. Another Indie clears out a couple Opfor and Lenymo dropped him. I run into the base and grab a RPG since I am out of PCML ammo. I then shoot there Supply Truck and Explosive Charge the green building.

    We both then bug out leaving their base in absolute ruin. In search of more explosives. (We found more.... LOTS more.) We head to Marina Cemetary and post up to see if Opfor came back yet. They are having a small scuffle with the Indie from earlier. Lenymo AGAIN locks a person with PCML. I am using SOS and zoom in on the player. It was funny watching him run around. He turned just in time to get hit in the face with a PCML. (To bad I wasn't recording.)

    Fun time. And I learned that it is possible to lock players (not in vehicles) with a PCML. I will have to toy with that some. Merritt want to come "test" it with me?
    I never miss. I simply fire warning shots.

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