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Thread: BF2142 Billboard contest

  1. Devious Tyrant
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    [RP] Strange Product Recalls

    The F.E.A.R. team members sat motionless, waiting for the capsule to come down. When it didn't, the elite soldiers began to worry. Finally, the commander decided to contact command.

    Alpha Team Leader: Nelson, what the hell's going on? Where's the capsule?
    H.M.S. Nelson: Alpha Team, the capsule has encountered technical problems. You may need to infiltrate the facility from the surface.
    Alpha Team Leader: Negative. All surface entrances have been destroyed. Nelson, you may need to use your 16" guns to open up a hole. The tungsten armored piecing rounds from the Advanced Gun System might be able to open up a hole large enough.
    H.M.S. Nelson: We've already considered that. We will wait for the capsule before resulting to shooting.
    Alpha Team Commander: Damn-it. Roger that, Nelson.

    Suddenly, the capsule impacts the Earth.

    Alpha Team Commander: Shit, Nelson, capsule has made contact! We are breaching the facility!
    H.M.S. Nelson: Go!
    Alpha Team Commander: (to his troops) Alright you magnificent bastards, let's do this!

    Both Alpha and Delta teams rise up from their positions and run over the large hole that's been opened up into the facility. As Alpha team advances into the facility, Delta team stays behind and attempts to ascertain what happened to the soldiers inside the capsule.

    Delta Team Soldier: Yo, anybody in there?

  2. Devious Tyrant
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    The Area around the capsule Lights up with gunfire from almost all directions.

    A Monkey Poo solider says amidst the flurry of bullets:

    "This is the air heater complex! The control center is about 4 floors below us! We will have to fight our way down, however, the Base is on high alert and we can expect extremely fierce resistance!"

    Moments later, he is killed by a headshot.

  3. Devious Tyrant
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    The Cenobite forces ducked down as the Monkey Poo soldier's body hit the ground.

    The two Cenobite teams, positioned on opposite sides of the capsule, exchanged hand gestures with each other and the Monkey Poo soldiers. There was no time to waste.

    Two Cenobite soldiers laid flat on the ground with their guns pointed at the left side door. A Monkey Poo soldier near the door pushed a large red button that began to lower the door as Cenobite and Monkey Poo soldiers on both sides tossed grenades out the entrance. The pinging against the door stopped and some shouting was heard before a serious of explosions. When the door was nearly half way open, the two Cenobite soldiers opened fire.

    As the smoke cleared, the Cenobites spotted a hallway almost parallel with the capsule's door. The path was clear. That looked like their best chance.

    There were still a lot of enemy forces positioned to the right and left of the door that were just waiting to pick off anyone who tried to make it to the hallway. They would need a distraction to divert their attention for a few seconds.

    The Cenobites began to eye the dead Monkey Poo soldier on the ground.

  4. Devious Tyrant
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    [RP] Strange Product Recalls

    Alpha Team moved deeper into the facility. Thus far they had encountered no resistance. The sound of gunfire reverberated through the hallways, but no one was shooting at them.

    Alpha Team Soldier: Sir, this feel like a trap to you?
    Commander: Yep.
    Alpha Team Soldier: So then, what's our next move?
    Commander: Spring the trap.

    Alpha Team continued to move into the facility, until they came upon a massive ten ton blast door at the end of a T-junction. The Commander motioned for his demolitions expert to move up and see what he could do about the impediment. As the team members took up defensive positions around the door, gunfire erupted for all three sides. The trap had been sprung.

    Meanwhile, Delta Team made its way down the tunnel bored-out by the capsule. The sound of gunfire invoked caution into their steady advance. As they neared the capsule, a soldier darted out from behind a corner and targeted the Delta Team soldiers, who in turn targeted him. The soldier, a Cenobite, smiled and lowered his weapon. Delta Team moved up and took positions amongst the Cenobites.

    Delta Team Commander: Hogging all the fun?
    Cenobite Commander: Fun doesn't do justice. This is damned exhilarating.
    Delta Team Commander: Yeah, but it won't be unless we blow this place to hell. We need to get to that super weapon.
    Cenobite Commander: We're preparing to move through that corridor, but there's soldiers set up in ambush positions all along the way.

    The Delta Team commander looks at the dead FMP soldier.

    Delta Team Commander: You thinking what I'm thinking?

  5. Devious Tyrant
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    Using Previously gathered info on this complex, FMP forces have devised a plan to reach the weapon. We should use this.

  6. Devious Tyrant
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    A Cenobite and Delta Team soldier picked up the dead FMP soldier as the rest of the allied force moved into position. With a mighty heave, they flung the soldier into the middle of the corridor. The corridor immediately lit up with gunfire. The body provided a short distraction that enabled the allied force to enter the corridor and start eliminating the enemy threat. Before long, the corridor was clear and the force was standing in front of the emergency power plant.

    Cenobite Commander: Which way should we go?

    FMP Commander (holding map): We should head north toward the fan room.

    Cenobite Commander: Alright. Who wants to lead the way?

  7. Devious Tyrant
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    The Delta Commander looked back at the Cenobite Commander:

    Delta Commander: We'll take point. We'll run up to that wall, then turn around and cover your advance. You'll run up to the next hallway and then cover us. We'll repeat this until we get to that fan room.
    Cenobite Commander: Got it. Let's move. We don't have much time.

    [align='center']* * *[/align]
    Alpha Team
    Somewhere Ahead of Delta Team

    The firefight has intensified since the start of the ambush. Two FEAR soldiers have been hit, one critically. The bodies of many enemy soldiers lie dead in the corridors, victims of the deadly accurate fire of the FEAR soldiers. Meanwhile, the teams demolitions expert continues to work on the large door impeding their progress.

    Alpha 1: Well this is fucked!
    Alpha 2: motions to the wound in his leg Yeah, just like me!
    Team Commander: Alpha 4, what's your status?
    Alpha 4: Almost done. Setting the last charge now.
    Team Commander: Alpha's 3 and 5, toss all of your grenades down those corridors. Alpha 1, pop smoke.

    The soldiers throw more than a dozen grenades. Multiple explosions rock the corridors, after which the gunfire dies down considerably. Alpha 1 throws a smoke bomb down each corridor, which soon blocks all visibility down the two hallways. As the smoke thickens, Alpha 4 runs back to the Commander's position.

    Team Commander: Ready to make that door go away?
    Alpha 4: Yes sir!
    Team Commander: Team, take cover!
    Alpha 4: Fire in the hole!

    Alpha 4 detonates the explosives, blowing the door clean off its hinges and blanketing the area with dense smoke.

    Team Commander: Into the breach!

  8. Devious Tyrant
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    [RP] Strange Product Recalls

    OOC: It's been quiet in here lately.

  9. Devious Tyrant
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    OOC: Well, I've been waiting for you to make the next move.

  10. Devious Tyrant
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    OOC: fine then.

    I'll have something tomorrow.

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