Quote Originally Posted by REMY View Post
LOL Yeah, I knew but still forget in the heat of battle about which way to get out. As for the 2nd gun, I prefer the light machine gun just cause it doesn't require reloading, so no down time.
What do you mean doesn't require reloading? It does overheat if you lay the hammer down... the HMG can be unloaded constantly without overheating.

Quote Originally Posted by REMY View Post
I did not know about repair action of the main gunner repairing the reactive. Just getting out and getting back in. Very Nice Tips, Xfactor.
I see this getting nerfed now... doesn't it basically make it invulnerable if you can pop in and out?

Quote Originally Posted by REMY View Post
One thing that I will attest to the most is the part about "is having a good repair guy with you". I'm only as good as the guys who keep me up. I Have had some great guys repairing me that allows me to do my thing in tanks.
I like being Remy's repair bitch. Now that I know how to bail properly, I 'll be less likely to get killed... just don't wash it in the Seine

Quote Originally Posted by REMY View Post
I hope more peeps listen hard to the part about cover the tank's SIX, when sitting in gunners seat. Anyone who ever rides with me usually hears that nonstop on teamspeak. But the ones that aren't in TS with you and looks every place where I am shooting, get's me heated.
I like riding with you when I've got proximity scanners running. Sometimes it's easy to get caught up in the heat of battle though.