
I don't know what others have noticed but to me it seems that when we prime the BF4 servers one of two things happens. 1. We prime the Rush/Oblit server first and it stays full for a while and then the 64-man server gets primed and we have two servers going. or 2. We prime one server and the other sits empty all night.

So I think we need to start thinking of some ideas to get more regulars, specifically 32-man regulars. Most of the people here I think would choose to play the 64-man over the 32 on most nights so I think we just need to get those OTHER guys that are more interested in the smaller matches.

Personally I think dropping rush for conquest would help out a lot, rush just doesn't seem popular enough to me even though I love it. So what ideas do people have in getting more people playing on the servers? The one I have is offering up some prize to people who play X hours on our 32-man server. At least 20+ hours in a months time. Get people playing and seeing what our community is like. I'm sure there are better ideas out there so lets hear them!