So, it came to my attention a while back that a lot of people still don't know about the Test Range in BF4. All you have to do is go to the multiplayer drop-down in Battlelog and click on Test Range, and click Play Now.

You're limited to all the items you have currently unlocked, and every vehicle is available for usage. There are also enemy vehicles that you can use to practice tactics on, though they won't be firing back at you like a real player would.

I spend most of my time at the main spawn which has a shooting gallery that goes back to 100m (sane engagement distances in BF4). The explosive barrels mixed in with the targets aren't just for decoration though. The two closest and the furthest one between all the targets respawn and have 125 health, meaning you can use them as time-to-kill practice for any weapon of your choosing. If the barrel lights on fire, you would have dealt 100 damage to a player, thus killing him/her.

My most common test of a weapon is making sure that it's viable up to a range of 100m on full-auto or burst. If you can consistently destroy the furthest respawning barrel with more than 19 shots remaining from an M416 (in full-auto), then congratulations, you're a better shooter than me. Added challenge to do it with more than 17 shots remaining from the shooting clay scaffolding behind the main spawn.

Speaking of, hitting the green button on that scaffolding spawns and launches a pair of green barrels that explode in one shot from any weapon. I find it useful for making sure that I can estimate target speed and trajectory without environmental aid.

Along the shooting range is also every pick-up weapon, though their respawn times are a bit longer than normal. And remember, the explosive barrels have 125 health, so the .50 cal rifles won't destroy them in one shot. I tend to play around with my positioning in relation to the barrels to test out shooting someone who is only partially exposed. Usually you can go to the right and down onto the beach and fire up onto the furthest respawning barrel which will be partially obscured by the sand.

TL:DR, there's a shooting range in the Multiplayer drop down. It's useful for testing out kit setups and honing your aim.