Much the same as what salty has said. I have also had limited time, but maybe one of the people who have played the most hours so far.

I am able to run everything at Ultra settings 1080p at 60-140 fps on an Original Titan. (I haven't had access to my titan X machine for a while, as the wife has taken over the theater room) I disable motion blur and depth of field settings (they annoy me). My field of view I set to 90 degrees to make it match every other shooter I play. And other than some customization of hit/head/kill marker colors thats about all I have changed.
The graphics are amazing plainly said, though the servers are not 100% stable, I have been rubber banding on servers I have <35ms ping to. So there is something going on there. But that has only been on the 18th, before then it was fine. So it might just be the large inrush of players and the spinning up of new servers causing the issue.

The game is very fun, I love the maps, the guns are varied. And I just realized recently that even the pistol selection differs between classes.
Gun customization has taken a step back from what BF4 offered, but it is perhaps more accurate to the time period. But I dislike the new skin coloring system used for battlepacks, not enough variety yet, no customization at all.
No customization of your soldier, uniform, colors, nothing. From what I can see there is one character model per class per faction. A big step back from BF4, uniforms were quite different for the WW1 era, or at least I think it was, correct me if I am wrong there. An opportunity missed I think.

I'll write more when I have time, but what little time i have I want to be playing the game not talking about it. See you all in there.