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Thread: Ban/Kicked

  1. Community Staff
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kagato View Post
    I didn't suggest it. But I'm pretty sure you could find RPGs scattered around with military personnel everywhere without many stretches in the logic department. You should have gone with another angle considering pipe bombs and uzis throw a wrench into your argument.
    Not necessarily, in America, Uzi's are heavily prevalant among criminals, and in the pipe bombs are said to be home made bombs, rigged with flashing lights and sounds. Easily home-made. AR-15's are also really prevalant among gun owners in America as well, easily able to be rigged into fully automatic weapons. Ruger-14's are also common place.

    RPG's are extremely unrealistic as 1) the U.S. Government doesn't use it with the exception of Army special forces, who are trained with the Indigenous population and their weaponary. Seeing that this takes place within the US (assuming, due to everyones accent..), the U.S. army wouldn't never use RPGs, if anything they'd used AT-4s. 2) The army would have no reason to bring any of these weapons into a zombie warzone (assuming they did not know about tanks). 2) It would add absolutely no element towards the game, neverrmind the Friendly firing possibility and since half the population of this game have the maturity of an 11 year old middle schooler.

    Basically, most games in this game can be attributed towards civilian owned/made weapons.

  2. Community Staff
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kagato View Post

    Moving on..

    Pipe bombs are about as feasible as a flame thrower or RPG. Pretty sure making a homemade flamethrower out of aerosol and other flammable material and making a bomb that attracts zombies out of beeping objects and a fairly complex bomb design for a homemade explosive fall under the same category.

    Finding a propellant for the rocket would be the hardest thing to do. I'd much rather prefer a homemade grenade launcher that stores molotovs and pipe bombs for later use or upgraded pistols but I don't see any logical flaws in a flamethrower or RPG looking at some of the games Valve has worked with in the past.
    It's called an example, if you actually read my posts you'll see the main theme of my post, was map-specific weapons. By doing this, this adds to my argument of immersion. Sure, a person could Theoretically make an IBDM if they felt so inclined. But lets face it - stuffing fertalizer and chemicals into a metallic tube and putting a flashing and beeping light is way easier than making a rocket launcher.

    Well since you seem so eager to pick through my posts, you'll note I specifically mentioned RPG's and not Flamethrowers as flamethrowers have been home-made many times before, and legally. The only thing is these home-made flamethrowers are wildly inefficient due to their lack of napalm/liquid based flames.

    But for the sake of amusing your point, if they did add "Rocket launchers" and Flamethrowers, would you really think it'd make a better game?

    I don't care about if its an MP-5, Skorpion, or a UMP, I'd just like a Tier-2 SMG and map-specific weapons.

    Also, please note I did not flame his idea, just merely asking for him to elaborate on why exactly he wants it. For all I know, he has a really genius explanation, and I would acknowledge that. I'm just curious if he's saying it because it "sounds cool" or because he really thinks it''d add to the game in a positive manner.

  3. Hi, my name is...
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    i all for a chainsaw or maybe even a bow and arrow just make it so it can go through people, or use gasoline (useless anyway) to tip the arrows in to make them fire (i know unrealistic to just a have a fire started like that but hey it's a video game it dosent have to be to a certain extent)

  4. Community Staff
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kagato View Post
    The same reason we all want new anything: the game is getting a bit stale. The same reason I don't care what they add...just as long as they add something (logical or not).

    I don't think RPGs or flamethrowers are needed nor do I think we need another automatic like a SMG (MP5 probably lol). This isn't an automatic/semi-automatic specialization game like CS: S. But at the same time I wouldn't contest it at this point in the game's development because of the lack of content updates we have seen.

    I like the RPG because it is an explosive-based gun. We have two real explosive weapons and three objects that are also explosive. Besides regular grenades (something we really do not need) and trip mines/proximity mines, I don't see any other type of explosive they could add.

    Also, just because it is a gun that deals with explosive shells or one that fires flame doesn't mean it has to be overpowered. Looking at the pipe bomb or propane explosions...they really do not do that much damage to things that can withstand a simple blast (read: special infected, witchs, tanks). In fact, I'm kind of shocked how much damage an explosion from a pipe bomb actually does on a tank or to a teammate.

    They could easily make it viable by giving the RPG 2~3 shells to fire or more ammo but no access to your pistol when you do have one. That would already put the gun ahead of the ones we currently have as far as strategy/tactics are concerned.

    No..I'd rather hear logic behind adding another automatic to the game over adding the RPG or flamethrower.
    Or they can simply make the 4/5+ explosive items they have already to do more damage to Special infected, witches, and tanks. RPG's just in general are not viable weapons to have in this enviroment, they are extremely rare and would just kill the immersion. If you REALLY felt so inclined, Instead perhaps what they could do is just have Assault rifles that have an m203 on the underside of it, if you so wish for an explosive firearm. This way you could add more elements to the game - what you said earlier, upgrading weapons, while implementing those explosive based firearms you want so badly.

    I don't see why you have so much animosity towards automatic weaponry. The 'logic' behind another automatic weapon is because, oh gee, idk - theres only TWO. The uzi and the Assault rifle. The Auto-shotgun is hardly automatic, but more or less semi-automatic. You say there's 5 or so explosives, 2 weaponized, then turn around and say 'Theres already too many automatic firearms!".

    I'd rather have another automatic weapon I could use for the entire campaign, than having another explosive based firearm like an RPG or an m203 that i could only shoot 2-3 times and could be used only very situationally.

  5. Community Staff
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    It's called a debate. I hardly ever seriously contemplated that the developers would be looking at our argument and making a serious decision based off of it. However, it was nice debating with someone who is able to provide rationale and logic to their arguments, and there is no harm in discussing the pros and cons to each suggestion.

    I hope I didn't give you the impression I was taking this too seriously, I just enjoy a good debate, sorry if it bothered you.

  6. Zombie Dog
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    Bow and Arrow / Crossbow



    And instead of always being an UZI and winchester, it should randomly be switching between a SPAS (pump action)/sawed off and a mac10. But with the same firepower and stats.

  7. Just getting started
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kagato View Post
    Wait so a laptop gun is reasonable but somehow a flamethrower and RPG aren't?
    I know it would be overpowered, just a fun suggestion. It would be pretty cool to see it in action though
    "You think you're special, with your leather jackets and your fancy blood?"

    "Better safe than sorry..."

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