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Thread: Please do something about this guy....

  1. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Please do something about this guy....

    =TS= SpectralDart is harrassing me on your server, and not following the rules...

    On your -- BF2, PR 0.6 Server

    It is Kashan Desert, and he is raping our airfield in the MIG, and not obeying admin orders to stop.

    I have taken a few screenshots here of his harassing and showing proof that he has 1 kill from killing me on the runway while I was in the A10. He keeps insulting me, calling me all these stupid names, and just making a fool of himself if you ask me.

    Please do something about him, others agree that he should be removed from the server.

    This kind of childish attitude really spoils my night, and our other players. I'll post more screenshots while he continues at this very moment.

  2. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: Please do something about this guy....

    Screenshot of him as he just killed an F16 on the runway....

    More of him trying to take us down:

    And more insults (in the console):

  3. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: Please do something about this guy....

    There are no rules against base raping or trash talking on TTP.

  4. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: Please do something about this guy....

    You can't be serious...

    I have seen admins state that there are rules regarding base camping in this particular map with planes.

    Not to mention, these insults are just out of line. I NEVER did anything to him to make him so angry, so I don't know what his problem is. To be honest, everyone is telling him to 'shut it', but he just wont stop.

    I would votekick him, but that is just stupid. I'd much rather see an admin deal with this, which is why I come here.

  5. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: Please do something about this guy....

    He was being a little abusive, which is worthy of at least a kick, but not really a ban. TTP doesn't have rules on language (it's what you say, not how you say it), and deffinitely no rules about "base raping". If you can't defend your flag, that's your own fault. Asking an admin to step in and stop them attacking your uncap is like saying "Admin, come save me, we can't win normally so we need you to stop them beating us so badly".

    And that's not TTP's way.

    Also, Cop, I don't think you're supposed to be posting in here.

    Oh, and this really isn't the place to put this. BF2's child forum for PR would have been the proper place.

    Edit: I noticed you said he wasn't obeying admin orders to stop. Can you give us the name of who was giving these orders?

  6. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: Please do something about this guy....

    Quote Originally Posted by Benandorf
    He was being a little abusive, which is worthy of at least a kick, but not really a ban. TTP doesn't have rules on language (it's what you say, not how you say it), and deffinitely no rules about "base raping". If you can't defend your flag, that's your own fault. Asking an admin to step in and stop them attacking your uncap is like saying "Admin, come save me, we can't win normally so we need you to stop them beating us so badly".

    And that's not TTP's way.

    Also, Cop, I don't think you're supposed to be posting in here.

    Oh, and this really isn't the place to put this. BF2's child forum for PR would have been the proper place.

    Edit: I noticed you said he wasn't obeying admin orders to stop. Can you give us the name of who was giving these orders?
    We weren't losing, and we won the game easily... nearly had the last flag before game ended, and that is a big accomplishment on Kashan. We were defending the airfield as much as we could (shot him down several times), but he was just constantly talking crap to everyone and just being a real jerk.

    I don't recall who the admin was, but he left later on. Then SpectralDirt says he was good friends with the admins and he will never get kicked/banned. He TK'ed a total of 5 people, and had a huge negative score. He didn't TK them intentionally, but still, he should be kicked for having such a bad score nevertheless (on top of the abusive behavior too).

    So no, we weren't asking an admin to come "save us"... More like asking an admin to keep the server clean and a fun place to play? I mean hell... you guys pay for this server, you don't want it going sour from someone like this. I come from being a server/system administrator myself, so this isn't just some whine about losing... we were in no way losing (just taking crap from this guy that was causing havoc on your host).

    Last time I was on your host with an admin present, they even asked me if I could help with being an admin, but now I don't see many admins on the server anymore, and I still don't have any further contact with those who asked me.

  7. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: Please do something about this guy....

    Well, friends or not, if there's an admin on they would kick for intentional teamkilling. From the looks of it, you just hit it at one of the rare times there isn't an admin on. Perhaps you simply hit it at a bad time (certain times of the day have less admins on than others).

    Regardless, perhaps this guy was being a jerk, and simply knew there was no one on to stop him, but just be sure to get people's names, and post it on the forums if you have a problem (I believe there is a topic for reporting teamkillers in PR's forums). Help us help you.

  8. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: Please do something about this guy....

    Tweaky thanks for coming by the forums! Be sure to read the server rules in the BF2 forums. They cover server policy on Base Camping/Raping, etc.

    The two of you did spend a lot of time texting each other back and forth. In the future if a player is being abusive or a problem, just say in server chat "Admin I need help with <player name> he&#39;s <problem>". The admins for BF2/PR are pretty good about catching any problems, but if that doesn&#39;t work, the BF2/PR forums are a good place to follow up.

    If someone intentionally TKs on the PR server, they will get a swift kick in the rear towards the door. However, SpectralDart&#39;s TKs were accidental, although spectacular. He hit a friendly APC while in a jet (killing 4-5). His team was forgiving and moved on, but you continued ask for him to be banned for TKing, and you weren&#39;t even on his team...

    In the future you might want to spend more effort killing each other rather than chatting.

    See you on the battlefield,


  9. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: Please do something about this guy....

    woof, I was hardly talking as much as him. I am at least smart enough to avoid such stupidity, being sucked in by his sad ego.

    Actually more often that entire round I was on here posting in the forum, and helping my teammates land/takeoff the airfield while I was in AA defenses. But SpectralDart kept his mouth rambling on and on. I honestly don&#39;t know what I ever did to him, first thing when on the server he just tells me to "stuff it" and gets all hostile towards me with insults and slanderous talk left and right. And if you are worried about his language being used a &#39;certain way&#39;... well it definitely wasn&#39;t being used like "f*** i got killed".... more like "f*** you ******" etc etc....

    I come on here hoping to see something done at least, but it seems pretty laid back here regarding rules and poor conduct on your servers, so I&#39;ll just leave and come back until someone REALLY causes "trouble" on your server

    And when I was referring to the TK&#39;s, what I meant was that there should at least be some kind of auto-kick enabled for someone that has a -48 or higher score. He had well beyond -48, and it kept rising. I am not questioning the fact that it was intentional tk&#39;s or not, but being a complete fool on the server and constantly getting accidental tk&#39;s, losing vehicles, and just plain bickering... it&#39;s the kind of smacktard any server admin would want to get rid of, or rather any server tool should automatically deal with.

    His entire =TS= clan is the same way... always trying to be the "higher standard" of gamers on the server, when they infact have nothing to really prove other than being lowlifes taking a game far too personally.

  10. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: Please do something about this guy....

    Now I don&#39;t like your tone. We do a hell of a lot more in policing our servers than you seem to think, but it&#39;s not a policy to ban every time a player asks us to. If you don&#39;t like how our servers are run, then leave, but I guarantee you&#39;ll be wanting to play on a server where people give and follow orders, use their mics, and use teamplay. And servers such as this are few and far between.

    I advise you drop the superior tone ASAP.

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