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Thread: Pod Surfing

  1. Junior Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by mr cow View Post
    I'd like to be ability for the individual user to choose different models. LIke an Ak47 for the m16, different looking shotgun, etc.
    If you want all that then just get it on PC and change the skins. Been doing it with CS for years.

  2. Community Staff
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    All I'd like is map specific weapons. Though I whole heartedly agree that other priorities must take precedent, but when they have the time, I'd like weapons that make more sense in certain areas. Just some variety is all I'd l ike.

    And eridor0 - I've seen PLENTY of threads here people are asking for flamethrowers, bazookas, and I got into an argument with Kagato over it a month or two ago. Fact is, you make a thread aksing people for suggestions and 3/4's of the posts are going to be people asking for flamethrowers bazookas and grenade launchers.

    Thats what he was refering to.

  3. Rob Zombie
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    I've seen those threads, just not around recently. So yes, those ideas have been tossed around, but I haven't seen anybody advocating them recently.
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    Quote Originally Posted by razman360 View Post
    francishatesme, just calm down a bit, u seerm a bit aggressive. And I dont think uberweapons should be introduced, as I am very pro infected. I still think that the auto shotgun is overpowered and n00by.
    The autoshotgun is only overpowered if you don't know how to work around soemone using it.

    the solution to this, is the solution to every problem on the infected side. Coordinate your attacks.

  5. Senior-Senior Member
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    Sometimes people don't have mikes and mess up the coordinated attacks so it's still irritating...
    "The harder the problem, the greater the triumph."

    ~Thomas Paine

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