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Thread: SL Disregarding Direct Orders

  1. Call me Pingwin
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    Quote Originally Posted by Platinum Ninja View Post
    Go into his profile and look at his posts. You'll see why I banned him. I have powers too you know... !!!
    Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.

    You have your powers to help you manage the Support section. Not our community as a whole.

    And on that note, it might help to actually familiarize yourself with community rules, before attempting to moderate it.
    Currently every single one of his existing posts is perfectly acceptable.

  2. Drebin. Police Squad.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Platinum Ninja View Post
    Go into his profile and look at his posts. You'll see why I banned him. I have powers too you know... !!!
    I did. Several times to see if I'd missed anything you'd spotted. As Pingwin said, there's nothing that bad still there. Most of those posts are in one thread. The one where he's advertising his clan. If he's not allowed to advertise his clan in the clan forum, things are pretty bad.

    Yes, the post you banned him for was deserving of an infraction, but not the one you gave him, which permabanned him. As it happens, he had one for advertising already, and this one combined with it to take his infraction points over 100, resulting in a ban anyway, but one that will expire.

    As for the powers, my understanding of it is that you have them in the support section only, as you're there to help out with that. If you've been told differently, then I stand corrected and apologise unreservedly. If you come across an obvious spambot and there are no moderators around then by all means banhammer the fucker into oblivion, but for judgement calls like this one, it's better to leave it to mods and admins.

    Anyway, you were only trying to do the right thing, and it's appreciated.

  3. Call me Pingwin
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    Oh target practice... Ever the diplomat. ;]

  4. Drebin. Police Squad.
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    Shaddup and kiss me.

  5. Zombie Rat
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    Well I stand corrected. I do only have banhammer rights in the support forum but I also have the customized member powers also which.... don't allow for bans but I doubt 711 would let me have the ban tool if its not supposed to be there. I honestly don't know though I'll check with you guys next time before I do anything. Sorry again

  6. Drebin. Police Squad.
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    I think it's something to do with moderator permissions. I think you can't have someone ONLY able to move/delete/close/edit others' threads but not ban. - they either have the permissions or they don't. I know that was the case when I was first made community staff.

    EDIT: and stop apologising, you weren't doing it for the lulz, you were doing it because you thought you were doing the right thing.

  7. Senior-Senior Member
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    Actually, it's not a permission related to banning privileges (which community staff do not have directly), it's related to the infractions system, which is available to all Community Staff.

    The way vBulletin works is this: a moderator or staff member either has access to the infraction system (and all infraction levels defined in the infraction system) or they don't. Thus, if one sets an "instaban" infraction level, like has been done here on L4DForums, then anyone with infraction granting permissions also effectively has banning permissions.

    Ideally, it would be possible to define individual infractions available to each usergroup, but that feature is not yet included in vBulletin.

    Iggy and Platinum Ninja were given Community Staff status to aid them in managing the Problems & Errors forum.

    All issues outside that forum should be handled by the existing Admins and Moderators, except in very rare cases when a spammer is rampant and no other staff are online.

    Quote Originally Posted by Platinum Ninja View Post
    Well I stand corrected. I do only have banhammer rights in the support forum but I also have the customized member powers also which.... don't allow for bans but I doubt 711 would let me have the ban tool if its not supposed to be there. I honestly don't know though I'll check with you guys next time before I do anything. Sorry again
    Actually, you do not have any banning privileges, only those associated with infractions as described above.

    Being a Customized member has no bearing on this discussion, as the Customized membership does not include any permissions relating to infractions, banning, etc. One cannot buy moderator or staff permissions on Left4DeadForums (or any other site I own).

  8. Zombie Rat
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    I'm here to ban people and chew bubble gum. But I'm all out of moderator.

    I thought it was funny...

    I've learned my lesson. I'm gonna go cut myself now alright?

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