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Thread: Let's Join the PR server

  1. Just getting started
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    Name: Kyarra Hale
    Appearance: Tall and skinny with choppy blue/black hair, hazel/yellow eyes and light skin. Though she is not very strong she grew up participating in running events at a state level so she is quite fast and agile.
    Clothing: Wears large baggy pants with many pockets and pouches to carry her equipment in. She wears black, leather gloves and a white tank top that is usaully covered in oil/grease stains from her work. She also has a pair of goggles that she wears on her forehead.
    Picture of her goggles:

    Primary Occupation: Engineer
    Secondary Occupation: Mechanic (has experience with cars since her father owned a car workshop)
    Location: Sandusky, Ohio (thought i would pick a location near ashlin so we might bump into each other
    Team mates: No team mates currentley
    Weapons: Engineer's tool kit (Wrench, spanner, screwdriver, hammer). Her tool kit also has a blow torch that can be used to cut through doors/locks but it takes quite a while to set up and it cant be used while she is moving (so it is inneffective as a weapon as she has to stay in one spot while it is being used)
    Bio: Kyarra is a loud and talkative person who is always keen to make new friends and meet new people. She has a tendency to modify and tinker with every piece of equipment she can get her hands on and is prone to getting distracted. She likes to carry lots of equipment around and is a fairly organised person. She has a strong senseof justice and will go to immense lengths to help the people close to her when they need her. She grew up helping her father in his car garage and aquired a love for all things mechanical and electrical. Then she graduated from college at the age of 18 she moved on and found work wherever an engineer was needed. She isn't very strong so she relies mostly on her intelligence and skill in engineering. Since her father had an interest in firearms she knows a lot about how to fix them and how she can increase their efficiency. She can also use guns decentley. She was making a trip through Sandusky to visit her family when the infection struck and the hotel she was staying in was one of the first places to become overun. Now she is trapped in her small hotel room with nothing to defend herself with apart from her trusty tool bag.

    I think it would be cool if my character met up with Ashlin so if your interested then we should make our characters team up later... Also anyone else in Ohio should team with us.

  2. Just getting started
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    Kalani "Lil Kahuna" Paugh

    Kalani "Lil Kahuna" Paugh

    Pacific Islander/Hawaiian


    Professional Scenario Paintball Player

    Sneaky, High Stamina, Weapon Handling

    Looks like:
    Long Ponytail, 6ft. 2inch., 165lbs., Medium brown skin

    Modified Paintball/Gas Mask, Black Under Armor, Paintball Vest, Gloves, Black Cargo pants, Steel-toe boots,

    Modified Paintball Marker(Lethal) w/ Modified Silencer and Hopper, Pods w/ Special Ammunition, couple of water bottles, couple of granola bars, duffel-bag, Paintball accessories kit


    Growing up, Kalani had a great life, with loving mom and dad. Kalani was always good with his hands, fixing, making and especially modifying things. His dad always said, "Kalani could build a house, if he wasn't so lazy." Kalani ran Cross-Country in High School, and always knew how to sneak around. Kalani was a crazy paintball enthusiast. He lived and breathed paintball. Kalani modified his Tippmann A-5 to where it could fire explosive paintballs with a special mixture he made himself, and modified his Paintball mask to where it was a gas-mask. On his way back from a all-night paintball game i Columbia, Ohio, Kalani was returning home on a bus, with a duffel bag fill with his paintball stuff. When the bus crashed, he grabbed his duffel bag and ran off, only to come across a building with a large red door. . .

    I wish to team up with Ashlin and Kyarra, May I team up with you both? OR I can team up with you ,Kyarra, and we can bump into Ashlin, because she already has 4 in her group. . .
    "OH, that's why they call her the witch. . ."

  3. Banned
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    Name: Warren Graves
    Age: 27
    Height/Build: 5'9 and Athletic.
    Appearence: Black hair that covers one eye, glasses. Hispanic.
    Clothing: Black hoody jacket and a Disturbed T-shirt with the album cover of Indestrucible on it, blue jeans with holes in them, Black and white converse.
    Occupation: Guitarist in a band.
    Location: Cleveland, Ohio
    Team mates: None
    Weapons(If Any): Two Handguns, An Automatic Shotgun, Pipebomb, Metal Bat.
    Bio: Warren was in a go nowhere job at a mall in a music store. When the infection hit, he struggled to find survivors in the city. When the city fell, He decided to head west. Before going, he raided the police station for better weapons. He found himself in Ohio following radio transmissions.

    Can I join Ashlin's group too?

  4. Zombie Rat
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    Name: Charles Davis

    Ethnicity: Eastern European

    Age: 37

    Occupation: Bioengineering / part time tutor

    Skills: Intelligent, small arms, Knowledgeable, motorcycle proficient.

    Appearance: 1.9m tall, 70 kg, long black hair, neatly trimmed goatee, Labret stud, green eyes.

    Equipment: Traditional Business attire, TDI Super Kriss Carbine, Fingerless gloves ,Tech phone, sunglasses, Labret Stud, business cards.

    History: He was born of a Ukrainian, Soviet defector mother and American aeronautical engineer, war vet father. Charles, In his early years, was instructed by his mother on the correct operation of modern small arms. His father nurtured Charles' more intellectual side, by teaching young Charles literacy and simple mathematics at the age of 3 years. From this small ember, and the affluent lifestyles of his parents; Charles was accepted to some various prestigious private education institutions. At the age of fifteen his parents died on a a flight back from Tahiti. leaving him in the hands of his uncle whom continued to support Charles intellectual pursuits.

    His fascination with the mechanics of life drove Charles research in fields of nano-technology and bio mechanics. A MIT graduate trying to unravel the origins of the contagion that threatens the existence of million, but just for his own personal satisfaction.
    Weird stuff....

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