View Poll Results: What is the better ultimo-tank?

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  • Goliath, Hands down

    2 9.52%
  • Goliath is marginally better

    0 0%
  • They are about even

    1 4.76%
  • Land Raider is marginally better

    2 9.52%
  • Land Raider, hands down

    11 52.38%
  • I have no idea what a Land Raider/Goliath is.

    5 23.81%
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Thread: Ultimate Armor

  1. Hunter
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    I cannot justify the suggestion. I just wanted to throw something out there.

  2. Left 4 Dead
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    Quote Originally Posted by blaze View Post
    it has limited ammo and rare i think its on one time in a campain.
    as for mounted gunss they are limited aswell but more powerful.
    and axe'pan'bat'chainsaw will not take over a weapon slot its like
    a gas tank.
    who are you telling this to?
    and i hardly get what your trying to say.

  3. Left 4 Dead
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    Quote Originally Posted by C-2-B View Post
    The question is... Why do you want a flamethrower when we have:
    - Molotov's
    - Gas Cans
    - Fire Ammo

    I think adding a flamethrower is just redundancy...
    i agree, i think the game has enough fire as it is.

  4. Junior Member
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    i think the fire is too overpowered imho. I love your idea of dud grenades, imagine;
    REdRumNooBINATOR: Stop guys tank.
    *raises molotov and aims at doorway*
    *other guy raises pipe bomb as horde music plays*
    *tank appears they both throw... no beeping, and a floor covered in oil*

    also i dont think fire shoudl be so permanent. When a tank gets molotoved i think it should go out after a while, same with SI leaving them with a little health. Also CI shouldn't instantly die when hit by fire, they should run over it take a few swings and then die. If they're willing to starve themselves to death and run into shotgun blasts, i doubt they're scared of fire.

  5. Junior Member
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    I don't know if anyone's said this already because I don't have the time to read through the thread, but I would like to see barbed wire as a defense in the finales, survivors would have a limited supply of it and after enough infected get caught on it, other infected will be able to climb over there bodies.

  6. Left 4 Dead
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    Quote Originally Posted by AdamC93 View Post
    I don't know if anyone's said this already because I don't have the time to read through the thread, but I would like to see barbed wire as a defense in the finales, survivors would have a limited supply of it and after enough infected get caught on it, other infected will be able to climb over there bodies.
    that would be cool. and maybe if you have time, you can clean the barbed wire off, so more can get caught on it. but doing this would take time like healing, or picking someone up.

  7. Community Staff
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    Quote Originally Posted by SilverCyrus View Post
    Here are some ideas for L4D2

    AI director
    -Way More breakable walls, and more importantly corners that could
    break,(the AI director could choose which walls break, if someone lossing they would give them less breakable wall, or wall that lead to shortcuts

    More options aren't bad, more ways = more strategies.

    -Closet placements. placing closet(the ones that revive people) in a couple of random places. because when people are boomed they will run back to the room(i see this alot) and camp tll the horde is gone, this way they could run to the closet and find out its not there

    More randomness means more on the spot decision making - all for it

    -Car alarms. The AI Director could place the alarm from a choice of several cars on the map. placeing the alarm in a car that out of the way abit for the team thats winning. this way a team doesnt always know where the car is.

    Agreed, I think there should be a small chance that most cars can have an alarm on it. This would add a lot more tension to the game as survivors and could mean a lot more on the fly ambushes for the infected.

    -breakable floors. The AI can shoose some floors that are would be mark by cracks or something. this would force survivors to look downand giving boomer a good advantage
    broken ladders. some ladders are broken. so you cannot climb that

    I don't know why, but if this option is implemented, I don't think it should be widespread. It'd be so annoying to constantly have to check the floors to see if it's going to break. I have better things to worry about than having to worry if the floor is going to randomly cave in.

    -Broken light. some light may flicker or just not work in some rooms. rooms chosen by the director

    if by Ceiling lights - sure why not. more atmosphere
    -collapsing stairs. stairs that collapse behind you

    -Give the witch a silouette on versus(when your playing as Infected)

    -Have incedentary ammo only do some amount of fire damage to the tank. like the bullets only give the tank fire damage for 7 seconds than is Survivors cant just shoot him than run.

    I don't think incindenary ammo should light the tank on fire at all. That's what molotovs should be for in my opinion, and incindenary ammo in real life doesn't make anything just spontenous combust.

    -SI can push over those oil drums of fire to create a fire on the ground.good for using on downed survivors that are near it

    The SI aren't strategizers by nature - this is why it's said that hunter's can't jump off their victims, because they are acting on primal rage.

    -Climbable walls. what i mean are climbable walls for hunters where they can crawl across ther wall. this would make wall jumping easier for some. but only some walls would be like this. you could also use it for the building you can walk on top of

    Sure, why not.

    -Charger should beable to hit objects like the tank.with a recharge time and only smaller objects that dont incap people.

    As long as it doesn't incap the survivors, agreed.
    -if a suriviors is gragged through water it should do extra damage, or if a survivor is pounced,or charged in water it should do extra damage.

    The extra damage would have to be after a while in the water, like 30 seconds before the survivor starts taking water damage...I see no logical explanation why being ripped apart in the water is any different than on dry land.

    -the Witch should be stonger, have an added ability or something. here are some things that could help the witch. pushes the suriviors back(like the hunter). fire make hers faster. deals 20-50 hp if you get in her way. fire makes her stronger.

    I'm all for a stronger witch, she's a joke now.

    -Duds. i think it would be interesting to have pipebombs,oxygen tanks,ect to have a small percentage to become a could also be a way to help the loosing team

    Absolutely not. I shouldn't have to worry if my pipebomb/molotov isn't going to work. While we're at it - why don't we just add that your guns can jam? It would just distract from gameplay.
    -im not sure if this is already in the game but. water should slow you down. and throw off your accuracy if it is over your head

    -after get out of water(when it was over your head) it should diorient your sight and hearing for like 10 seconds

    No reason to implement this..
    -Flash light batteries. if you leave you flash light on it will drain the battery not letting you use it when you may need to.maybe forcing you to look for some if a room is completely dark

    Yet again - no reason to implement this other than annoying the survivor. I don't wan't to have to worry if my pipebomb is going to jam, the floor is going to fall apart and then have to worry about the battery on my flashlight..

    -ammo stashes run out. normal ones might only accomidate for to people forcing other to be low on ammo. while finale piles may have 7 pickups in them

    Agreed, ammo conservation might add an element of what gun to choose/which gun get's the ammo

    -guns run out.after 4 guns are taken of the same type the gun dissapears. not letting people auto reload

    Sure, why not..

    -A dud pipebomb will bring on a horde because it will still blink and ring
    Yet again, duds are a very bad idea in my opinion.

    -walking through glass windows should hurt you

    Another silly idea that would detract from gameplay for no reason

    -the ability to drag an incaped person
    wooden melee weapons burn when you walk in fire. forcing you to let go of would be destroyed

    -A survivors accuracy should drop the more injured a survivor is.

    Indecisive..might give people more incentive to heal up and stop being stingy about their Health bonus. Do I heal and get the better accuracy or save my medkit for the HB and suffer from reduced accuracy..
    -Being boomed should drop a surivors accuracy
    Boomer is fine as is in my opinion.

    -Fire should stay on the survivors for about 3-8 seconds(matters source of fire) after being burned. i think fire shouldaffect the survivors more. this would include fire ammo and flaming hunters. or maybe the survivors would have to get the fire off by continously clicking a button, or your friends would have to help you (like when you pick someone up, but quicker)


    -fire alarms. some rooms in the game could set off fire alarms if you use fire. it could warn you with a blinking light and maybe a popup tip

    Good idea.
    -Cars that explode if lit on fire. if a molly or gas canister is lit near a car the car could explode harming surivors and infected

    Good idea.
    -weak medpacks. only heal some
    I think there should only be the medkits you start off with.
    -Flash grenade.blind Ci and SI for some time.
    Could work, idk though..
    -Boxes that can be moved to block infected in a crissendo. of course these boxes are breakable but it may take a couple swipes

    I think developers are looking to avoid more camping. See: Spitter/Charger.
    -Peircing ammo, makes any gun peirce unlimately. and 2x the damage of the gun,
    lasts one clip

    New SI
    The Seeker:
    A SI like the Witch non playable. he is a SI that will kill a survivor that is either ran ahead or is left behind. the surivor had to be quit aways way from the survivors
    the point of him is to kill speed runners and people who are taking forever.
    he will only kill someone who is alone. it will come up with a song before he aproaches you. and if you continue to run he will run towards you and incap you than rip you apart.
    he would have baggy pant but ripped,torn and bloody. and have a long sleeve shirt with one sleeve torn of showing off the cutts on his arm.
    The Seeker will most likely kill the survivor.

    This role could easily be played by the witch but i like my idea. actually i think it would be cool to see a witch unmercifally kill someone.

    thats all i might add more if i think of some later

    No thanks, if someone runs off on their own - it's up to the SI to finish him off.

    the Sprinter:
    A quite fast infected that had rock hard swollen skin that kinda looks like it has rocks pops out of it. he can scratch survivors making them stumble backward and fall. this will take about 4 seconds. he could knock surivors off edges or just give the others time to kill the survivors. Also if he is meleed the survivors will be hurt and wont beable to attack for 1-4 seconds
    he has 100hp(a hunter has 250)

    Other Ideas (ideas posted in comments. NOT MINE)
    -Infected stay on fire for awhile after being lit on fire
    -Randomly placed scenery, like Bloodstains,Deadbodies,cars,graphity, ect
    These are only my opinions on it, of course...

  8. Hi, my name is...
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    I don't know what I would want to see.
    Even if all this stuff was added it would still be the same old
    'Choose your weapon, spawn, go through building, kill SI and CI, get new weapons, do the same again til the finale'
    Not much variation, your always going down the same path, same events, same finales.
    Some variation, actually, ALOT more by the AI director, like in Finales changing where alot of the objects are, weapons, first aid kits ...
    And if it was possible to add random walls that could break, like the roof on several buildings, it would be even more awesome.

    Many more buildings to enter would be nice too, like going down the alley on NM1, you could go the normal way, through side buildings, up on a nearby rooftop via ladder, stuff like that.

  9. Banned
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    I'm only getting l4d2 if it has a better match making system.

    Body Mind Soul

  10. Junior Senior Member
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    One small thng I'd like to see is the Smokers should now actually have razor sharp claws. In L4D1, A Smokers Hand looked like Inflated Balloons capable of causing no damage.
    Also, like in Crash Course, I have no doubt they'll add recharge Timers for your teammates to see when you are an infected. This is a good idead ass it would be even more easier to work together.
    Lastly, Valve, please don't make the UCI for the Carnival campaign the clowns as there just people with make-up on. Give us something interesting. (If there are UCi in that Campaign that is.)

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