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Thread: F-ing Ranger's TV's Last Night

  1. Registered TeamPlayer Agent's Avatar
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    Re: F-ing Ranger's TV's Last Night

    Quote Originally Posted by Ranger10
    Quote Originally Posted by agentazn303
    Its ok guys, I am shanking ranger in tf2 for you
    Yeah... you and Special K... ALL THE TIME. Bastards. Can't you just let me set up my sentry in peace?
    FINE FINE...... I'll let you have your sentry.

    Then I'll sap it, backstab you, keep sapping it, destroy your assets, teabag your head for 2.4 seconds, and cloak into the pool of water that is nearby.

    WHOOOPs did I say that outloud!?

    R.I.P E7 SFC Mark Alan Jacobson
    (4/12/62 - 12/24/97)
    Quote Originally Posted by digital View Post
    All this time I thought Agent was black.

  2. Junior Senior Member
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    How to effectively and efficiently kill a tank.

    This is all you need to know. That is all.

    PS. In all seriousness I can't even remember this last time I've been incapped by a tank.

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    Quote Originally Posted by francishatesme View Post
    This is all you need to know. That is all.

    PS. In all seriousness I can't even remember this last time I've been incapped by a tank.

    You know, I just started playing L4D about a week ago, and since I'm a girl, everybody I ever played with (at first) ran away when the tank came around and left it to kill me(thinking that SINCE I am a girl I'd scream like a little bitch); but I didn't circle strafe nor did I become incapacitated. Anyway way you go about it; if you have a clear path, run backwards and let him have it.

    Or, by chance, if you get cornered, aim for his head. It worked for me (without the incap).

  4. Zombie Cat
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    francishatesme, as an xbox 360 user, you should know that right bumper punchers > circle strafers. The tank can circle strafe just as effectively as you can. As Jessy has pointed out, it's safer to run directly away from the tank. Even the best tank can't hit what he can't reach. The wiki you link shows a stationary target being circled. I haven't seen a single tank who stood stationary, spinning in a circle trying to punch while someone runs around and around him.

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    Quote Originally Posted by bolandjf View Post
    francishatesme, as an xbox 360 user, you should know that right bumper punchers > circle strafers. The tank can circle strafe just as effectively as you can. As Jessy has pointed out, it's safer to run directly away from the tank. Even the best tank can't hit what he can't reach. The wiki you link shows a stationary target being circled. I haven't seen a single tank who stood stationary, spinning in a circle trying to punch while someone runs around and around him.
    Point for Jessy!

  6. Hi, my name is...
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    If campaign mode has taught me anything, it's that the best way to fight a tank is to light it up, have one person rush for the end safe room, have 2 people flail about sort of attacking it, and have the fourth run all the way back to the start. It works so well that 90% of campaign teams have adopted this strategy.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Natural View Post
    If campaign mode has taught me anything, it's that the best way to fight a tank is to light it up, have one person rush for the end safe room, have 2 people flail about sort of attacking it, and have the fourth run all the way back to the start. It works so well that 90% of campaign teams have adopted this strategy.
    This is probably one of the worst ways to handle the tank. What if there is a crescendo event before you reach the end of the level? what if it is the finale level? what if the single person who runs ahead gets snagged by a special infected? There are (generally) 3 ways to kill or get past a tank, and those are to light it on fire, to shoot it, or to try to run past it, and what you listed is a half-assed attempt at all 3. seriously, breaking up the team like that is a bad idea.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tyrantor View Post
    This is probably one of the worst ways to handle the tank. What if there is a crescendo event before you reach the end of the level? what if it is the finale level? what if the single person who runs ahead gets snagged by a special infected? There are (generally) 3 ways to kill or get past a tank, and those are to light it on fire, to shoot it, or to try to run past it, and what you listed is a half-assed attempt at all 3. seriously, breaking up the team like that is a bad idea.

    I still think mine's the best. Just because fire isn't neccessary. =0

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    Quote Originally Posted by bolandjf View Post
    francishatesme, as an xbox 360 user, you should know that right bumper punchers > circle strafers. The tank can circle strafe just as effectively as you can. As Jessy has pointed out, it's safer to run directly away from the tank. Even the best tank can't hit what he can't reach. The wiki you link shows a stationary target being circled. I haven't seen a single tank who stood stationary, spinning in a circle trying to punch while someone runs around and around him.
    And if you're any good at circle strafing, you STILL wouldn't get in his reach. The tanks only chance of catching the circle strafers (Assuming they're all green) is for a Boomer. Sure a hunter could pounce someone, but all that means is while the tank is focusing on that one person, all 3 focus on the tank. Circle strafing doesn't mean you're running in a complete 360, as you strafe him, you run away from him as well. If he tries to cut you off, run the other way, etc.

    Honestly, I think the best thing for killing a tank is almost ALWAYS retreat. Set up fire traps, light the first one, light a second, force him to lose control. Since sometimes this isn't always an available option, circle strafing is one of the next best thing. There's a reason everyone goes to the same room in DA4, because strafing does actually work, you can press RB all you want, but if you can't reach, it doesn't mean anything.

  10. Hi, my name is...
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    Circle strafing is a horrible technique. I've incapped numerous ppl trying this texhnique. It's especially gunny when they cirlce on roofs and then they're at street level. I find the best strategy is to light it up (on the 360 u get continual fire damage) go wide but stay in sight of each other (in case of si attack) and BLAST THE SHYT out of it. Simple. I say this cuz fire and run doesnt always work depending on where the tank spawns. I've incapped entire teams while lit up cuz they ran instead of stood there ground.

    [QUOTE=I Redemptionx I;347095]The tanks only chance of catching the circle strafers (Assuming they're all green) is for a Boomer. Sure a hunter could pounce someone, but all that means is while the tank is focusing on that one person, all 3 focus on the tank.

    The tank is not the ultimate weapon, it's the ultimate distraction. The tank can catch up to green survivors period. And any decent rock thrower will knock your circling but on the floor (not many of those I admit). When everyone splits up cuz that beautiful tank music, thats when the team needs to attack, especially during crescendo events. As soon as you land one hit, ppl panic. And whether there's a tank or not you have to attack at the same time. Also, if you'r the tank and you incap two people, you've done a good job. Now you're teamates have 2 ppl to down. Just my opinion.

    P.S.- I apologize if this was a bit disjointed, I'm kinda

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