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Thread: F-ing Ranger's TV's Last Night

  1. Drebin. Police Squad.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Natural View Post
    If campaign mode has taught me anything, it's that the best way to fight a tank is to light it up, have one person rush for the end safe room, have 2 people flail about sort of attacking it, and have the fourth run all the way back to the start. It works so well that 90% of campaign teams have adopted this strategy.
    I think this is a shot at the average level of the campaign player... in which case I'm glad I don't play much anymore. If you're serious, then you have my pity.

  2. Junior Senior Member
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    With morons = light him up and run away.
    Without morons = 4 shotguns at body.

  3. Hi, my name is...
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tyrantor View Post
    This is probably one of the worst ways to handle the tank. What if there is a crescendo event before you reach the end of the level? what if it is the finale level? what if the single person who runs ahead gets snagged by a special infected? There are (generally) 3 ways to kill or get past a tank, and those are to light it on fire, to shoot it, or to try to run past it, and what you listed is a half-assed attempt at all 3. seriously, breaking up the team like that is a bad idea.
    I was kidding (and poking fun at the average campaign team).

  4. Junior Member
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    For some reason, I'm laughing at the result this thread has succumbed to!

    All in good play, if the tank dies, you've got a victory under your belt. Whether or not one or a few people get incapped, well, that's to the team's discretion and game tactics.

  5. Banned
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    Here is how I kill a Tank:
    Step 1: See Tank
    Step 2: Devise an assesment of the area, picking a path I can take which utilizes 1. open area 2. no obsticales 3. minamal chance of SI interferance.
    Step 3: Watch bot teammates run ahead and engage the Tank. Watch Bot fail.
    Step 4: Save bot's stupid ass.
    Step 5: Back pedal and shoot.
    Step 6: Watch Bot try to hug the Tank.
    Step 7: Save Bot AGAIN.
    Step 8: Use Moltov. Miss Tank completely.
    Step 9: Curse like Cartman.
    Step 10: Die.
    Step 11: Throw controller at brother. Give apology.
    Step 12: Play on LIVE with people with actual intelligance and win.

    BTW Step 1-11 are sarcasm.

  6. Community Staff
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    [QUOTE=TheCrazyKracker;347103]Circle strafing is a horrible technique. I've incapped numerous ppl trying this texhnique. It's especially gunny when they cirlce on roofs and then they're at street level. I find the best strategy is to light it up (on the 360 u get continual fire damage) go wide but stay in sight of each other (in case of si attack) and BLAST THE SHYT out of it. Simple. I say this cuz fire and run doesnt always work depending on where the tank spawns. I've incapped entire teams while lit up cuz they ran instead of stood there ground.

    Quote Originally Posted by I Redemptionx I View Post
    The tanks only chance of catching the circle strafers (Assuming they're all green) is for a Boomer. Sure a hunter could pounce someone, but all that means is while the tank is focusing on that one person, all 3 focus on the tank.

    The tank is not the ultimate weapon, it's the ultimate distraction. The tank can catch up to green survivors period. And any decent rock thrower will knock your circling but on the floor (not many of those I admit). When everyone splits up cuz that beautiful tank music, thats when the team needs to attack, especially during crescendo events. As soon as you land one hit, ppl panic. And whether there's a tank or not you have to attack at the same time. Also, if you'r the tank and you incap two people, you've done a good job. Now you're teamates have 2 ppl to down. Just my opinion.

    P.S.- I apologize if this was a bit disjointed, I'm kinda
    You obviously didn't really understand my post.

    1. No, you can't catch a person in green. If you rush in and then throw a rock, you're an idiot.
    2. I know the tank isn't the ultimate killing tool - this is exemplified by my comment of "Unless you have a boomer, you're pretty fucked."' This implies that the only way for the tank to really do damage, is to attack as a team.
    3. Circle strafing isn't a horrible technique and at many times, the only thing you're able to do. Yes, running back is good in many instances, especially if you can light him on fire but in many levels, you have no choice and it's your next best thing.

    Example - Early tank on NM3, right outside the burger place. Their team stayed inside and fought the tank, three of them got boomed, 2 hunters went in. Then I rushed in, between the CI and the SI, they had no where to run, and were stuck in a corner as I hit all of them.

    Our turn: Quickly get what we need, run out into the open, have 1 person watch out for nothing but SI and to cover spawns, while he tries to catch up to us as green. A hunter wound up getting him, slowing him down enough to hit him. Unfortunately for him, while he was busy hitting our team mate, all 3 of us just unloaded everything we had onto him. He wound up dying 10 seconds later. Congrats, you incapped one person who would heal up and find a medikit the next minute anyway.

    Now, what would you have done? Obviously a smart tank would of just tried to rock snipe but let's face it - most people aren't smart, and that would only enable us to further advance into the really big parking lot and probably find a molotov in the other room.

    Run back into the alleyway? Great, plenty of dumpsters for you to be incapped with.

    Circle strafing is the next best thing if you can't light him and run. This doesn't mean rushing him and trying to run a complete 360 degree circle around him, it means kiting him around until he dies.

  7. Regular Joe Member
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    Heya, first post here.

    Personally, I think the most effective way to kill a tank is to burn it and have everyone focus fire it (preferably with at least two auto shotguns) while avoiding getting hit too much.

    To kill it fast burn it, focus fire, and explode it with a propane tank trap (not always possible)

    To kill it safely, either have a lot of space and run it backwards, or in limited space whoever draws the tank gets something between them and the tank that they can go two ways around, like a fence, or even a house - e.g. jump in the house through a window, tank comes in window, you run out the door and repeat in a circle. (this makes it so you can make tight cuts in your run without getting flanked, because the obstacle between you stops the tank from getting ahead) Fire isn't necessary if you are good but it always helps. Other people fire at it when they can and cover the person kiting the tank against SI and possible hordes. If tank changes target they need to be ready to pick it up and kite it in the same way.

    This works even on expert. Though if you have 3 bots on expert, good luck to you... heh.

  8. Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by I Redemptionx I View Post

    Now, what would you have done? Obviously a smart tank would of just tried to rock snipe but let's face it - most people aren't smart, and that would only enable us to further advance into the really big parking lot and probably find a molotov in the other room.

    Run back into the alleyway? Great, plenty of dumpsters for you to be incapped with.

    Circle strafing is the next best thing if you can't light him and run. This doesn't mean rushing him and trying to run a complete 360 degree circle around him, it means kiting him around until he dies.

    I see now! The wiki, from what I understood initially, is a definitely 360. Prooooobably more or so better for a stationary object, like, say, The last Colossus on Shadow of the Colossus (if he had a gun. !). When I hear a tank, I usually run to a spot where I've got a clear route backwards, blast him, and if I can't run backwards, I get I do a shitty version of what you talk about.

    Speaking of...
    WHO WANTS TO PLAY LATERRRR. About eightish central? =)

  9. Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Natural View Post
    I was kidding (and poking fun at the average campaign team).
    lol sorry, my sarcasm detector does not work as well over the internet

  10. Community Staff
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    Quote Originally Posted by JessyL33T View Post
    I see now! The wiki, from what I understood initially, is a definitely 360. Prooooobably more or so better for a stationary object, like, say, The last Colossus on Shadow of the Colossus (if he had a gun. !). When I hear a tank, I usually run to a spot where I've got a clear route backwards, blast him, and if I can't run backwards, I get I do a shitty version of what you talk about.

    Speaking of...
    WHO WANTS TO PLAY LATERRRR. About eightish central? =)
    Trying to shoot hi down a long narrow stretch works too, you've just got to be really vigilant about smokers/boomers while running backwards. We were facing Don't dispute tonight, and we tried running back, only to be smoked backwards, forcing our entire team to fight the tank in a room we were totally unprepared for.

    Our only resort was to Kite/Circle Strafe the tank. As long as you keep an eye out for smokers/boomers, you should be good.

    Btw, I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not haha.

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