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Thread: Squad 4's Tunis Tea Party

  1. Registered TeamPlayer Mustafah's Avatar
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    Re: Squad 4's Tunis Tea Party

    Quote Originally Posted by DragonOEvil
    Quote Originally Posted by Mustafah
    Hell...yea! We were thinking we might just have pissed ya'll off. Sending over a squad and a half plus the walker to deal with poor little ole us.

    Kept that walker out of the fight for at least half a round or more. Our squad did quite good.
    Kept the walker out of the fight?

    Who are you kidding here. You guys kept spawning and I kept killing you. And since with the walker noone was alive to rez you guys.... The walker was IN the fight and getting kill after kill on respawns.

    Atleast until you stopped spawning.

    I don't know why you say 1/2 the round or more tho. It wasn't until the end of the round that the walker spawned and I got into it. The round was almost over by then (and yes we were losing badly. In fact I think our side lost the previous 4 rounds also). Was someone else in the walker there before I got into it? I was under the impression most of your havok was against foot patrols until I notice the walker spawned in the back base.
    Well, I guess if you think your only armor on that map was well played against only 1 squad with your team down so many points then ok....your walker was in the fight. I stand corrected.

    Yes...our squad took down your walker at least once before it respwaned and you got in it....and it was definitely half or more of the round.

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    Re: Squad 4's Tunis Tea Party

    Quote Originally Posted by Mustafah
    Well, I guess if you think your only armor on that map was well played against only 1 squad with your team down so many points then ok....your walker was in the fight. I stand corrected.
    Oh snap. Is that someone crying havoc that I hear?

  3. Registered TeamPlayer Turtlesexx's Avatar
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    Re: Squad 4's Tunis Tea Party

    Quote Originally Posted by FrauBlucher
    repeat post I wasn't around to bust your balls all weekend so better wear that cup to protect ya ;P
    I think Frau is having withdrawls. That's the 3rd post I've seen today where she mentioned busting balls!

  4. Registered TeamPlayer DragonOEvil's Avatar
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    Re: Squad 4's Tunis Tea Party

    Quote Originally Posted by Mustafah
    Well, I guess if you think your only armor on that map was well played against only 1 squad with your team down so many points then ok....your walker was in the fight. I stand corrected.

    Yes...our squad took down your walker at least once before it respwaned and you got in it....and it was definitely half or more of the round.
    Gotcha. Yea, didn't know the walker had already been there before I had gotten into it.

    I was getting kill after kill with you guys for the brief time I had the walker. If I keep getting kills, and they arn't destroying the walker and you guys arn't able to revive. Is this not a good? Or is this bad strategy?

    My thoughts were this: You guys having a spawn point near the back base = bad. The only thing worse then having a walker trapped in the back base would be having our walker in your hands. Our team couldn't seem to locate your beacon (and believe me I know my squad was trying to find it). It might just be the confusion caused by you putting the beacon back up of course. So once I had the walker I figured I would try and deminish your ticket count a bit by killing you guys as you spawned in. I wasn't sure what else to really do about it. If I left with the walker, iand it got destroyed, and we didn't deal with your squad there was always the potential you guys might sneak the walker from us. I seemed to be racking up kill after kill, but we were already 100 tickets behind so I realized winning the match at this point was unlikely. If we had abandoned the back base then we may as well of been giving our assets to you.

    So, since you wish to be condescending to me. Please, tell me what I should have done!

  5. Registered TeamPlayer Mustafah's Avatar
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    Re: Squad 4's Tunis Tea Party

    Ticket bleed was your teams undoing. We had 2 of the 3 cappable flags. And the last flag was traded back and forth and is where the battle was.

    The walker at east in the thick of it or taking the middle flag with an FAV moving to take junkyard and a 100 point deficiency could be lessened. You might not have won the round still but not by that big of a difference. And who knows? You might could have pulled it and I both have been playing on this server long enough to see it happen again and again.

    As far as your base...infantry could have taken us...and in fact had pinned us to the west side of your uncap, otherwise we would have gotten your walker when it respawned.

    We kept respawning because with ticket bleed it was still 1 to 1 (bleed vs your walker) and with us ahead it was acceptable.

  6. Registered TeamPlayer nsRaven's Avatar
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    Re: Squad 4's Tunis Tea Party

    To add to what Mustafah said, I will now type a novel... The forces we tied up by making them deal with us was more than worth any ticket loss we took with at least half of our own deaths being negated with our defibs. The same couldn't be said for your own infantry though since once they ventured into our corner they were getting ready to respawn.

    We also nearly had possession of your walker the first time it was used against us. I think it was Tenrou or Wintersays, he missed getting it by a few steps. So much effort was wasted just trying to remove us, up to and including two walkers (counting yours), a couple UAV's, and two orbital strikes. All that effort just for us. We may have been pinned down, but we held a highly defensible position with a secured beacon to support us when we couldn't get the rez.

    At some point it would have been better to realize that my squad was doing more than just trading tickets with you guys and fighting for your base. Believe me, if the opposition had left, we would have trashed the place no doubt. Our commander's standing orders were to raise havoc...actually, Matt said "cause a disturbance", but I think its safe to say the we more than succeeded at that task.

    We took PAC soldiers and strategic assets away from the fight. We made the battle a lot easier on the front lines for our team and harder for yours. Without us in the backfield maybe the PAC still would have lost, maybe they could have won, but in the end that 100+ ticket deficit didn't happen without us.

    The way I see it, there were two paths the PAC could have taken to deal with us. 1.) They could have recalled everyone to the base and pushed outwards from there. This would have the benefit of securing the PAC assets while pushing us out. The con would be that the PAC would now be pinned to their base and would lose anyway. 2.) The commander should have realized early on that its an ugly situation. Give a set amount of time to kick us out. If that fails, then cut your losses, abandon the base and hope we either leave afterwards or become too complacent sitting around to see the counterattack coming.

    Personally, I think the second choice would have been the best call and should have been made early on. With the set time to remove us, the commander should have ordered a squad to send half around behind us then crush us in the middle with a front and rear assault. That probably would have uprooted us for sure. Barring that from happening, the commander should have cut his losses and moved on, possibly striking us down afterwards.

  7. Registered TeamPlayer DragonOEvil's Avatar
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    Re: Squad 4's Tunis Tea Party

    Quote Originally Posted by nsRaven
    To add to what Mustafah said, I will now type a novel... The forces we tied up by making them deal with us was more than worth any ticket loss we took with at least half of our own deaths being negated with our defibs. The same couldn't be said for your own infantry though since once they ventured into our corner they were getting ready to respawn.

    We also nearly had possession of your walker the first time it was used against us. I think it was Tenrou or Wintersays, he missed getting it by a few steps. So much effort was wasted just trying to remove us, up to and including two walkers (counting yours), a couple UAV's, and two orbital strikes. All that effort just for us. We may have been pinned down, but we held a highly defensible position with a secured beacon to support us when we couldn't get the rez.

    At some point it would have been better to realize that my squad was doing more than just trading tickets with you guys and fighting for your base. Believe me, if the opposition had left, we would have trashed the place no doubt. Our commander's standing orders were to raise havoc...actually, Matt said "cause a disturbance", but I think its safe to say the we more than succeeded at that task.

    We took PAC soldiers and strategic assets away from the fight. We made the battle a lot easier on the front lines for our team and harder for yours. Without us in the backfield maybe the PAC still would have lost, maybe they could have won, but in the end that 100+ ticket deficit didn't happen without us.

    The way I see it, there were two paths the PAC could have taken to deal with us. 1.) They could have recalled everyone to the base and pushed outwards from there. This would have the benefit of securing the PAC assets while pushing us out. The con would be that the PAC would now be pinned to their base and would lose anyway. 2.) The commander should have realized early on that its an ugly situation. Give a set amount of time to kick us out. If that fails, then cut your losses, abandon the base and hope we either leave afterwards or become too complacent sitting around to see the counterattack coming.

    Personally, I think the second choice would have been the best call and should have been made early on. With the set time to remove us, the commander should have ordered a squad to send half around behind us then crush us in the middle with a front and rear assault. That probably would have uprooted us for sure. Barring that from happening, the commander should have cut his losses and moved on, possibly striking us down afterwards.
    We couldn't cut our losses and leave the base. That would GIVE you our walker in the event our walker got destroyed elsewhere on the field. That seems like a bad tactic to me. I'd rather have NO walker on our side then two on your side. At least with me killing you in the walker it would have freed up more infantry to advance.

    As infantry, I certainly am not as effective as you guys were. Your right, I would kill someone someone else would kill me, and then you guys would rez eachother. Thats what made me decide to use the walker when I saw it spawn. I really feel that the walker was the best way to deal with you for a couple reasons:

    1. it spawned right there, so I really didn't have to travel far with it to start killing you guys.
    2. Soon as I had the walker, I was killing you guys left and right. You weren't able to rez each other because the collateral damage from the walker just doesn't make it feasable.
    3. As soon as you guys were eliminated, the walker could move onto other positions.
    4. If we gave you our base, not only would we lose the walker but all of our commander's assets as well. How could this have been a good decision?

    Eventually, you guys stopped spawning which I was not sure whether it was because your beacon was finally down or you gave up spawning on it because it was suicide.

    The problem, as I said, was that your beacon wasn't able to be located (or wasn't visible due to another EA game bug). Either way, that is truly what prevented us from dealing with your squad efficiently. At least, from the perspective of the squad I was a member of.

    Thanks for all the input guys. I like to expand my knowledge about tactics and strategies.

  8. Registered TeamPlayer nsRaven's Avatar
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    Re: Squad 4's Tunis Tea Party

    We stopped spawning because the beacon was destroyed and then I got nailed with rockets right before we realized it was gone. DOH! The walker did give you the upperhand for the last couple of minutes we were there. We were gonna come back with pilums and I was asking for an orbital, but the commander was a bit distracted at the time. It was just bad luck on our part that we got stopped when we did. It was kind of funny, someone said, "Don't die squad leader"...then I died...then Matt said "Okay where's this walker at?", to which I answered, "Uh, nevermind."

    My opinion of the walker would be that while it can be devastating, it is also easily destroyed unless its pilot really really knows what they're doing. Keep in mind that we had already destroyed one walker that tried to stop us. If, and its a big if, the base is surrendered which later results in losing the walker to the enemy, you would already expect them to have it and should be prepared to destroy it.

    There's always the chance a counter attack would get the squaters out of the base before the walker pops. Either way is tactically better than diverting valuable resources for nearly the entire round. If its an unlocked though, like Command Center in Cerbere Landing, I wouldn't bother with the retreat because the position is too valuable.

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    Re: Squad 4's Tunis Tea Party

    raven i like your assessments. going to be fun to command opposite you one of these days.

    i have said mutiple times before. destroy the supply crates BEFORE you go after the walker. otherwise it is going to be like my calculus class, baaaad math. they keep recharging, your team keeps dying. without a supply crate they will fall from cumalative damage.

    besides, commander could emp & orb w/ less loss of tickets

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