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Thread: Another complaint

  1. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Another complaint

    I like TTP, but why is it only at night (after around 5-6PM) that the server becomes TTP? What I mean by that is every, and I mean that; <b>every</b> time I play before that time there is no squad enforcement and its just a regular BF2 server, no voip, no commander commanding, half of your team is a lone wolf. etc.., I can and will if need be join another server but I don&#39;t feel that is necessary. Why not just make it TTP all day long? 8)

    For example at night when the server magically turns into BF2 heaven, if you are not in a squad you are warned, and then if your still not in a squad u get kicked. Encourage everyone to use voip like its usually done via server messages. (I only seem to see those at night)

  2. Registered TeamPlayer QuickLightning's Avatar
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    Re: Another complaint

    Please keep in mind that the admins all have jobs and/or are in school full time. They can not police the server all day long.

    In the meantime, when you are in a situation like that, try to step it up and play the TTP way. Lead a squad or be commander and show the "puggers" how we roll in TTP. I guarantee a team with a few TTPers working together will roll right over a team of players from general public servers. If nothing else, you&#39;ll inspire those around you to start working together themselves.

  3. Registered TeamPlayer Too Much Damage's Avatar
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    Re: Another complaint

    Leadership is influence my friend. like Quicklightning53 said, play the TTP way and others will follow.

  4. Registered TeamPlayer Krueluck's Avatar
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    Re: Another complaint

    I always seem to join the game on that other team, and yes, the one with a Commander and squads that communicate and work together just roll over us. I think for some reason I default to the losing team whenever I join, lol. Sometimes I don&#39;t even get my kit packed before the game is over. It is just euphoric to at least find a team member that at least talks to you... sometimes there is a full squad and maybe one person (not the squad leader) that even uses the voip. But I will look for you Aequitas when I am on during the day. If you start defaulting to the losing side whenever you join, well you know why... I think I might start a new soldier and just call him JonasPariah....

  5. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: Another complaint

    As people have already said, when the server is in that condition make your own squad! Invite people to join your squad (I usually look at all the highest scoring unassigned people to send an invitation too), and then, in the chat, exclaim, "EVERYONE JOIN OR CREATE A SQUAD! WE NEED TO WORK TOGETHER TO WIN!" (hit space a few times before this statement so that it will show up in the middle of the screen). Repeat this statement several times.

    When I have done the steps stated above, I can usually get together at least two squads. Despite popular believe, most the non-regulars and "noobs" will listen. They will usually be compliant and helpful.

    Teamwork reflects leadership, and when things look bad, you need to step up and try to bring it under control. We regulars are held to a higher standard (higher still if your a resident clan member). And, in my book, part of those standards are to help the newer people become active squad members through the promotion and advertising of teamwork.

    My 2 cents.

  6. Registered TeamPlayer Krueluck's Avatar
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    Re: Another complaint

    Good advice MacDre707, worth at least 98 cents... I think perhaps my post was the 2 cent post... lol. Thanks for telling me about the space bar, somehow it never occurred to me that I could center a message. And you are right, the only way to change this is for the regulars that are on during the day to step up.

  7. Registered TeamPlayer w4jchosen's Avatar
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    Re: Another complaint

    These gentlemen have all given your good advice Aequitas. In the "sometimes" that an admin may not be on a couple of regulars stepping up, creating squads and playing the "TTP" way will rule the day. Make it happen

  8. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: Another complaint

    I, too, sometimes play during the day. It has also been my experience that people on the server do whatever they want. I have tried numerous times to start a squad, recruit people, I even tried starting a squad, then surreptitiously leave the squad to start another squad, just to get two squads running around. The minute I leave one though, they just start running around like chickens with their heads chopped off, not together, not with common purpose. I have to continually cajole, badger and downright kick people from my squad whenever I do have problem children, and when I do command and tell people to squad up so we can win, etc, most of the time I get responses like, &#39;what do you care, I&#39;m playing, leave me alone!&#39; or &#39;fuck off, ain&#39;t nobody here to boot us, so fuck you!&#39; and the litany of crap like that goes on into the sunset.

    I have tried any and all means I can think of, and trust me-the Marine Corps taught me lots, to no avail. I understand that the Admin&#39;s and whoever else, may have jobs or school to go to, but just as I am sure that is true, I am also sure that there are some regulars, who don&#39;t have those obligations (for whatever reason) who are responsible blokes and could put a leash on the stupidity for the rest of us during the day.

    Lately, even at night there is bullshit that apparently nobody can do anything about, like the incessant hackers who seem to have a new fountain of youth available to them with new hacks that, apparently, PB either doesn&#39;t know about or can&#39;t defeat, who are ruining the reputation of the server. Trust me when I say, there are NUMEROUS other people besides me who are getting tired of the hackers who have their way with us and nothing happens to them.

  9. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: Another complaint

    For example;

    Quote Originally Posted by MaBell37
    Last night, on Songhau Stalemate, I was a squadleader on the American team lying on top of the gas station across from the Fish Factory. I was doing one thing. Staying alive for my squad to spawn on me to attack/defend the flag. Along comes this guy, something Mr.Madhatter, up the ladder, pretty much the only way to the roof. From the second I saw his face, I started firing my P90, AT POINT BLANK RANGE-ZOOMED IN LAYING PRONE, and this guy just keeps climbing the ladder, gets to the roof, whips out his shotgun (I will be inserting the weapon draw time here as soon as I find it) and one shot kills me. I had NO bars of damage on my health, the medic had recently dropped me two med packs, one that healed me and one that was laying underneath me.

    Someone, care to attempt to explain to me how this guy did this without hacks?

  10. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: Another complaint

    When you get players that have that type of attitude is when you take it to the complaint thread. No there is not any real evidence that you can put but it will help the admins to see who some of the problem children are...

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