Programmers use what is called object orientated programming to make these things. What this assumes is to make changes to one item, you must define its properties.

Since the console is part of the game, but not a game object, I think you are probably out of luck. I don't think that when you hit the key strokes, it creates a new instance of the console. I think the console runs, probably from an early state. I think it access the mutator methods of the game classes and allows you to alter global constants. Neither the constants nor the interface can be changed once it's compiled.

A game hacker/cracker will rebut this though. I don't know how to make a game run along side itself so I can tweek the timing and send new values to piss people off. Nor would I. Screw hacking anyway. Hackers are 99.9% script kiddies and I hope they all die before they get real jobs to mess up real stuff.

Lets just play, or mod, k?