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Thread: my name is gundoo and i kick snipers

  1. Chicago Ted
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    Quote Originally Posted by David Lynch
    It's such a sadness that you think you've seen a film on your fucking telephone. Get real.

  2. Zombie Dog
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    Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.... very interesting. I have been reading a lot of your posts before and I was definitely surprised by that lol. You are also a brave man for quoting Hitler in your post about ideology

    Alright I do agree with you on a strong military. Peace in the world will never truly exist, some people just wont have it, but in order to maintain peace in your home nation, you will need to be able to protect yourself. The military is very useful in many things as you have stated, look what is going on in Haiti right now, the USAF had to go in and take control of the airport to help coordinate the mass amounts of planes flying in aid. I just hate it when people talk shit about the military, when they are the ones fighting and dying for your right to protest...

    I also agree with you on the issue in gay marriage, I too don't really have a problem with gays; I just believe marriage to be between a man and a woman that’s all.

    However, I disagree with you about capitalism. Yes it has been hijacked by greed, but you have to remember that capitalism has not failed... greed has failed and in order to fix it I feel that we need to go back and instill true my countries founding values in our education system, to me more government intervention and regulation will just hurt and bog down the system. There will always be bad people who try and cheat, steal, and manipulate the system for their own benefit, and instead of punishing everyone for their actions we should focus on punishing the people who commit the crimes. I know you have said you still are not decided on what type of government or economic system best fits your values, but I feel that capitalism fits mine. It has it's flaws but if we work to fix those flaws without destroying capitalism itself I feel that it can work, but if you find a better system that allows people to become successful off their own hard work, and allows anyone to make something of themselves without the government dictating who gets what, and does what, then I am all ears

    Another thing you didn't really talk about is personal rights, I have already stated how I feel about this, but just to summarize: I am for personal liberty and believe that everyman has the god given right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. I am just curious to see how you feel about this as well.
    Let them hate me, so long as they fear me...

  3. On the way to greater things
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    Ha, yeah, it's pretty brave to call yourself a national socialist, which is the definition of a nazi, and use Hitler for support. However, as I can see you are using the political philosophy and not the more evil parts of that particular philosophy, and as long as you're not goosestepping around with a swastika saying how blacks and jews are the cause of all evil, I'm fine with that.

    What I would disagree with you on Abyss is that what we have now is even worthy of being called Capitalism. With so many regulations and lobbyists and pork-barreling (in this case to help out business in one's area), the free market has ceased to be. I'd argue that there has never been a society utilizing Capitalism.

    Military: The primary job of the government is to protect the rights and property of its citizens from 1) Each other 2) Foreign Influence 3) Foreign Invasion. In order to do this, a strong military is necessary. As for protecting from civil unrest... It is possible that this is necessary. I believe it was handled perfectly by President Andrew Jackson during the Nullification Crisis in the early 1830's. (And possibly by President Washington during the Whiskey Rebellion).

    My view on gay marriage is the same as heterosexual marriage: The government has no right to say who can and cannot get married. It should offer no bonus for doing so. Marriage is solely between the two parties involved and if they choose, a religious institution. Personally, I do not need anyone's sanction on my relationships, but tradition remains. (For good or evil I cannot tell because marriage itself has come to mean very little these days it seems...)

    Eugenics? I didn't think this is a big topic today lol, but sure. This one's easy: WHO THE HELL IS GONNA LET THE GOVERNMENT TELL THEM WHO THEY CAN OR CANNOT HAVE SEX WITH!? We will evolve anyway. Done.
    "I swear by my life and my love of it, that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine." -John Galt

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    lol i would love to comment in this thread but i would get shot...straight the head
    How is work in the lunchroom, Frankie?
    It's alright.
    Poor Frankie!

  5. Smoker
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    Nice idea for a thread as it encourages people to think about what they actually believe in, it's also pretty revealing about your fellow posters.

    Re: my own ideology: I guess I'm probably a liberal lefty paradoxist/hypocrit. So, for example, I believe in things like freedom of speech, sexuality, ideology and religion, but ironically I expect everyone to adhere to those values.

    I support the green agenda and believe that man is partly at fault for global warming (I had a behemoth of post ready for the "Go Green? Or Go Home Hippy?" thread, but unfortunately ran out of time before I could finish it (and no, I'm not making that up)). I also believe that, even if people out there doubt that man-kind plays a role in global warming, they still have a duty to do what they can to protect the environment. I think there should be more done to encourage people to recycle/ use public transport / promoteforms of renewable energy etc. etc. I don't see what the harm in making that extra bit of effort does. In Spain, for example, they've got these big coloured bins for recycling different stuff at the end of each street, and you just sort your rubbish into the right bag and chuck in the correct bin. It takes about 5 minutes, it's not strenuous.

    I believe the U.K. should set an example to the world by unilaterally choosing to get rid of its nuclear arsenal (the money could be spent a lot better elsewhere). I also think we should reduce the amount we spend on weaponising our forces in general. I think more should be done to emphasise the work that the armed forces do in tackling drugs and their use in humanitarian disasters. I'm really worried about the current glorification of the armed forces by the British media.

    I think the war in Iraq was wrong, and the arguments for weren't presented truthfully. I think that the government should have made more of an attempt to engage the Taliban in diplomacy before deciding to send our armed forces into Afghanistan. I think that the government should make more effort to engage extremists (including the likes of Al Qaeda) in dialogue at home. You can call me a wishy-washy idealist all you like, but I firmly believe a lot more would be achieved in this world if people just sat down and talked.

    I approve of free healthcare and education, and think people should be taxed according to how much they earn. I think more should be done to renovate British town centres in light of the recent recession and I think that starts with addressing the problem of out-of-town supermarkets, coupled with the reduction of rent-rates in town centres and the promotion of things like farmers markets/fairs/whatever.

    So, there you go. A load of lefty idealist hypocritical claptrap I'm sure, but I'm sorry: that's what I believe in.
    RIP Mike Starr

  6. Chicago Ted
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    Quote Originally Posted by David Lynch
    It's such a sadness that you think you've seen a film on your fucking telephone. Get real.

  7. Call me Pingwin
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    Political and religious discussion is a no-no... Not to mention that your ideas are borderline racist, even for one as liberal as I. Sorry, as surprisingly civil as this discussion has been - it's against our rules. This is not the place to discuss such things.

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