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Thread: Best commander nominations!

  1. Left 4 Dead
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    My vote goes to Adrenaline, but they are both very good.

    when your horded and cannot move your health gets drained pretty fast, with adrenaline you can run out of the horde quickly and shoot them without taking to much damage.

    with pills its way harder to get out of a horde when your surrounded, even if pills give you more health you might lose most of it by the time you get of of the horde.

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    Pills. Because the only time I take adreniline, is for the mall alarm sequence, but the problem with adriniline is when you get hit by one common, your stopped. And frustrating as it is when you get hit and cant walk normally, its worse when you know you have a limited time to run faster, and your stuck on dumb commons, and it gets wasted.

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    I know this, again I try to look at the other aspects, How many times have you normally tried to revive someone to be stopped at the very last second, same with scavenge. All these perks add up, and personally overall, it makes me prefer adrenaline in 70%of situations.

  4. Hi, my name is...
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    Pills. Because the only time I take adreniline, is for the mall alarm sequence, but the problem with adriniline is when you get hit by one common, your stopped. And frustrating as it is when you get hit and cant walk normally, its worse when you know you have a limited time to run faster, and your stuck on dumb commons, and it gets wasted.
    Common infected punching you while you're running under the effects of adrenaline will not slow you down, unless the speed boost has worn off. In fact, I believe that's the idea behind CEDA handing out adrenaline shots to people at the evac sites - run, run, run Forrest!

    Anyway, pills and adrenaline are two different forms of temporary health for a reason. They're to be used in different situations, so no one can really say one is better than the other. I guess one could have a preference, but that's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard, for the aforementioned reason.

    Here's a tip - don't ever heal when you're not in last life (black and white). Save your kits, especially on Realism and/or Expert. If you're in yellow and suffer from reduced movement speed, pop pills. If you need to escape a horde or run through a panic event (example, first level of Parish at the alarm upon the scaffolding) pop adrenaline.

    Too many times I've seen stupid people in Realism heal after taking 60 damage from common infected at the start of the map. Just wait until someone finds pills, or even adrenaline... believe me, when you actually need the kit you'll regret having used it.

    - Sinn

  5. Left 4 Dead
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    For me, adrenaline should only be used if shit hits the fan or your really slow from bleeding.

    Say a tank downs someone. One adrenaline shot and you can pick him/her nd heal them in 2 seconds.
    !!!WiCkEd VOooOdooooO TerRrroRR!!!

  6. Senior Member
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    while adrenaline is useful, i prefer pills in almost every situation. to me, adrenaline is more of a support item. it helps you heal teammates and do many things faster, but in a bad situation it won't save you.
    pills on the other hand, will save you from a bad situation like a horde or a tank, so i see them as more of a "save yourself" item while adrenaline is more of a "save your teammates" sort of item. and i need a "save yourself" item far more then a "save your teammates" item since my team normally is randoms.
    although there's one exception to that, if i find adrenaline near a running crescendo i'll pick that up instead since adrenaline is far more helpful in that kind of situation.
    build a man a fire and he will be warm for the night,
    set a man on fire and he will be warm for the rest of his life.

  7. Zombie Rat
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    I choose adrenaline over pills most of the time for all the benefits it carries. I found myself doing this on TP Expert recently, only to realize when things went down, that 25 extra health just made me want the full 50 instead...

    So, adrenaline for Easy-Advanced, pills for Expert.

  8. Junior Member
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    Tip Of The Day: Shoot hunters instead of knocking them off. A bit more lost HP is better than letting him get away and find a really good ambush spot.

  9. Boomer
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    Neither is better.

    What's with all thse ''This vs that'' posts?

    Pills and Adreniline are 2 completely different things, used for different things and at different times, there both situational and help if different ways.

    What's the matter David? Never taken a shortcut before?

  10. Senior-Senior Member
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    well if love hitting the tank with melee weapons then go for adrenaline

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