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  1. Banned
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    Kill it. I mean, 3 people have been killed by it. Enough is enough. Just kill it. It deserves it.
    I'm an idiot and I can't follow directions. So now I'm also banned.

  2. Junior Member
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    Well, IMO..Orcas should not be held in captivity unless for repopulation. They are not meant to be petted near the water, and be around people. They are WILD. It's too late to throw them back in the ocean now, so I do feel that SeaWorld should keep him. However, if I was an animal that big inside of an area the size of an olympic size swimming pool my entire life, I'd probably kill people too.

  3. Boomer
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    Sushi anyone? That whale might also be good bbq. Biggest rack of ribs anyone would ever see.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Moonshadow View Post
    I have a better Idea. How about hmmmm NOT messing with the deadly animals? Seriously. It's called a KILLER whale. KILLER WHALE. IT. FUCKING. KILLS. THINGS. Serious.
    lmao...that was a funny read so true tho right? if you wanna clown around with something that likes noming on all kinds of shit...dont be suprised if you get nomed on!

    Quote Originally Posted by EdgeZombie View Post
    Kill it. I mean, 3 people have been killed by it. Enough is enough. Just kill it. It deserves it.
    it doesnt 'deserve' to die really! you stick a huge wild killer whale in a small tank and make it do tricks...face the consiquences man!

    Quote Originally Posted by sloppinjoe View Post
    Sushi anyone? That whale might also be good bbq. Biggest rack of ribs anyone would ever see.
    if i had a big enough bbq....i probably would :locked:
    How is work in the lunchroom, Frankie?
    It's alright.
    Poor Frankie!

  5. Smoker
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    Shame about the keeper, not a pleasant way to go. They should give it a taste of it's own medicine: haul on to the land and give it a good kicking, or let a tiger have it, or something

    Naw, I jest: they should keep it as a reminder to all the wailing (or should that be whaling?) little kids about what happens when you misbehave at Seaworld.
    RIP Mike Starr

  6. Hi, my name is...
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    killer whale

    also about it being in a small tank isnt kinda true only when it has to preform then they release it into some kinda pond or lake thing they have i think im almost positive cause ive been to seaworld many times and have seen it
    you got a hall pass brah!!

  7. Banned
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    It's all very good and well saying that they should expect the consequences. You don't think that murder victims should expect to be killed, do you?

    Kill it. More human than releasing it, and it does deserve to die.
    I'm an idiot and I can't follow directions. So now I'm also banned.

  8. Devious Tyrant
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    Always boils down to money. It's too valuable to kill.

  9. Left 4 Dead
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    Quote Originally Posted by EdgeZombie View Post
    Kill it. I mean, 3 people have been killed by it. Enough is enough. Just kill it. It deserves it.
    I have to agree
    (maybe not that it "deserves" it but whatever)

    If it killed 3 people why risk it again.
    Transporting it to the ocean will cost quite a bit of money.
    And there is a good chance it would live that long in the ocean.

    Either kill it, or get an other organization to transport it seems like the best ideas.

    Quote Originally Posted by Evil View Post
    Always boils down to money. It's too valuable to kill.
    You have a good point.

  10. THE TANK
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    Quote Originally Posted by EdgeZombie View Post
    It's all very good and well saying that they should expect the consequences. You don't think that murder victims should expect to be killed, do you?

    Kill it. More human than releasing it, and it does deserve to die.
    sadly you have been banned

    but alas...the whale doesnt deserve to die at all!

    the whale is a wild animal still very dependant on its instincts! If a human decides to try and train an animal away from its instincts then fine, but dont get upset when that still very wild animal turns wild!

    Same with these dumb ass lion tamers that get munched when they stick their head in a lions mouth! lol you gotta laugh!
    Even domestic cats are still wild and scratch and attack their owners.

    A wild animal is called a wild animal for a reason!
    The day whales goto universities or college and drive cars or ride the day you can say 'yup they deserve to die'...until then, you cant really say much in honesty
    its sad yes, but its expected and the trainer made a life choice knowing the consequences and possible scenarios!...and in all honesty its probably better of her to have died by a whale that she loved and a job that she loved then by some bum with a gun!
    How is work in the lunchroom, Frankie?
    It's alright.
    Poor Frankie!

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