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Thread: Odd bug

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    Quote Originally Posted by pillz here View Post
    I've had this issue now for MONTHS (since about December) and I wanted to see if anyone else knew anything about it/experienced it?

    I got a refurbished Xbox 360 back in December as a replacement for my original one. I have the same internet set-up for it: a router, with my Xbox directly connected to it via ethernet cable.

    I've called my Internet provider (AT&T), my router company (Belkin), and Xbox customer support.. and even after numerous phone calls, I'm still having the same issues. they'll go away for a while, but they always come back... I've opened up all of my game ports, made sure my Xbox was on my client list, I've bridged my modem/router, changed my IP, made sure my Internet was at the right speed, tried connecting directly to my modem, fiddled with my settings on my router & Xbox through their advice.. but these issues keep cropping back up:

    ~ with certain friends, it will say that they are "not in a joinable game" when in fact they are. when I try to join, I get the error "session no longer available". these people usually cannot connect to parties with me. sometimes things work fine between our connections, and then this just keeps happening.

    ~ more recently, I'll be in the middle of a versus and everything is going fine, until all of a sudden I am disconnected with no warning. I don't ever get the "re trying server" error. I'm just instantly disconnected, and sometimes I'm able to sign right back on and other times I'm not.

    ~ sometimes people can't hear me either in the lobby chat or while in game. if they can't hear me in the lobby, then they can hear me just fine when the game starts & vice versa. I've recovered my gamer tag once to fix this, and I made sure my privacy settings were correct - but it still keeps happening.

    any advice? I don't have the $$$ for a new router right now & it seems that every time I call to get this fixed, Xbox has NO idea what to do about it. I'm at my wit's end!
    Now riddle me this. Does your Router, and im pretty sur eit does since its a BELKIN, have a DMZ? And have you put your xbox's IP in the DMZ?

  2. Hi, my name is...
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    Quote Originally Posted by TeenRacer6 View Post
    Now riddle me this. Does your Router, and im pretty sur eit does since its a BELKIN, have a DMZ? And have you put your xbox's IP in the DMZ?
    I'm pretty sure it does, and I don't think they've ever had me input it there.. what would that do?
    I'm calling zombie bullshit on that

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    The DMZ is a special tool that removes one IP from the virtual firewall of the router, thus making it able to stream traffic better. The easiest thing to do is to write down everything your xbox says on the connection diagnostic screen. Ill help you out more when I get home.

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    Okay im back. Follow these steps.

    Write down your IP adress, Subnet Mask, Gateway, Primary DNS, and Secondary DNS (If applicable)

    Change your Xbox's settings from Automatic to Maunal.

    Now enter your IP adress, Subnet Mask, Gateway, Primary DNS, and Secondary DNS (If applicable) by hand.

    Try connecting to xbox live. It should connect you. You changed all this to manual so that the xbox will never change its IP, and therefore, you wont have to adust your DMZ constently.


    Bring the Xbox IP you wrote down to the computer with you. You will need it.

    Go to

    You should appear at the Belkin router Admin page. Look on the left hand side, under "Firewall, and click DMZ.

    It will ask for a password. If you set one, enter it now, if not, click submit anyway. (The default password is to leave the field completely blank) Your passcode to connect to your wifi, if you have one set, is NOT your admin password.

    Under the box of private IP, it should say "192.168.2.x" Enter the last digit of your Xbox's new manual IP adress into that box, check the "Enable" box, and click "Apply changes."

    Changes will apply. Restart your xbox, and router (If your router didnt restart after applying changes)

    Now try your games and see if its fixed. Let me know after you try.

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