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  1. Registered TeamPlayer
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    MOVED: wOOt!

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  2. Left 4 Dead
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    Witch Killing 101

    There's more then ONE way to kill a witch. Yet some players just don't know. So i figure im bored right now, il make a quick list of all the different ways I've killed/seen her killed Here goes nothing....

    Crowning / Risk: Very High / Weapons :All shotguns

    -Simply walk up to the witch witch point blank and shoot it dead with a shootie.
    -Much easier with auto/combat shotties.
    -But can be done with pumps. I can't do
    -Very risky in VS because getting close to the witch is exactly what the infected team is counting on.

    Burning the witch / Risk : High / Weapons : Moltov or Gas Can

    -Simply lite the witch on fire with a moltov or Gas can.
    -Witch can also be shot to lure her toward you before burning her.
    -When lit on fire you must run till she dies.
    -She dies much faster if other players are attacking her.
    -Leaves you open to get attacked by the infected team

    Spike the Witch / Risk : Low / Weapons : Hunting Rifle/Sniper Rifle

    -Head Shot the witch with a Sniper while shes crying. She MUST be crying
    -She will stumble backwards for a few seconds leaving her open for more head shots.
    -Having the rest of the team open fire at her as she stumbles and runs at you will reduce the chance of the witch reaching you for incap.
    -Can be used at any distance long or close.
    -Can be used with melee weapons if you react fast enough when she stumbles.
    -Very safe way to kill the witch since MOST infected teams are never ready for this method
    -Can be used with Propane/Oxygen tanks to cause even more stumbles after the "SPIKE"

    Bait and Burn with a player / Risk : Very Low / Weapons :Gas Cans

    -2 Players are needed, 1 to shoot the witch and the other to burn her
    -Place gas can infront the player who will shoot the witch (Distance is your friend)
    - Have another player stand a futher away with their aimer on the gas can and have a safe escape route planned.
    -Have a player shoot the witch and have the other player shoot the gas can before the witch gets to the player who shot her.
    -The witch will run toward the player who shot her, run though the fire than change routes and go after the fire starter.
    -Works REALLY well with SPIKING the witch (Sniper)
    -Can be used with a Moltov instead of Gas cans
    -In VS players will not even see this comming
    -THE BEST WAY to kill the witch bride

    Bait and Burn with out a player / Risk : Low,Very High / Weapons : Any

    -Shoot or Disturb a witch and lure her though fire that was not set by survivors or fire set by the enviroment.
    -Can be used with burning trash cans by hiding behind them
    -Once the witch runs through and fire not set by the survivors she will just scream, burn and die NOT attacking anyone.
    -Very risky sometimes if the witch doesn't go the path you intend it to.

    Bait and Shred /Risk :Low, Very High / Weapons : Chainsaw

    -Have a player shoot the witch and have another player with a chainsaw stand infront of the player who disturbed the witch.
    -The witch should run right into the saw and die in seconds
    -Works well with "SPIKING"
    -Sometimes the witch may incap you instead,

    Bait and Climb / Risk : Low, Very High / Weapons : Any

    -Disturb the witch and climb up a ladder and hang on it
    -The witch will not have the BRAIN power to go another way and just stay under your ass
    -Can now be easily killed by your team
    -Works well with fire

    Bait and Hang / Risk : Low, Very High / Weapon : Any

    -Disturb the witch and fall off a ledge and hang.
    -The witch will lose her mind most of the time and run away
    -can back fire

    Bomb the witch / Risk: Very High / Weapons: Gernade Launcher

    -Almost like spiking the witch
    -Not very safe
    -Blast the witch and have your team finish her off as she stumbles and you reload

    Witch Burger / Risk Low, Very High / Weapons : All melee

    -Have all the players surround the witch and melee her at the same time
    -Can be done with 3-2 players but not recomended

    Gang Bang / Risk:Very High / Weapons : Machine Guns

    -Perfect for when no other option is available
    -Have all 4 players open fire on the witch as the same time
    -Great with Expolsive rounds

    Bang the Witch / Risk :High / Weapons : Propane,Oxygen tank

    -MAke sure the witch is close enough to the explosion
    -Can be baited to run into the explosion
    -Can be used with "Spiking" the witch

    Baste and Burn / Risk / Weapons : Boomer Bile and Moltov

    -Throw boomer bile and light her up with a moltov at the same time
    - Always a good time

    Emergency BURN / Risk : VERY HIGH / Weapons : Molvtov, Gas can

    -Perfect to help newbies or bad witch moments
    -IF someone disturbs the witch by mistake just throw the fire AT them
    -The witch will now switch victims and come for the burner
    -Better than

    While this is in the Left 4 Dead 2 section Most of these methods works the same in Left 4 dead 1 too. If anyone has anything else they want to add, go nuts. No doubt i've left something out or haven't even seen a certain witch kill style happen yet. Anyways this should help anyone wanting more options than CROWNING or MOLTOVS....

    !!!WiCkEd VOooOdooooO TerRrroRR!!!

  3. I've done my time
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    Safe kill /Risk: Low, Very High / Weapons: Any gun, throwable or explosive
    - one player startles the witch and runs to the safehouse
    - depends on distance to the nearest safehouse
    My "Being accused of cheating" counter:
    L4D1 - 18
    L4D2 - 2

  4. Banned
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    The pipe bomb stumble:

    YouTube - l4d hilarious witch crown

  5. Senior Member
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    just blow her up / Risk: almost none / Weapons: grenade launcher
    - stand a safe distance away, with a grenade launcher
    - just keep shooting her and knocking her back until she dies. takes 3-4 shots i think. she can only take a few steps before you reload and can shoot again, just don't miss, or knock her towards yourself

    it also helps to have your team shooting her, but it's not needed.
    build a man a fire and he will be warm for the night,
    set a man on fire and he will be warm for the rest of his life.

  6. Zombie Cat
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    My very favorite l4d2 crowning method is what I call the "sit down you loud mouth beiotch"

    You shoot her from anywhere and let her run straight toward you. As she approaches, you give her one to the chest and say "sit down you loud mouth beiotch".

  7. Zombie Rat
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    I just leave her alone.

    Seriously, if she can be avoided/she isn't in the way and the enemy team (if versus) can't really use her to their advantage, then I leave her be.

    Some SI teams in versus just LOVE when a survivor n00b see's a witch and goes out of their way to try to kill the witch. lal!

  8. Zombie Rat
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    Little known fact:

    "Spiking" the Witch can be done with an AK-47. Obviously it's harder to make the headshot, but it works.

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