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Thread: REDMANE0 - I'm calling your ass out.

  1. Senior-Senior Member
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    yea but the kicking system have been abused lately and they need to fix that.

  2. Left 4 Dead
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    1. Disagree (Anyone who thinks having no vote kicking would be a good thing is mad in the head)



    4.Disagree ( a majority of players are no-micers, so its not to hard to find a only no-micer lobby, ive done it many times.)

    5. N/A

  3. I've done my time
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    1. Disagree.
    There is a forum topic about vote kicking. You should read it :P

    2. Agree
    Sometimes even on friends only games someone joined :/
    It was annoying because we were doing expert and some idiot joined, killed us and camped in the safehouse...

    3. Disagree
    Sometimes people prefer to wait ingame.

    4. It depends. Sometimes having a mic can save a lot of hitpoints.

    5. If they don't know that their teammate is downed(for some time of course, not immediately) that means they are bad players. People need to look at each other and cover their teammates to win. But I agree that people shouldn't freak out.
    My "Being accused of cheating" counter:
    L4D1 - 18
    L4D2 - 2

  4. Zombie Rat
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcusrenfro774 View Post
    Okay, I hope this is the right board, but I got some rants that I want everyone to grade.

    Just answer agree or disagree.

    1. The kicking system should be removed (Agree or disagree).
    Disagree. Vote kicking is one of the few ways (the only way) to police the game. If someone dicks about, put 'em up for the vote!

    I agree it is abused too much, but there really isn't an alternative. Instead, I'd like to see the following:

    - Guest accounts cannot vote.
    - The number of times a player can call a vote is restricted to 1 per level.

    That will stop abusers of the system.
    Quote Originally Posted by marcusrenfro774 View Post
    2. There need to be a "private game" feature on the PC version of left 4 dead 2 (Agree of disagree)
    Quote Originally Posted by marcusrenfro774 View Post
    3. Everyone needs to wait until every "player slot" is filled with players. (Agree or disagree)
    Disagree. All that will result in is half-populated lobbies of people sitting there for ages doing nothing. People will get bored and leave. There is nothing wrong with starting a game where there are one or two playerslots empty - they will soon fill up.
    Quote Originally Posted by marcusrenfro774 View Post
    4. People need to stfu and stop kicking people without a mic. I mean, players without a mic can still be good players, right? (Agree or disagree).
    A player without a mic can be a good player - yes. Personally, I'll never play with no-micers, unless I can see that they are a good player. Most no-micers I see tend to run off and go it alone, those players can FOAD from AIDS!.
    Quote Originally Posted by marcusrenfro774 View Post
    5. Everyone needs to stop freaking out when people forget to revive them (or didn't know that they are downed) Agree or disagree..
    Disagree - it's deserved. This is a team game, if people aren't communicating that they're down then why bother playing? How can someone 'forget' to revive someone? I can understand how poeple may not realise that someone is downed until they are told, but that's the problem - people don't communicate that much, and worse than that, people don't LISTEN to others.

    Funnily enough, it's mostly no-micers and younger kids who don't communicate and don't listen and fuck about. Funny that...

    /edited to add:
    Funnily enough the people who don't help other people, not because they 'forget' but because they are DICKS, are the very first players to moan when no one comes to their aid the very instant they are downed. Those players, much like the bad rambo-esque no-micers (some, not all no micers!) can FOAD from AIDS!.

  5. Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcusrenfro774 View Post
    1. The kicking system should be removed (Agree or disagree)
    Disagree, the only change needed is to take away a guests right to vote. Vote kicking is required to keep idiots from ruining the game for everyone else. Imagine if you couldn't kick and had to return to lobby every time a griefer joined a game. You'd never be able to finish unless you played friends only.

    2. There need to be a "private game" feature on the PC version of left 4 dead 2 (Agree of disagree)
    There isn't? Is so that's messed up.

    3. Everyone needs to wait until every "player slot" is filled with players. (Agree or disagree)
    Disagree, only because a lobby takes awhile to fill up sometimes. If there are one or two open slots just start the game. Most of the time they fill in before everyone loads into the first map anyway.

    4. People need to stfu and stop kicking people without a mic. I mean, players without a mic can still be good players, right? (Agree or disagree)
    Disagree. I play versus, we usually have a plan. If you can not follow that plan better than the bot would there is no reason in keeping you around. No micers get booted pretty quickly because they can't explain why they just made that critical error that got the entire team killed. If you don't want to talk that's fine, but don't complain when you get booted because of it.

    5. Everyone needs to stop freaking out when people forget to revive them (or didn't know that they are downed) Agree or disagree.
    Forget to what now? Are you talking about those people that just run away when your in trouble? Of course I freak out, I'm dying! :rofl:

  6. Junior Senior Member
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    Disagree With every one except 4. that i agree with.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]moneymurphy AKA the BoomersBestFriend
    (Fighting for survival on the journey home...)

  7. Left 4 Dead
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcusrenfro774 View Post
    1. The kicking system should be removed (Agree or disagree)
    disagree. the abuse of kicking/voting systems is annoying but not having one at all is even worse. not really the best answer to this problem IMO

    Quote Originally Posted by marcusrenfro774 View Post
    2. There need to be a "private game" feature on the PC version of left 4 dead 2 (Agree of disagree)
    agree. although i play xbox and dont know anything about PC left 4 dead. there's no reason for it to not be able to host private matches

    Quote Originally Posted by marcusrenfro774 View Post
    3. Everyone needs to wait until every "player slot" is filled with players. (Agree or disagree)
    disagree, because then it would take even longer to get a full team up and running. having a 3 v 3 or 4 v 3 match isnt that big a deal because onces its up and running, the players who instantly jump into sessions in progress will probably run into it. maybe if there are at least 3 people in both infected and survivor slots.

    Quote Originally Posted by marcusrenfro774 View Post
    4. People need to stfu and stop kicking people without a mic. I mean, players without a mic can still be good players, right? (Agree or disagree)
    agree. im a little on and off about using mics. in one game i call when im caught, offer advice, and clown around while in another game i wont say a word. i can understand that some players prefer mics with all the advantages it brings especially in realism VS. i just wish that they wouldnt treat no micer's like second or third class people. not all of them are idiots and maybe their not as talktative as you are? does that make them a cancer in the community?

    Quote Originally Posted by marcusrenfro774 View Post
    5. Everyone needs to stop freaking out when people forget to revive them (or didn't know that they are downed) Agree or disagree.
    agree, L4D can be frustrating but im sick of people who take the game too seriously. besides everyone makes mistakes, including the more serious players

    pretty good points man, nice to see some outside opinions too

  8. Smoker
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    At 5.: Unless you're playing realism, then I disagree. If it's taking you several minutes to even realise that someone's been incapped then, yes, you are going to get kicked. It doesn't take that long to quickly scan the health bars at the bottom of the screen.
    RIP Mike Starr

  9. Smoker
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    Okay, I hope this is the right board, but I got some rants that I want everyone to grade.

    Just answer agree or disagree.

    1. The kicking system should be removed (Agree or disagree)

    disagree. I can't kick the player who keeps shooting me?

    2. There need to be a "private game" feature on the PC version of left 4 dead 2 (Agree of disagree)

    dunno, don't have pc version

    3. Everyone needs to wait until every "player slot" is filled with players. (Agree or disagree)

    disagree cuz that'll take forever sometimes

    4. People need to stfu and stop kicking people without a mic. I mean, players without a mic can still be good players, right? (Agree or disagree)

    agree. i'm deaf so I can't use a mic but I play better than half the players out there, yet I still get kicked for this reason

    5. Everyone needs to stop freaking out when people forget to revive them (or didn't know that they are downed) Agree or disagree.

    Agree. Again, I can't hear so I can't tell when someone calling for my help but I watch the captioning for clues. No one's perfect.

    I know this thread is pointless and stupid, but I just need to know what needs to stop in left 4 dead 2.

    disagree.....oh wait, this is not a question. my bad

  10. Zombie Cat
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    1. Disagree - Without this, griefers would be free to ruin games and make expert games impossible to complete.

    2. Disagree - They already have friends only games, if you can't trust your friends should they really be on your list?

    3. Disagree - I don't want to wait around forever in a lobby waiting for the game to fill.

    4. Agree - Don't care that much who has a mic, I only care about whether the person is trying to play as part of the team. Besides even though I have a mic, I don't really talk a whole lot usually.

    5. Disagree - There's no excuse for leaving your teammates on the ground to bleed out when it takes 5 seconds to pick them up. The game even outlines them in orange so it's pretty easy to spot. I can excuse a new player for not watching the health meters all the time, and missing someone, but if you've played for > 10 hours or so, there's really no excuse at that point to leave people for zombie fodder on the ground, unless it's a Realism game and the downed person cannot/does not communicate their location.

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