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Thread: MOVED: PLEASE HELP!! SF and BF2 will not work.

  1. Senior-Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MarkyMark88 View Post
    What I gotnoit of the post, maybe I read it wrong, was that the person was incapped, they let him die and they took his items.

    Fallen Survivor is a Uncommon Common Infected in the Passing, nothing else.
    Quote Originally Posted by William 'Bill' Overbeck
    Shut up you goddamn birds!

  2. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kagato View Post
    That's a completely unrelated matter. Make another topic or rename this one, IMO, because the real problem seems to be with the use of the supplies that drop from the survivors. You're not mad at people who take the supplies: you're mad at how the supplies are misused (I'd hope).

    That is a matter of your teammates (or lack thereof) being selfish with health items. From FAK whores who use a FAK in the saferoom (that they just picked up) and then pick up another to the guys who heal themselves at 80 HP just to pick up a FAK that happened to spawn even when the rest of the team is in yellow or red.

    I see it happen so much and I don't think it's an issue with just the Xbox community. I think people actually forget they're carrying items that can help other people. I'll be limping along in 39 HP while the rest of the team is low green with FAKs and a few of them have pills. Not one of them will toss me at least a pill bottle (let alone heal me) so that I can keep up.

    My response? I let that hunter gnaw on them longer than I should. Hey, if they're going to Bogart the health items might as well get use out of them right?

    But what's better is that sometimes I don't even have to stunt my gameplay at all just to get revenge.. If I'm on expert and I'm put in a situation where I'm constantly low on health due to lack of healing items from teammates, I'll eventually die. If you're the one carrying the team, it is extremely hilarious to watch as everything goes downhill the minute you do die. I have had quite a few games recently where this has occurred and it actually makes me feel better knowing that I am that valuable to the team. You should feel the same comfort at least if you run into situations like that.

    It's also quite a paradox. Those who are able to run faster, are also able to get to supplies faster. To use another analogy, the rich just get richer while the poor stay poor. It doesn't matter if there are pills or other supplies up ahead if I'm running slower than the other teammates.
    For me they often go together. It angers me that they are taking the items and mis-using them, sometimes if they already have a first aid kit and I have nothing and I don't really need to take anything, but I still want something just in case, I want to pick up the pills/first aid. It's not like the Fallen Survivor is always easy to kill, if you shoot the last few bullets of your gun at him then he can slip away and that first aid kit or molotov could become valuable later on.

    I guess how much I want the items depends on the situation. If it requires effort the kill the FS, like I don't get him with a melee weapoin and have to get him with my primary which I have to reload first, I want the items. I don't mean to be selfish, but half of the time my teammates probably didn't realize I had killed the FS, they just went "free stuff!"
    Quote Originally Posted by Target Practice View Post
    Guys, I think there's an important lesson to be learned here:


  3. Hi, my name is...
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wetterl View Post
    Fallen Survivor is a Uncommon Common Infected in the Passing, nothing else.
    Lmao. Shows you how much I play that campaign lol.

  4. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Quote Originally Posted by MarkyMark88 View Post
    Lmao. Shows you how much I play that campaign lol.
    Basically they will randomly drop a combination of First Aid, molovots, pills, and pipe bombs. So if one/two people are low on health and you see one of these, it's a miracle.
    Quote Originally Posted by Target Practice View Post
    Guys, I think there's an important lesson to be learned here:


  5. Witch
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    I don't see FS as anything special... Just another zombie waiting to kill or be killed.
    I guess you do have a point. But the point of the game is to beat it with all four survivors, not get the items because you found it first, had it first and lost it because you died, or killed the FS.

    Personally, I let the other players go first, take whatever they want. That's just me though. Don't want someone to rage quit because I took what they wanted. And I can always find another of the same item. I'm also usually the guy with the most life because I'm very careful and I take my time (But I still move quick).
    Quote Originally Posted by SuperGamecube64 View Post
    You're aware that your user name causes massive explosions of win and is the cure for AIDS and Cancer, right?

  6. Zombie Cat
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kagato View Post
    That's a completely unrelated matter. Make another topic or rename this one, IMO, because the real problem seems to be with the use of the supplies that drop from the survivors. You're not mad at people who take the supplies: you're mad at how the supplies are misused (I'd hope).

    That is a matter of your teammates (or lack thereof) being selfish with health items. From FAK whores who use a FAK in the saferoom (that they just picked up) and then pick up another to the guys who heal themselves at 80 HP just to pick up a FAK that happened to spawn even when the rest of the team is in yellow or red.

    I see it happen so much and I don't think it's an issue with just the Xbox community. I think people actually forget they're carrying items that can help other people. I'll be limping along in 39 HP while the rest of the team is low green with FAKs and a few of them have pills. Not one of them will toss me at least a pill bottle (let alone heal me) so that I can keep up.

    My response? I let that hunter gnaw on them longer than I should. Hey, if they're going to Bogart the health items might as well get use out of them right?
    I completely agree with Kagato on this, it's not an issue with Fallen survivors or anything of that nature, it's your teammates being selfish jackasses that's the problem. If they're picking it up, but they heal you anyways, isn't that fine? I do when I'm in the green and players on the team are limping around, I'll just run ahead of the slower ones and pick up the FAK to ensure that it'll go to the most injured person on the team or because it would take them longer to get to the health pack then for me to run to it and back to them. Have you tried talking to them to ask for supplies? If people aren't sharing supplies when you're in black and white that might be a subtle hint that YOUR TEAMMATES AREN'T GONNA HELP YOU OUT. A lot of times I've played, if the team is half decent and someone goes down, everyone on the team with a FAK and free time will run over to heal them if we're not being overrun. When I see someone being a jackass, I tend to let them take more damage than I could, or get a little more careless about friendly fire (hey, that's what that extra kit is for right? ) If they complain about the team, then the kick vote comes in. It's pretty simple really, if your team is comprised completely of asshats you can play well and watch the rest of them gimp along while you make sure you stay alive, or you can leave the game and find one with better teammates. At the very least if you can't find good public games, try making some friends on this forum. I've played with some people from here and it's always been a really pleasant experience.

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