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Thread: Server Trends

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    Re: Server Trends


    60 players

    Tampa map

    lost 30 players

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    Re: Server Trends

    We played tampa last night and the server was FULL. It was a Really fun map too. Lots of Armor and our Squad was helo jumping down on the flags and I would pick them up and go to the next.

    Great map and a lot of fun.

  3. On the way to greater things
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    Deadly Fieldtrip

    Tyler: a member of FFA at his school, wears the iconic FFA jacket, black slacks, and dress shoes. Wears glasses.

    Matt: an Armenian Modern World History teacher at Tyler's school. Wears clothes similar to Louis.

    Paola: a Latino gym teacher, I know a new Coach, who acts bitter and tough around the Survivors. Wears gray sweatpants and a white school gym shirt.

    Molly: a former resident of Louisiana, she is the refereed to as a Daisy Duke lookalike, also the auto shop teacher. Wears a baggy denim jumpsuit.

    Fresno, California
    1 Week After "Louisiana Outbreak"


    A military jeep rumbled past Tyler's bus stop by an abandoned farmhouse. More and more of them had been filtering into Fresno for some time now. Naturally, Tyler knew what it meant, the Infection was making it's way to his home. He had been following the news reports, amateur YouTube videos, and the first-hand accounts of individuals surviving against all odds against the now dubbed "Horde". He had read about a group of survivors escaping from Pennsylvania, but losing a member of their group in Louisiana.

    Of course, everybody else didn't seem to care. The other teenagers at his stop could care less about the Infection itself, they were too busy worrying about celebrities, crushes, and other nonsense. Tyler's friends all told him the "zombies" would never reach California, the government had created a safe haven west of the Rockey Mountains, California, Oregon, and Washington would be safe.

    Of course, that's what they said about Pennsylvania, Louisiana , and more recently Texas.

    However, Tyler's thoughts were interrupted by the flickering red lights of his bus' stop sign. The students all climbed aboard and took whatever seating they could.

    Typical, Tyler thought to himself as he maneuvered the narrow passage of students, backpacks, and discarded food wrappers, Crowded as usual. He found a seat and sat down. Tyler then reached into his backpack, pulled out a pair of earphones, and set them in his ears. The tunes of the Midnight Riders drowned out inane screeching of his fellow students. The music couldn't fight off his sleep-deprived mind however and he started to close his eyes.

    Suddenly, the bus came to a screeching halt. Tyler took out his earphones and the screaming of the bus' occupants became louder. The bus driver, Doug, had hit someone standing on the road. The panicked driver got out of his seat and opened the door to inspect the damage.

    "Stay seated!", Doug yelled as some of the students in the front row attempted to file out. Tyler couldn't see anything, but he could hear Doug swear to himself as he came back to the bus. He dialed 911 on his cell phone to report the accident.

    "Hang tight students," Doug announced over the intercom, "we're going to be here for awhile."

    That didn't last long. From out of the grape vineyards dozens of Infected came streaming out. Doug fumbled with the ignition and the bus' engine roared to life. They sped away from the pursing horde and were almost towards Central Ground High School when a puddle of green liquid on the road dissolved the wheels of the bus. Doug tried to steady the massive vehicle, but failed. The bus overturned and landed on it's right side.

    Tyler and a few other students, mostly from the left side of the bus, survived, but gazed in horror at the unlucky students dead before them. The shrieks of the Infected prompted them to push put the emergency doors and climb out. As soon as they were out, they sprinted towards the school. Behind them, a constantly multiplying wave of Infected pursued them. But something more sinister was in the air. Tyler saw a student in front of him scream as he was getting pulled into the vineyards by a long slimy tongue. Many more behind him fell to the Horde in general.

    Miraculously, he made it to the school, but found nobody there. He banged door after door, but nobody answered. He soon found himself in the quad frantically looking around.

    "Help!" Tyler yelled, "Is anybody here? The Infected are coming!"

    At the very end of portable classrooms north of the quad, he saw a door open. It was the door of his Modern World History teacher, Mr. Abadjian.

    "Hurry, get in!" Mr. Abadjian yelled. Tyler ran as fast as he could as the Infected gained on him. He made it to the door and got inside the room when he looked behind him. A hooded figure lunged an pounced him inside and raised it's claws up. Before it could strike, a series of handgun rounds slammed into it's chest and caused it to stumble off. Abadjian kicked the hooded figure out of his room and slammed the door shut.

    "Are you alright Tyler?" Mr. Abadjian asked Tyler as he got to his feet.

    "I think," Tyler replied woozily, Are we safe in here Mr. Abadjian?"

    "We should be," Abadjian assured, "Our school was made to withstand a riot, it should be enough to stop the Infected until help arrives. And please, call me Matt."

    "Okay...Matt," Tyler said with a smile, "How did you get the gun?"

    "Oh this thing," Matt signaled to his handgun, "I managed to sneak it into school. I kept it just in case the Infected made it this far. I always told myself "They won't make it to Fresno", but they did. Good thing I had it or that Hunter would have finished you."

    "Hunter?" Tyler asked with a puzzled look on his face, "Why did you call it that?"

    Matt grabbed a piece of paper off his desk and said, "I think it's time we begin what would have been today's lesson."

  4. On the way to greater things
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    Matt handed Tyler a three-page packet. On it said the words "Outbreak Safety Checklist" in bold red lettering on the top.

    1. Report unusual behavior.
    2. Barricade your homes.
    3. Avoid all contact with infected individuals.
    4. Await for further instructions.

    Tyler flipped to the second page and saw another list, this time of several different varieties of Infected. He saw that the typical person who was an Infected looked like a normal human, but suffered from a gray skin discoloration and would act aggressive to any non-Infected human. That was old news, Tyler know about that already from all his research. What grabbed his attention was what was below the "Common Infected".

    The packet called them "Special Infected". They were in chronological order.

    The "Boomer", an overweight appearing Infected that would vomit an foul liquid that would draw any Infected individual towards you. The "Charger", an Infected individual with an large arm that can pin you to the ground and crush you after it tackled you. Tyler recognized the next one, the "Hunter" was an Infected who lunge at you and pin you to the ground and claw at your chest, Tyler almost got killed by one. Next up was the "Jockey", a shrunken Infected who had a knack for laughing maniacally and "riding" on it's victim. The Smoker is identifiable by it's large tongue and tumor-like sacks protruding from it's neck. Tyler was repulsed by the Spitter, an Infected seriously deformed into the ugliest form imaginable with the ability to spit an acidic substance, this was more than likely the Infected responsible for the school bus overturning. The Tank, an incredible strong looking figure reminiscent of the Incredible Hulk, was hinted at being severely dangerous. Finally, the Witch, a surprisingly human looking figure, rounded out the bottom without much information other than to avoid her at all costs.

    Tyler flipped the last page of the packet to see a series of steps to take if you believe you are Infected. All Tyler did was set it down, he knew the steps by heart already.

    "So that's the material we were going to learn about today?" Tyler asked for confirmation.

    "Well, we were going to learn about the Louisiana Purchase, but CEDA was asking every class take time out of the lesson to inform the students about the Infection," Matt said, "But I think hardly any of the students would care to be honest."

    Tyler laid back in a chair and sighed.

    Matt sat back in his desk and asked, "Were you going somewhere today?" hinting at Tyler's Future Farmers of America blue corduroy jacket and black slacks.

    "Livestock judging competition out in Chico tomorrow," Tyler answered, "We were supposed to leave today, but like that's going to happen now."

    "Guess not," Matt shrugged.

    For hours they lounged in the classroom hoping help would arrive. It never did. Periodically they would discuss the Infection and other world events that were no longer important. Suddenly, they heard sounds of a struggle outside. The sounds of falling bodies kept increasing until footsteps could be heard coming towards the room. Matt pulled out his handgun and pointed it at the door, Tyler picked up a thick textbook. However, a familiar voice to both of them came from behind the door.

    "Any of you spineless worms inside?" a female, but gruff, voice asked.

    Matt opened the door to see the gym coach, Ms. Paola Vargas, standing before them with a blood splattered gray sweat pants and an equally bloody white school gym shirt. In her hands was a javelin with both ends sharpened into two points.

    "Paola," Matt breathed with a sigh of relief, "You're alive."

    "Save the small talk Matt," Paola barked, "We've gotta leave, help isn't coming."

    Paola gazed at Tyler with his textbook dangling from his hand and laughed.

    "What were you planing to do with that?" she chuckled, "Bore the zombies to death? And how did a runt like you survive?"

    Tyler set the book down in embarrassment. Matt walked down to a pair of wooden cabinets and pulled out a key for the padlock on it. When the doors opened, rows of assault rifles, magnums, and ammo lined the shelves.

    "Jesus Mr. Abadji...Matt," Tyler gasped, "How did you get all this?"

    "I have a key to come to school afterhours," Matt smiled, "I figured I could gather all my purchased firearms here. I still have guns at my house, but I doubt I'll ever see that place again."

    "Musta cost ya a fortune," Paola.

    Matt smiled, "Well, you can't be too careful and my OCD doesn't exactly help the situation. Doesn't matter now though."

    Matt holstered his handgun to a strap on his pant leg, grabbed an AR-15, and a bag of ammunition. Paola reached for the Remington 870 Pump Action shotgun. She also grabbed Tyler's backpack and jabbed her javelin in it, creatign a makeshift carrying case.

    "Hope you don't mind," she said, Tyler didn't.

    Tyler scanned the weapons and reached for the SCAR. He held the weapon and looked all over it.

    "You ever fire a gun Tyler?" Matt asked.

    "Only a BB Gun," Tyler said, "Anything I should know?"

    "Yeah," Paola smirked, "Recoils a bitch, get used to hit."

    Tyler nodded and picked up pistol.

    "So where are we going to go?" Matt asked his group, "We need a plan."

    "Don't you got one of those paper's telling you were evacuation centers are?" Paola half-asked and half-ridiculed, "Let's us that!"

    "Oh right, Tyler could you run in and get that, it's on my desk," Matt said, Tyler nodded and went to the desk. They all looked at the paper and saw that the nearest evacuation center was at Reagan Elementary School, a good 5 miles away.

    "We'll never make it all the way on foot," Tyler said with fear in his eyes, "We won't."

    "Quit your cryin," Paola grunted with her fingers massaging her temples, "we just need a ride."

    "Hey wait!" Matt exclaimed ecstatically, "Weren't the auto shop kids working on a car in class?"

    "You want us to go through a horde of zombies in hopes that a bunch of snot-nosed gorillas who are in the shop class completed a car in their "classroom" all the way across the campus?" Paola asked dryly.

    "Looks like it," Matt shrugged, "Do you have a plan?"

    "Touche," Paola frowned, "We better start running then."

    With that, the trio ran out the classroom and into the open quad. Infected started to flow in from everywhere screeching and growling like rabid dogs. Matt fired his AR into a crowd running towards him form the snack bar while Paola ran towards the Infected head on firing her shotgun directly into undead flesh. Tyler tried firing his SCAR, but the recoil always pushed him back. He got a lucky kill when he fired his weapon upwards and killed an approaching zombie.

    "C'mon, we've gotta run!" Matt shouted. Matt, Paola, and Tyler kept running and occasionally firing at the rapidly approaching horde. Suddenly, a slimy tongue latched onto Tyler and started to drag him away.

    "OH MY GOD HELP ME!" Tyler yelled. Paola grabbed her javelin and threw it towards the roof the building the Smoker was on. The wooden spear impaled the Smoker who released Tyler and fell down to the earth below.

    "Get up, get up, get up!" Paola commanded Tyler as he struggled to regain his balance. Once he was up, Tyler retrieved his SCAR and the survivors resumed their course. When they finally arrived at the shop classroom, two giant garages converted to makeshift classrooms, Matt banged on the metal garage doors.

    "Hello!" Matt screamed, "Is anybody in there?"

    They could hear footsteps rapidly running towards the garage doors.

    "Yessir," a low-pitched female Southern voice said, "What can I do fer you?"

    "Ms. Springfield?" Matt asked with a puzzled look on his face, "Your alive?"

    "Well of course I'm alive silly," she chuckled, "Why wouldn't I be?"

    "It's just that the Infected have invaded the school and gotten to practically everybody here," Matt replied, "Molly, are you telling me you noticed?"

    "Nawp," Molly answered, "But iffin what yer sayin is true, yous can come in".

    The doors started to lift up and the trio walked into the garage. Before them stood what could only be described as a Daisy Duke lookalike in an denim jumpsuit.

    "Well howdy yall!" Molly greeted, "What can I do for ya?"

  5. Junior Member
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    awesome plot so far
    i really like that you made tyler so realistic
    you know him not being an expert with guns and all
    write more? please?

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