Quote Originally Posted by rv2pc3d
Quote Originally Posted by LA_MERC_T4rg3T
I do like some infantry only servers. I just wish they could change a few things. Limit people to only 2 nades able to only resupply once. Also, limit snipers to 1 claymore but it would have to be able to be blown up by a nade.
You know thats a good point... Claymores should also be able to be removed by an Engineer just as AT mines are. I wonder why the double standard?
engineers can disable claymores.. from behind

as for bringing up a Infantry only server I just thought wanted to hear everyones thoughts..

I've played CSS for awhile too bigdog, but dont much care for the graphics.

Also played Counterstrike since it was in beta, yet valve raped it back in 1.3 but I find bf2 challenging and intriguing. Only game ive played that I dont get bored in!