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Thread: Informal teamkiller complaints

  1. Left 4 Dead
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    Vampire's suck, worth seeing?

    ive seen a few trailers of this movie and im still very uncertain that this movie will be worth the time and money. after all the twilight craze that we've seen with others, anything sort of parody seems welcome. then again, this movie seems to have humor that is very similar to other movies like 'epic movie' and 'disaster movie' which from what i've heard, were steaming piles of crap.

    so what do you guys think? is it worth seeing, and if you have already seen it, was it good?

  2. Zombie Cat
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    I've personally seen it today, and it's an Okay movie if you like Spoof type movies, like Scary Movie series. Also, I'm not really into the Love/Hate Twilight either, I just saw it because I was invited to, so my opinion it is worth seeing if you despise the series because it does do quite an amount of bad jokes and puns.

    I personally would have preferred to watch it on DVD than on the Screen. As usual it uses the main stereotypical spoof, stupid humor, joke over here and over there type movie, I gotta admit I laughed in some parts even though I am not much of a fan or anything so I would recommend to watch it if you despise Twilight or you just want to laugh somewhat.
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    My friends and I will go see this one, and ya'll will get my first hand reviews of which so many you all have been receving as of late.

  4. Banned
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    I saw a bootleg copy of it on DVD days before it came out (pretty good one too, probably a telesync). Anyway my DVD player gave up on reading the disc about halfway through, my friend looks at me and says "It is a sign" so we didn't bother finishing it and played some L4D instead.

    In short, I thought it was awful and not even worth finishing.

    My friend watched the last half of it and said it didn't get any better. So yea, avoid if possible.

  5. Zombie Cat
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    As I said, it is slapstick humor. If you like it watch it, if not don't even try.
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  6. Chicago Ted
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    It is NO better than Epic Movie, Date Movie anything like that who focus too much on teen humor like sex jokes, fart jokes and drug jokes.

    Whatever happened to REAL spoofs like Airplane and Blazing Saddles? Those were win. Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz gave me hope for spoofs, but now it looks like my hopes were given up. Nobody can make any good ones anymore.
    Mincegamer: Crimson is a goldmine of funny quotes.
    KillerJay: I just realized what Creamy is to everyone; everyone loves him and nobody hates him.

  7. Banned
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    It's mainly trying to attract younger audiences these days.
    A good spoof is Summer Heights High (I have a quirky sense of humour)
    Jonah is a spinoff of a chav, he says the f word a lot. Episode 4 is funny as when his dad is accused of touching his penis and he screams "I DIDN'T FUCKING TOUCH HIS FUCKING DICK YOU FUCK!"
    J'amie is a spinoff of a bitchy school girl. She is rarely funny but when she is, it's alright.
    Mr G is the best character IMO. Just take one look at this:
    YouTube - Summer Heights High: Mr G's Drama Class, S1 E1
    And this beastly clip:
    YouTube - Summer Heights High - Mr G's drama drills (Episode 5)
    It's meant to a Australian School.

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