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Thread: tips on friend or foe

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    new abilities for the common infected

    Hi. A good idea for l4d3 is that the infection would evolve in a way that the common infected will discover melee weapons. For example you get attacked by an infected cook with a frying pan or an infected bass guitarist with a bass guitar. Then when you manage to kill the armed infected, you can pickup the weapon and use it.

  2. Just getting started
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    Quote Originally Posted by Punisher659 View Post
    I finally figured out how the DC Campagin will go. You'll Start at Pittsburgh than make your way towards Philadelphia than Maryland & than Washington DC. You'll go into some of the memorial sites in DC but others you'll walk by. Also i thought of going to CEDA's headquarters. I think that would be interesting maybe see what they where up to. The Campagin name i came up with there's 5 Campagin here they are:

    - Red Dawn
    - Locked Down
    - Pitch Black
    - Case Zero
    - Last Stand

    I'll go into detail later but this is my DC Campagin. I really hoped you enjoy my ideas. By viewing your supporting me so thanks to you guys & the Left 4 Dead Community. Because of you guys the next L4D will always have many possiblities.
    I love Red Dawn, Pitch Black, and Case Zero. All interesting names. What about Defcon 1? Directly relates to the locale, and I assume the Pentagon would go to Defcon 1 in the case of a 'flu' that causes the zombie apocalypse.

    If not, the government is pretty dumb.

    Anyway, Red Dawn and Case Zero are especially good, and Pitch Black is great as well. I personally would consider Defcon 1, but it's just a thought. Good luck with your campaign. If it is ever released, I would be glad to play it

    If these are just names of the individual maps, even better. Perhaps consider my idea as the title of the campaign? Once again, I would love to try this out, so if it ever becomes a reality (which I am sure it will, as long as you stay as determined as you seem to be), I would very much enjoy a chance to play it.

  3. Just getting started
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    I really love the idea!
    I love the handheld minigun part. I hope it's like M60 but 500 rounds, deals 65 damage, and fires at 0.02s interval. But has 40% movement speed slow when deployed.

    Can Jade have clear spectacles, knee high boots, mini-skirt, and jacket? at the first 2 weeks?

    Oh and add protruding spikes from the "Berskerker", they're bone peircing out of the body.

    Is this just an idea, or someone is actually working?


    I know that this is stupid, but is it possible that one-handed smgs such as Mac10, Uzi etc can be dual-weilded too?

  4. Just getting started
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    I have loads of ideas.
    Dead zoo: The survivor find themselves trapped in the city with the only local evac station in a zoo. So they have to make their way through the city and into a zoo full of animal infected. They signal an evac by putting on all the lights of this zoo where they get a helicotper and fly away.
    Survivors:4 Infected:100,000,000: The helicopter crashes and the survivors are in the outskurts of a huge city teeming with infected. The survivors fight there way through into the city and towards a huge football stadium. They start all the lights and a chinook evacs them.
    Hell high: the survivors are dropped off at the closest they can get to an evac station without running out of fuel. And it just so happens that it goes straight through a school. The evac is a coach that was gonna take the children on a school trip but obviously failed. You have to fill it up with fuel and drive away.
    Dead highway: After crashing the coach into a huge mutated tank and bearly making it out alive you find that making your way across a highway is your only way out so you go through a dark eerie forest and make your way up to the highway where a huge pile of alarmed cars is stacked up blocking your path. The survivors have to shoot this to signal a Chopper and get away.
    Hells Storm: the helicopter crashes in the middle of nowhere and a sandstorm is picking up. The survivors must now make there way through ruins towards an abandoned APC with full fuel and the best part you get to drive it. There is a stacked pile of cars that you must shoot to get away but defend yourself in the APC against the horde and alot of tanks.
    No pressure: The survivors make their way to the evac where they find alot of other survivors there and decide to make there way to the roof and call it. Once they do they must hold out and as the evac comes. It gets destroyed by another huge mutated tank you must kill it and make your way through the building into the city and find another.

  5. Just getting started
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    The next evac is at the docks which is a boat that you need to fill up on fuel.
    Weapons: I think they need better SMG's like:
    A grenade launcher that actually shoots more than once before it reloads
    Better snipers like the MSR or RSASS
    Shotguns like the KSG-12 or AA-12
    And a rocket launcher with like 2 missiles
    Melees like a buzz saw or a hand-drill
    Survivors: I thought the survivors shouldn't have to be actual survivors at all. They could be a zombie extermination squad heres the names I came up with:
    Tank: The biggest and most strong of them all built for heavy weapon like the M60 and other LMG's. And can run twice as fast with them then the others can.
    Deadeye: This guy always gets his target dead on. He is always at his best with snipers. He can go into a mode that slows down time so he can get the most accurate shots.
    Warhammer: Warhammer is the best at driving the vehicles he uses the weapon most efficiently. Like I forgot to mention at the very beggining of the game they are deployed in a VTOL that you get to drive and parachute into the city.
    Brink: He has the lightest armour and is the most stealthy. He can use his suit to camoflage and can change to appear like an infected but not actuall be one.

  6. Just getting started
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    Oh I forgot to mention that it would be cool to have a backpack so you can carry multiple explosives, pills and health-kits.

  7. Just getting started
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    Oh I thought it would be cool if you could have a backpack so you can carry multiple explosives, temporary health boosts and health appliances.

  8. Just getting started
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    Woops, sorry.

  9. Just getting started
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    thats for L4D3 or 4

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