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Thread: Check your sig.

  1. Feet under the table
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yoshihoe View Post
    I know that, but I don't think pub games are that bad... well, at least for easy, hehe. I do them mostly for shits and giggles, and since I don't have many friends, I play everything for shits and giggles xP. It's pain in the ass when you want expert, because many people those join keep going down, use supplies when unneeded etc.
    Oh yea, I do love the game when I'm just casual, wanting shit and giggles, don't really care for what's happening feel free to ass me if you wish.
    I would like to get in a decent game of Advance and then Expert to see just how good I can be because I can fly through normal (on a good day with good people)

    Quote Originally Posted by Crimson Phantasm View Post
    That is what this forum is for. Find teammates to have a good game with, and to discuss the series. If you need anyone to have a good time, give us a message and we're on it, those like me, Dragonheart, Ferines, Xuviums, and dozens more, I am sure would be more than happy to play with you.
    I know man, I appreciate what you're saying, but I really don't want to be all "AMG ADD ME PLZ!!".. also, some weeks, due to work, I will only be on for a few hours a week... sometimes all day, and I'm not sure if someone would like unpredictable me with coming on-line on their friends list lol (also, I have to give the PS3 some love)

  2. Smoker
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    This mutation is great because it's the only mutation where your ammo is depleted often. I haven't ran out of ammo for so long until I played this today.

  3. On the way to greater things
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    I've tried this mutation with a friend... got massacred on EASY, but it was a hell of a lot of fun, and more often than not we were practically bragging to eachother about how badly we got owned.

    Although really there's not much that can be done when one guy's down and the other three have gotten pinned in the middle of a crescendo event...

  4. Witch
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    What's weird is that Public games are horrible.

    I played with a friend on Normal in Hard Eight, just us two and two bots, and we beat the game on Normal, no deaths or restarts (Incapped a lot, yes, and tons of med packs)

    Then I played a game on Easy with a public room, I didn't play with any friends just all random strangers, and they couldn't even beat the finale, they kept dying before the first tank showed up. Thank god I didn't play Hard Eight with those guys, we wouldn't have gotten 3 steps outside the saferoom without dying.
    Quote Originally Posted by SuperGamecube64 View Post
    You're aware that your user name causes massive explosions of win and is the cure for AIDS and Cancer, right?

  5. Zombie Cat
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    I restarted the Hard Eight Dark Carnival finale 8 times, ALWAYS a group of guests or different players would arrive and do things wrong, like holding up in the snipers ledge, setting off fires, not saving teammates etc. I didn't start the Lobby but by the end of the campaign, only I remained.

    I finished the Campaign, took 1h for just Normal.
    I wanted you to know, that by reading this signature you have wasted approximately 6.235 seconds of your life.

  6. Zombie Cat
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    That was a pretty funny game yesterday. Our start wasn't so hot with Coach getting incapped in the first minute and the rest of us taking such a beating, but we pulled it together and handled the event pretty well. I actually think Swamp Fever would be easier than Hard Rain because in Hard Rain, we'd be getting dragged/ridden/charged into witches. But that only affects one map, so it's tough to make a good comparison. It doesn't really matter though, we were able to complete the campaign pretty easily, and in under 40 minutes to boot. Sure there was some sloppiness, and I shot you a few more times than I would have liked, but the end point was that rushing is extremely effective in hard eight. I would suspect on Expert that we would probably have to slow down more often to deal with specials, but we would definitely need a good, coherent team to even attempt Expert in a reasonable amount of time.

    I could tell you weren't at the top of your game, you weren't really using grenades except when I asked you to, and your latency probably wasn't helping either. Next time you can go ahead and host, that way you can be the top gunner. Not like either one of us is really better than the other at shooting things, just point and click right?:rofl: I was pretty happy I was able to nail a few hunters mid flight that game, one with the sniper rifle, and one with the desert eagle.

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