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Thread: War College Ribbon

  1. Banned
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    No. I "fought" it was a free forum. Therefore, I can say what I like, apparently.

    Quote Originally Posted by XxPloivxX
    Well thats my business if you dont like it then leave me alone. I fought it was a freeforum you can post all sought of stuff thats just me if you dont like it fuck off
    Besides, I was just making a point. You've decided to rage hard about it when I didn't even say anything directly offensive. I was JUST SAYING that if you can make threads like this because it's a "freeforum" he can make posts saying your threads are bad because it's on the same "freeforum".

    So yeah, no need to hulk out on me, brah.

  2. Chicago Ted
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    Quote Originally Posted by XxPlosivxX View Post
    You can fuck off too you post on threads saying you hate people that troll but look at you you hypocrite dont make me bring what kagato said about on the that very thread
    I'm just gonna say one thing,

    john madden.

    Besides, he's right. It won't work on the 360.
    Quote Originally Posted by David Lynch
    It's such a sadness that you think you've seen a film on your fucking telephone. Get real.

  3. Rob Zombie
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    hulk out? really you need to choose better vocabulary then that. Thats just too funny haha if your lookin for a fight then go look for another forum

  4. Banned
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    You can't spell.
    You want different vocabulary?

    abandoned, agitated, berserk, distracted, distraught, enraged, exasperated, excited, frantic, frenetic, fuming, furious, incensed, infuriated, irritated, livid, provoked, raging, resentful, seeing red, uncontrolled, very upset, wild, wrathful, be beside oneself, be furious, be uncontrollable, blow a fuse, blow one's top, blow up, boil over, bristle, chafe, champ at bit, erupt, fly off the handle, foam at the mouth, fret, fulminate, fume, go berserk, have a fit, have a tantrum, let off steam, look daggers, make a fuss over, overflow, rail at, rampage, rant, rant and rave, rave, roar, scold, scream, seethe, snap at, splutter, steam, storm, surge, tear, throw a fit, work oneself into sweat, yell, angry, at boiling point, bent out of shape, bent*, beside oneself, blowing a gasket, blowing one's top, blustering, blustery, boiling mad, boiling over, enraged, fit to be tied, frenzied, fuming, furious, going ape, incensed, infuriated, irate, mad as a hornet, on the warpath, rabid*, ranting and raving, raving, raving mad, rough, seeing red, seething, stormy, tempestuous, throwing a fit, turbulent, wild.

    Baaasically. Umad.

  5. Rob Zombie
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    Quote Originally Posted by Abyss Crown View Post
    I'm just gonna say one thing,

    john madden.

    Besides, he's right. It won't work on the 360.
    Thats what i fought aswell theirs never been a mmo on xbox 360 their trying to do the impossible

  6. Rob Zombie
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    Quote Originally Posted by Parlock View Post
    You can't spell.
    Thats all you got really i fought it would be more than that jheez your just making yourself look bad

  7. Banned
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    Double posting in quick succession. He's mad. If you didn't read it yet...

    You want different vocabulary?

    You are:
    abandoned, agitated, berserk, distracted, distraught, enraged, exasperated, excited, frantic, frenetic, fuming, furious, incensed, infuriated, irritated, livid, provoked, raging, resentful, seeing red, uncontrolled, very upset, wild, wrathful, be beside oneself, be furious, be uncontrollable, blow a fuse, blow one's top, blow up, boil over, bristle, chafe, champ at bit, erupt, fly off the handle, foam at the mouth, fret, fulminate, fume, go berserk, have a fit, have a tantrum, let off steam, look daggers, make a fuss over, overflow, rail at, rampage, rant, rant and rave, rave, roar, scold, scream, seethe, snap at, splutter, steam, storm, surge, tear, throw a fit, work oneself into sweat, yell, angry, at boiling point, bent out of shape, bent*, beside oneself, blowing a gasket, blowing one's top, blustering, blustery, boiling mad, boiling over, enraged, fit to be tied, frenzied, fuming, furious, going ape, incensed, infuriated, irate, mad as a hornet, on the warpath, rabid*, ranting and raving, raving, raving mad, rough, seeing red, seething, stormy, tempestuous, throwing a fit, turbulent, wild.

    Baaasically. Umad.

  8. Rob Zombie
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    Quote Originally Posted by Parlock View Post
    Double posting in quick succession. He's mad. If you didn't read it yet...

    You want different vocabulary?

    You are:
    abandoned, agitated, berserk, distracted, distraught, enraged, exasperated, excited, frantic, frenetic, fuming, furious, incensed, infuriated, irritated, livid, provoked, raging, resentful, seeing red, uncontrolled, very upset, wild, wrathful, be beside oneself, be furious, be uncontrollable, blow a fuse, blow one's top, blow up, boil over, bristle, chafe, champ at bit, erupt, fly off the handle, foam at the mouth, fret, fulminate, fume, go berserk, have a fit, have a tantrum, let off steam, look daggers, make a fuss over, overflow, rail at, rampage, rant, rant and rave, rave, roar, scold, scream, seethe, snap at, splutter, steam, storm, surge, tear, throw a fit, work oneself into sweat, yell, angry, at boiling point, bent out of shape, bent*, beside oneself, blowing a gasket, blowing one's top, blustering, blustery, boiling mad, boiling over, enraged, fit to be tied, frenzied, fuming, furious, going ape, incensed, infuriated, irate, mad as a hornet, on the warpath, rabid*, ranting and raving, raving, raving mad, rough, seeing red, seething, stormy, tempestuous, throwing a fit, turbulent, wild.

    Baaasically. Umad.
    You obviously copied and paste if off another website haha

    I might talk like this doesnt mean i dont know my vocab its just that am that kind of person who talks formal on a bloody forum lol

  9. Banned
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    You can't spell "thought" right though.
    And yes, yes I did. Your point being?

    Ist thou enraged yet, sire?

  10. Rob Zombie
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    its called slang mate i dont talk formal only in tests n shit really i just give up with you

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