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Thread: Need of new admins

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    NM2: Pipes OR Corner in the room with the lockers. Molotov the lower, broken away section and fire at everything in front of you.

    NM3: I have done room right of gas station, under the lift, on the lift, and even run back to the saferoom. I prefer saferoom for expert, but otherwise, room by gas station.

    NM4: Room with the double doors at the end of the first hall. Molotov the opening and wait it out. But most kids just jump in that corner.

    NM5: Either staircase or the building right of the comm room, usually has pipe bombs on it. Always fight tanks in the open.

    DT2: Run back to the closet after activating. Not always effective, but if you make it there, you are golden.

    DT3: Piano room is good, hiding beside the fridge, and even once in the shed at the start of the graveyard.

    DT4: Never really found an amazing place to hole up here. Usually pick a corner down on the street, put our backs to it, and fight.

    DT5: The house. Going out in the water doesnt work anymore and the rock sucks. So boring. Sometimes even use the cabin out in the wooded area, but the run to the boat is a bitch.

    DA2: Bathrooms in the apartment you just came from.

    DA3: I usually use the rafters or run back to the saferoom.

    DA4: To be honest, at this point, I usually just book it and ditch my teammates. I am usually bored of DA at this point and just want to end it quick.

    DA5: Behind the plane.

    BH2: Up in the rafters.

    BH3: If I do hold up, the bathroom inside the house with the ammo and medkit holder. Otherwise, rush it.

    BH5: Barn rafters. 2 watch ladder, 2 watch hole in roof, run across rafters to fight tank.

  2. Zombie Cat
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    I personally like to run through every crescendo possible. You often find yourself in challenging situations which you would have been denied the pleasure of if you followed standard tryhard procedure. It makes expert mode especially exciting because there's nothing more satisfying than coming out of a circle jerk untouched thanks to a well timed spin-punch, or great cover from a capable team while on the move.

  3. Rob Zombie
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    I fought "crecendos" was a mexican word for terror :/

  4. Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by XxPlosivxX View Post
    I fought "crecendos" was a mexican word for terror :/
    a) Crescendo is a musical term meaning something getting louder and louder.
    b) In L4D it is those certain events that call a Massive Horde, such as the Van crashing through the fence in Dead Air.

  5. Junior Member
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    I run into a corner, and procced to shit myself

  6. Banned
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    Crouch down, back against a wall, pull out the shotgun, watch them all run towards me and then let 'er rip. As long as my back is against a wall, I'll live. Usually.
    [s]L4D - PC & Xbox 360[/s]
    ~no aim... no goal... no guiding light that can take control~

  7. Zombie Dog
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    With finesse and style.

    Nah not really, wherever my team is camping I try to watch one point of entry and proceed to pop heads with the AR till there ain't no more!!!
    Kagato: "You got this Feesh?"
    The Feesh: "I am so fucked..."

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