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Thread: TTP PR Server popularity

  1. Registered TeamPlayer JBMCW2010's Avatar
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    Re: TTP PR Server popularity

    Guys why are you on Drogos's case? he is here and is as much of a TTP supporter as any of we. Gosh you all took his comments negatively. He is a valued member of our community and I am glad he plays here. He brings up something that I know some of you have been thinking because you have mentioned it to me. Nuck the other night commented about how PR hasn't been filling completely the last few days.

    Drogos was asking why is that and he is curious if there is something we can find that is the true answer. He gave an opinion and he was looking for others' opinions to try and fix the lower numbers.

  2. Registered TeamPlayer CivilWars's Avatar
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    Re: TTP PR Server popularity

    Hookers and beer?

  3. Registered TeamPlayer JBMCW2010's Avatar
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    Re: TTP PR Server popularity

    Going back over the I realize what the hub bub is all about.

    Drogos what the hell are you thinking! A base line? Dude come on now. It is a get out of jail free card for the team that can not bake the cake.

    Take it from an admin point of view. How can you tell where players truly are. What their intent is in that "base zone". How could this be enforced? Also admins can watch over the server through BF2CC(you can see the scrolling messages) and what are they supposed to do if they are the only one on duty? They have no way of seeing the battlefield at all.

    I mean are we really willing to lower our standards to allow lesser teamplayers to boaster(sp?) our numbers?

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    Re: TTP PR Server popularity

    The <b>point</b> to this discussion is how to get TTP's PR server back up in popularity. ...bigdog..., you chose to take what I said in my OP as an insult. So be it. If you're that sensitive, maybe you should ponder why your panties are in a bunch, when putting them in a bunch was not my intention.

    ***COMMANDER***, you're right, a lot of it does have to do with priming the server, which is a dirty, thankless, boring job. A lot of it also has to do with a certain type of gamer, which ...bigdog... stated somewhere on the first page. Some looking for "easy mode", some looking to just be lone wolves, some with no honor or sense of esprit de corps. You're wrong about the developers not adding rules, however. Why do you think the Dome of Death exists? Why does TKing someone add an additional 30 seconds to your spawn time? In the end, there has to be a balance, because anarchy is not sustainable and not fun for anyone.

    I want to play in TTP. Not TG, not TCombat, not 24/7 Al Basrah, not [DAMN] nor HBD. So... When I see TCombat's server full, and TTP's not, I wonder why.

    Is it the maps? No, I don't think so, because I've seen TCombat running a full Seven Gates, which is pretty much universally hated.

    Is it the ping? Doubtful. Unless it's overseas, most generally don't give a shit about ping.

    Is it the community? Also doubtful. Who the hell is TCombat? No website, no web presence that I can find.

    Is it coincidence? Maybe. Their server could have been primed first, but I see players I recognize from TTP on there as well.

    The point is that I don't know what it is, but there is something going on. While TTP's server has been dropping in rank, TCombat, for instance, has been going up.

    My sole goal is a populated PR server to play on, in a mature, teamplay-oriented environment. So, I play on TTP, encourage others to play here, instruct newbies and try to promote TTP's PR community. I'm also not afraid to speak up and/or buck the trend when it comes to asking questions.

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    Re: TTP PR Server popularity

    Quote Originally Posted by Drogos
    The <b>point</b> to this discussion is how to get TTP's PR server back up in popularity. ...bigdog..., you chose to take what I said in my OP as an insult. So be it. If you're that sensitive, maybe you should ponder why your panties are in a bunch, when putting them in a bunch was not my intention.
    Your intention is irrelevant. What you say, and how it is perceived is 100% the issue. Being entitled to your opinion, and having the ability to speak out is fair game in TTP. But if you're going to say this:
    Quote Originally Posted by Drogos
    Now, before you go off screaming and running around the room, yelling that I'm a pussy and can't play like a man, etc.... Wipe the spittle off your chin, sit down and use that hatrack between your ears some refer to as a brain.

    Ask yourself this: Why is Tactical Gamer the most popular PR server on the net?

    I believe the answer is simple: discipline. The offer it, they live by it, they promote it, and require that anyone who plays their server has it.
    Then such a statement is GUARANTEED to be perceived as insulting, condescending, arrogant, insiduous, and rude. Such a statement says...

    #1. TTP is full of kids that run around screaming "you're a pussy" like irrational gamefaq's forum members.
    #2. TTP is full of people that don't think before they speak, or aren't smart enough to address your argument. In fact, you imply that most are brainless, with spit on their chins.
    And #3. TTP loses popularity becuase TTP's server (PR in this case) is UNDISCIPLINED and thus mismanaged and poorly admin'd.

    Now....if that wasn't your "intention", then fine. It's a bald faced, bullshit, ridiculous ass LIE to say that, unless you live in a world where you are allowed to speak to people you don't know, or aren't superior to in such a fashion. That is your fault for assuming TTP is yet another place you can do so.

    It's rude, it's disgusting, it's unacceptable.

    So wipe the "man this guy is a forum flamer and I'm the one who looks so smart and mature" grin off your face, and realize that you have a communication disorder. You claim that you "intended" to come in here and have a discussion about the rule structure and server population for BF2PR at TTP. But the REALITY is that you came in here, spit in our faces, and told us we are dumb, undiscplined, lame asses.

    Maybe the rest of the PR crowd, or the rest of the passive gaming world blows that type of shit off. Maybe you can make comments like that in the other forums you troll.....

    But not here. I don't stand for it, and I don't allow our admins to stand for it either. TTP sets itself apart because we reject the "dude it's a game", "dude whatever", "dude I can say what I want cuz it's my opinion" disease of the general gaming world. No you can't say what you want. You can make a point in a respectful and constructive manner, or you keep your mouth shut, and go play video games on our servers, on our dime, on our time, and on our efforts. There is nothing in between. And because from the TOP DOWN TTP manages itself in this manner, we continue to live as most communities die, we continue to grow as most communities stagnate and shrink, and we continue to draw the bast gamers, train the best admins, and run the best servers most people will ever see in their gaming lives.

    You want to talk about rules and server popularity? Next time, try it like this:

    Hey TTP. I'm a big regular on your PR server, and have noticed that connections have been slowly declining over the last few weeks. I wonder if it might be necessary to address base raping and spawn camping, since I feel and have witnessed such activities clear out a server on a few occasions recently.
    That's a fucking discussion. That's trying to help the community you claim to support. That's being a teamplayer.

    I dont' expect your apology, your admission of guilt, or even a nod that you should change your ways and will change your tone in the future. I expect you to do what most gamers do, and that's use us, abuse us, and not give a flying fuck about how you are PERCEIVED, since you don't really believe that any of us are real, that any of us are serious, have jobs, lives, wives, homes, or educations.

    I've said it in this thread....and I've said it 1000 times before. Attitudes like yours are what's wrong with gaming. In your case, you're so close to being on the side of constructive criticism.....but your gaming prickness bleeds all over your argument, and causes the situation we are in now.

    My suggestion is to start over, and prove you "INTENDED" not to start a fight here, or to walk away. Anything in between means that you have actual malice and discontent for the system here, and you will be removed.

    You are defeated. I don't want or need your apology, but you need to see it, and move on.
    Quote Originally Posted by ...bigdog... View Post
    If turd fergusons want to troll their lives away, that's the world's problem. Go read the comments section, or any comments section, anywhere. All of the big threads are going to be the crazy people saying stupid shit.

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    Re: TTP PR Server popularity

    TG has it's following; if they changed the way they do things, people would get really pissed and leave, because that is why they choose to game there.

    Same goes for TTP; if TTP changed the way it manages the server, people would get pissed as well and leave, because that is why they choose to game here.

    Each place is where it is today because of the following that each community has.

    At one point TTP was ranked #2 in PR before all the IP switches. I believe had it not been for the IP switches it would still be ranked #2 and the following would be even greater.

    At the time we went down for a whole month without a PR server, we lost a whole lot of regulars. Throw in the forum issues and it's fairly obvious to see the complexities of the issues.

    Since TTP is known and loved for the rules we do and don't have on our Battlefield Series of game servers. I cannot see TTP implementing anything of the like of which you have mentioned. Because to do so would change the dynamics of the games as well as the outcomes {that is called Micro-Managing the game}. It would have to be instituted for all the BF Series and I can't fathom what that would do to TTP's player/regular/reservist database.

    I know as a player that has come to love TTP's servers & gameplay ideals; I would not be pleased were TTP to attempt to be anything other than what has made TTP's servers & community the great place it is today.
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    Re: TTP PR Server popularity

    Drogos is a great teamplayer, and I have no doubt that he has nothing but good intentions for why he started this thread. However, he did go about it all wrong. I mean, drogos, you got to realize that how you worded the original post was a bit rude, and it was taken as such. Had you done it in a different manner, this could have been a very good discussion on how we can increase TTP's popularity in the PR arena. Had you done it how ...bigdog... did, there would be no problems right now. Like this:

    Quote from ...bigdog...
    Hey TTP. I'm a big regular on your PR server, and have noticed that connections have been slowly declining over the last few weeks. I wonder if it might be necessary to address base raping and spawn camping, since I feel and have witnessed such activities clear out a server on a few occasions recently.
    I respect you a lot. You are the definition of a teamplayer. You, and people like you, make TTP the greatest Project Reality server out there, regardless of numbers. But you cannot come in here how you did and not expect to take some flak.
    Back to the topic; how can we increase the popularity of TTP?

    I'd say that the most important part of keeping people in the server is the PRIME THE SERVER! If you see that there is no one in there, do not be afraid to jump in. People will come eventually, and although it is a boring job, it is necessary.

    Second to priming, I'd say getting people into the forums is also key. The more people that get onto the forums, the larger our following becomes. Like JB said, when you are in a good squad tell all your squadies, "Go check out We are looking for dedicated teamplayers, and we host monthly matches. In fact, there is one coming up on the 15th! Why don't you guys sign up?"

    The reason TG is #1 is because they have established themselves. They've been around for a long time, and in that time they have picked up the regs that they need to keep the server populated. No doubt they went through the same ups and downs that TTP has and will experience, but everyday that we are up and running we will gain more and more. The more regulars that show up, the higher our popularity will become.

    I think that the best thing will be to keep on going how we are, and within due time we will gain the success that other PR servers have experienced.

  8. Registered TeamPlayer JBMCW2010's Avatar
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    Re: TTP PR Server popularity

    Sell sell sell the server get them to want to come back get them to want to buy a PR reserved slot to help support the server and always have a seat do it do it!

    BTW have you bought your slot yet? $5 a month is a small fee to pay to support THE best PR server on the market!

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    Re: TTP PR Server popularity

    I'll post my $.02

    I don't see anything wrong with the way TTP runs their server. Popularity is fine, we have fun playing.

    As for the base rape rule, when your on the receiving end, it SUCKS, but like it has been posted, its WAR, and everything is game (except for cheating / hacking)

    The more realistic the better, IMHO.


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    Re: TTP PR Server popularity

    You know what? I can't bite my tongue this time, while a respectable team player gets raked over the coals.

    Drogos is a spot on player and supporter of TTP.

    Is he a post whore? No. But then, does a low post count make someone a "nobody?" Maybe if it was coupled with a grand total of 15 minutes total on all of TTP's servers. But it's obvious this guy has been playing and supporting TTP.

    Sure he made the mistake of coming off condescending in his first post, but he's by NO MEANS exclusive in that department. Sometimes you have to read past that crap to get to the meat of it; I know, I do it every day reading threads here.

    Believe it or not, Drogos cares about what's going on and wants to see the server as popular as it can be. I know, I've seen him in action.

    Don't expect the lack of a nocap rule to change. While it sometimes sucks to be on the recieving end of it, the vast majority of us here LIKE it that way. All the more so if we manage to push past the raping and stuff it down the enemy's throat.

    Next time think about how you might come across when making a post like this. Being respectful doesn't make you a pussy, I promise. On the flip side, saying something that could be construed as insulting will earn you enemies you don't want to have, and once you've earned their animosity, they are relentless.

    Take heed to what BigDog has said to you, read past what you might find to be insulting and see the meat of it for what it is. Truely read what you said and think about why BigDog and others may have taken offense to it. Then do what BigDog asked and prove here (as you've already proven to those that know you in game) that you're a person of value to TTP, both in forum and in game.

    You'll be farther ahead for it, man, trust me.

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