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Thread: Help me help the slow

  1. Drebin. Police Squad.
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    Nah, I banned her as soon as I left the cbox that night, Hillbilly. There's no way I'd be letting her run round the chatbox without some kind of supervision.

  2. Drebin. Police Squad.
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    Banned Zoeyyyy for persistently being a little bitch in the cbox. It's been a little bit 'as bad as each other' with him and Parlock for the most part, but I just logged in to see him blatantly trying to pick a fight for no good reason, so I've banned him more or less permanently. I'm also going to be putting up an announcement about this sort of thing a bit later, because he's not the only one guilty of this in the cbox - just the most persistent offender.

    If he starts pitching and whining to be let back in, (which I fully expect) send him my way.

  3. Drebin. Police Squad.
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    There you go. Doesn't really change anything, but maybe the thought of not being able to tell people on the internet you don't know that you just went to school or something equally trivial will force the usual crew to wind their necks in temporarily.

    As always, you guys are more than capable of deciding what is and isn't worthy of taking action, so call 'em as you see 'em.

    Just remember to keep us up to date with who, why and how long.

    Also, is it worth having a sticky thread with cbox bans etc? Just a thought.

  4. Australian.
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    Can I infract him for spam for his last post in that thread?
    100% Fanboy free since 1804.

  5. Banned
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    Me thinks Zoeyyyy has been hanging out with the wrong crowd too long.

    Every time he drops a name of one of the "pro" players he's been running with it's always one of those sore losers. Last name he dropped made me spew Pepsi all over the keyboard...>.>

    The guy doesn't even play the damn game anymore. All he does is sit around and complain and/or insult people. He's done it to me once or twice, but stops pretty quickly, since I'm not afraid to call him on his shit.

    I support an infraction for begin a smart ass in the chatbox thread.

  6. Australian.
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    Well, I'm really bored right now. So I gave him one. If anyone objects, well, object in the relevant thread. But I think its pretty justified.
    100% Fanboy free since 1804.

  7. A Banhammer With Rainbows
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    Can I just get this out there? It drives me fucking INSANE when they (i.e. that usual group of kiddies) talk about "pro" and "mlg" L4D players.
    1. Pro means you get paid. I highly doubt any one is getting played to play L4D. Anywhere... You just cant fucking endorse that shit. Ive tried.
    2. MLG doesnt have a L4D bracket....At all. Nor will they ever. Gamebattles doesnt anymore either.

    Im saving that shit if I want to copy and paste it into the public forum.
    ...dammit, shit pissed me off.

    I have nothing more to add to this matter other than - if it comes down to it, can I ban the bitch?

    p..s yeah that infraction is definitely deserved. I saw his post yesterday and just thought hes asking for a quick butt fuck - no lube - from someone...

    jdog_pwnd_you: I worship you.

  8. Banned
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    Lately, I've become sick of the chat box.

    Every day I end up arguing with Joe and it always ends with me begin called a hick. A change of signature is in order.

  9. A Banhammer With Rainbows
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    scolding time?
    Calling you a hick is highly inappropriate.

    jdog_pwnd_you: I worship you.

  10. Banned
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    It's justified because I'm a child beater that doesn't think bending over backwards for people with "special needs" is the best thing for society. It's to be expected, since I'm a hick from a backwards part of the world.

    I'm honestly sick and tired of hearing "I have autism" every time they find themselves cornered in a debate and Ms. Kayli always shows up to throw in her two cents. I never see her in the chat box unless Parlock is currently arguing with me about something. I know they're high fiving each other in IMs every time they "one up" me.

    Scold them if you want, I don't care. I'm almost ready for a vacation anyway, one of y'all give me one of those temp bans in a couple of days please. I'd like to take a break until Monday.

    I'm serious, turn me pink sometime Friday if you'd be so kind.

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