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  1. Community Staff
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    Constant 3n1s with pubs is stupid. If you have three friends, there's no reason to do that

    Anyway, you and I need to play again Voodu, ill let you lead and ill adapt to your playstyle. Its always good to learn different methods of playing. I plan on getting L4D2 soon, well have to play a few games of realism vs.

  2. Been around a bit
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dead Stopped View Post
    You're all tryhards for pretending to argue.
    lulz. (:<
    Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, yeah.

  3. Vooodu
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    Quote Originally Posted by I Redemptionx I View Post
    Constant 3n1s with pubs is stupid. If you have three friends, there's no reason to do that

    Anyway, you and I need to play again Voodu, ill let you lead and ill adapt to your playstyle. Its always good to learn different methods of playing. I plan on getting L4D2 soon, well have to play a few games of realism vs.
    That would be cool man.

  4. Feet under the table
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    Quote Originally Posted by the MASK View Post
    Theres no such thing as organised 4 vs 4 in my books just people who take the game too serious or can't handle it.

    ^My exact reaction to that statement.

    But in all seriousness, I completely disagree. If you have an organized team of 4 with people you play with all the time and know how to play well with each other, you'll do much better than being on a team with 4 randoms.

    Play some Realism Team Versus, they're not no-lifes, just skilled players who are organized, you'll get pooped on quite fast if you're not as skilled and organized. Playing Realism Team Versus is so intense, you guys have no idea. Most of the time my team and I face a team of 4, all of them with Turtle Beaches. The way Team Versus/Realism Team Versus teams play and coordinate SI can sometimes be amazing and EXTREMELY FRUSTRATING. But I'd play Team Versus over regular Versus any day. I don't take the game too seriously, I'm just very competitive and love a challenge.

    When my team and I play pub games, pistols only and no kits. I guess a team rushing the entire map with only pistols and no kits and hardly getting touched makes people rage quit even more? Once we get Magnums, even Tanks aren't a problem lol.
    I love joining a lobby with preset team of 4 Survivors or Infected with mics who start talking a lot of shit and I end up making them rage quit.
    Excuses are like assholes, everybody's got one.

  5. Vooodu
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    Quote Originally Posted by BryantG View Post

    If you have an organized team of 4 with people you play with all the time and know how to play well with each other, you'll do much better than being on a team with 4 randoms.

    When my team and I play pub games, pistols only and no kits. I guess a team rushing the entire map with only pistols and no kits and hardly getting touched makes people rage quit even more? Once we get Magnums, even Tanks aren't a problem lol.
    Thats is true.. To an extent. I've reverse pub stomped actual teams with randoms enough times to know that 'shit happens'..alot.

    People form teams, they practice their ass's off ...Then they run into 4 crazy sons of bitches with a don't give a shit play style and they have NO clue how to handle them.. Because even they don't have a freakin plan. They move and react so outta control and everywhere its just chaos wether its as survivors or infected.

    Im not saying that the organised teams don't have the advantage. Im just saying the team with the advantage doesn't always win. Not just in L4D but in every team game, sport, war, fights..Anything.

    For me.. I've tried for so long to get a actual team. But never had any luck.

    So its pretty much always been PUB LIFE for me. My attitude that comes with it sometimes i think is needed. Can't go around playing with randoms against teams with some 'NO HOPE' attitude. I don't try to stop the train from falling off the tracks, i don't try to redirect it.. I just let it roollllll..

    You can toss me in a few pub games next time when you play no health kits and pistols only. After all im a pub. It should be nooo problem.

  6. Feet under the table
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    Group death racing with no kits or pistols is what we're doing non-stop in pub games now, it's actually pretty fun. But that's us not playing serious and trying to give opposite team a chance.

    Our "practice" is like 99.9% in pub games, once in a while we run into some pretty good randoms that don't make it easy for us but a challenge is always welcome. Only time we don't group death race anymore is in Team Versus/Realism Team Versus, that shit will get you killed if the team is good enough.

    My team is pretty damn good, but we're not the best, we've gone against some teams that straight SHIT on us, like you don't understand, SHIT. Individually I might rage quit in pub games, never in TV/RTV, makes us look like pussies. No matter how mad we may get and even if we're losing 3600-0, rage quitting is unacceptable. :/

    But yeah sure, I'll add you, we most play L4D2 though, only one other team member of mine has L4D1 so yeah, we're always looking for new people to play with and substitutes for our team in case some of us aren't on.
    I love joining a lobby with preset team of 4 Survivors or Infected with mics who start talking a lot of shit and I end up making them rage quit.
    Excuses are like assholes, everybody's got one.

  7. Vooodu
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    Quote Originally Posted by BryantG View Post

    But yeah sure, I'll add you, we most play L4D2 though, only one other team member of mine has L4D1 so yeah, we're always looking for new people to play with and substitutes for our team in case some of us aren't on.
    PUB LIFE has made me a really good substitute player.. Il say that much. Add me for sure man. Haven't played realism team VS in a few months. But you're making it sound fun if you playing teams that good..

  8. Been around a bit
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    Try Hards :rofl:

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