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    ^ Im atheist and I believe in marrige. I see it as a symbol of my eternal love for my fiancee/wife. I wont get married in a church, though.

    The only problem I have with gay marrige is the militant gays that run around screaming 'accept me for who I am or face the consequences!' I have met some like that and I am like Dude, I never had a problem in the first place, but fuck you for shoving it down my throat. I feel the same was about Bible Thumpers around this hellhole of a state.

    The ones like Elton John that tell other gays to shut the fuck up and calm down are my favorite kind. Elton John makes great music.

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    Quote Originally Posted by TeenRacer6 View Post
    I never had a problem in the first place, but fuck you for shoving it down my throat.

    Anyway, you can't apply the religion idea to modern Marriage, as THOUSANDS of non-Christian people get married every day all over the world.
    I'm an idiot and I can't follow directions. So now I'm also banned.

  3. Zombie Cat
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    Quote Originally Posted by bolandjf View Post
    Any time you engage in intercourse without the intent to procreate, it's fundamentally wrong. If everyone in the world were gay or lesbian, the human race would die out in 100 years. New York is now officially promoting the demise of our species.

    Until a gay man shits a baby I'll keep believing it's wrong.
    Surely this makes fapping wrong too? It's a stupid situation anyway. What if everyone in the world was a woman? Then the human race would die out in a hundred years! Ban this sick filth we call the female gender!

  4. Vooodu
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hillbilly View Post
    I don't really care either way. I just never understood why that portion of the population wants to suffer like the rest of us. But, if they choose to do so, they should have the right.

    I just wish our governments and media weren't tied up with issues like this and abortion. You know sometimes I think they keep us focused on this stuff so they can quietly rob us of billions of dollars...but maybe I'm just crazy.
    No you ain't crazy. Thats how the media and govermment work.

    I feel the same way.. Marriage is stupid anyways just like religions. Whats the point anyways? It mostly causes problems for us straight people. If gays want the same bullshit let them have it.

    And im so freakin sick hearing about gay people crying about rights on American News networks... Actually im sick of gay people complaining about shit period.

    Theres more important things in world besides being GAY!! Seriously. Im not a huge fan of all gay people. And before anyone gets it twisted im not a huge fan or all straight people either. What people do with thier wangs and pie holes behind closed doors means jack shit to me.

    Every year in Toronto there is a gay pride festival thing and its get really disgusting down there. When i see big burley gay dudes in assless chaps or glittery butterfly outfits dancing around screaming loudly about 'gay rights' i just laugh. I think its just nasty and wrong. But at least i don't go outta my way to offend anyone. Unless you ask for it.

    But im a very huge fan of hot lesbians.. . If gay people where smart they would put all the hot lesbians in charge or infront. Not about to take any MAN seriously that dresses up like Aunt Jemima and squeals like a 10 year old girl.

    People should be to do what ever they want as long as it doesn't harm anyone else. Screw what the government says. The fact that so much time, money and media coverage was wasted on something so stupid makes me wonder whos more stupid.. The people that vote or the people in charge..

    Marriage is already gay..The gays can have it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Zoey W View Post
    I ppersonally don't mind gay couples, it's their life so they can make their own decisions, but I disagree with marriage, I'm not a religious person, but no matter what you believe, marriage is a religious cersmoky and from what little I learned about Christianity, I know that it bans gay marriage, basically my point is that gay marriage is a massive middle finger to Christians, and in England they already get enough abuse as it is
    It may have started as a religious ceremony, but I think today it's more a symbol of someones love for each other..and tax breaks.

    Also for the Christianity argument:

    YouTube - ‪"West Wing" - Biblical Quotes‬‏

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    Quote Originally Posted by bolandjf View Post
    If everyone in the world were gay or lesbian, the human race would die out in 100 years.
    Lol I see no problem with that. We're parasitic, judgmental assholes.

    I never saw why gay marriage was such a big deal. It seems like all the people against gay marriage are people who say it's "morally" wrong are most likely referring to Catholicism & the what they say is morally right/wrong. But there's supposed to be a separation between church & state. I could be wrong, but that's just what I've noticed.

    Anyway, good for New York, good for the gays, but this post is a ticking time bomb.

  7. Vooodu
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    Quote Originally Posted by KittyInATopHat View Post
    It seems like all the people against gay marriage are people who say it's "morally" wrong are most likely referring to Catholicism & the what they say is morally right/wrong. .
    Ya, religious monkeys that base 'MORALS' on a book of fairy tales should NOT be in any position to be making any rules or laws.

    And usually people making the rules or in power claiming morals are the biggest lying, backstabbing pieces of shit on the planet.

    Yet people sit back and wait for them to make the rules...LMAO.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Moonshadow View Post
    Why is Jersey a state again?
    Because those in Pennsylvania need a sand box.

    Anyway, good for those in NY that this was passed...just hope the rest of the US wakes up and gets with it.

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