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Thread: Hooking up! (Xfire/Teamspeak, Ventrilo etc.)

  1. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Hooking up! (Xfire/Teamspeak, Ventrilo etc.)

    Played a few times on your guys server. Been getting into reading the forums etc. One thing I dont notice is any Xfire list of names, and or teamspeak/ventrilo IP address etc.

    Most groups that have a sever, or a-large community like this. Always seem to band together, with other forms of allowing every one to hook up, while online and in game.. But not you guys.. Did I miss something, what gives?

    EvilPile Out! :4

  2. Registered TeamPlayer CivilWars's Avatar
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    Hooking up! (Xfire/Teamspeak, Ventrilo etc.) Hooking up! (Xfire/Teamspeak, Ventrilo etc.) Hooking up! (Xfire/Teamspeak, Ventrilo etc.) Hooking up! (Xfire/Teamspeak, Ventrilo etc.) Hooking up! (Xfire/Teamspeak, Ventrilo etc.) Hooking up! (Xfire/Teamspeak, Ventrilo etc.) Hooking up! (Xfire/Teamspeak, Ventrilo etc.)
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    Steam ID: CivilWars CivilWars's Originid: CivilWars

    Re: Hooking up! (Xfire/teamspeak etc.)

    Many of us use xfire to communicate out of game, but we all use in game comms while playing.

  3. Registered TeamPlayer IronStomach's Avatar
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    Re: Hooking up! (Xfire/Teamspeak, Ventrilo etc.)

    Most peoples' forum profiles have an xfire ID link, so you can get in touch with people that way. I have at least 40 or so friends from TTP on mine.

  4. Registered TeamPlayer JBMCW2010's Avatar
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    Hooking up! (Xfire/Teamspeak, Ventrilo etc.) Hooking up! (Xfire/Teamspeak, Ventrilo etc.) Hooking up! (Xfire/Teamspeak, Ventrilo etc.)
    Gamer IDs

    Gamertag: JBMCW2010 Steam ID: JBMCW2010

    Re: Hooking up! (Xfire/Teamspeak, Ventrilo etc.)

    yeah if you see someone has a Xfire icon under their avatar/name add them if you have seen em in game.

  5. Needs to post
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    Exclamation Can someone help?

    This was my first attempt at creating a dedicated server. I have followed the steps in this setup guide. I have forwarded the 27015 port and opened my firewall. I still can't manage to have anyone join my server. Can anyone spot a problem with the server.cfg? I copied a good deal of it form another forum. None of the searches I have tried have found anything that has worked for me. I have deleted a lot of the .cfg to make it easier to read as well.

    Also, if anyone knows which version of the ammo mod will work, and how to make it work, I would be grateful.

    Thanks all who read.

    hostname "Ryan's L4D2 Server"

    sv_search_key "zeebobisgod"

    sv_gametypes "coop,versus,realism,teamversus,teamscavenge"

    sm_cvar fps_max 0
    //--> Uncaps the servers maxfps limit
    //--> (May be restricted by server provider on command line)

    //Rcon password - Sets the password for remote rcon admin
    rcon_password "123456"

    //Steam group # to assign to server
    sv_steamgroup 2800537

    //Set to 1 to only allow members of the steam group to make the initial connection to this server
    sv_steamgroup_exclusive 1

    //Allow connections without creating lobby. Set to 1 to allow lobby connections only
    sv_allow_lobby_connect_only 0

    //Allow connections without creating lobby
    //--> "0" = Off
    //--> "1" = On
    //sv_allow_lobby_connect_only 1

    //--> Default is "0". When Enabled, cannot connect to
    //--> Games currently in progress.

    sv_region 1

    // Server Logging
    sv_log_onefile 0 //Log server information to only one file.
    sv_logbans 1 //Log server bans in the server logs.
    sv_logecho 0 //Echo log information to the console.
    sv_logfile 1 //Log server information in the log file.
    sv_logflush 0 //Flush the log file to disk on each write (slow).
    sv_logsdir logs //Folder in the game directory where server logs will be stored.

    //Server Rates
    sv_maxcmdrate 100 //(If sv_mincmdrate is > 0), this sets the maximum value for cl_cmdrate.

    //Allow use of cheats
    //0 = Off
    //1 = On
    sv_cheats 0

    //All talk - Allow both teams to use audio chat to speak with each other
    //0 = Off
    //1 = On
    sv_alltalk 1


    // Rate Settings
    sv_minrate 20000
    sv_maxrate 30000

    //sm_cvar mp_gamemode versus
    //--> sourcemod override forcing gamemod.
    //--> versus, survival, scavenge, coop.

    //--> Custom Modifications for a competitive hike

    sm_cvar director_adrenaline_density 3.56

    sm_cvar director_defibrillator_density 1.0

    sm_cvar director_pain_pill_density 5
    //--> Reference director_adrenaline_density.

    sm_cvar director_super_weapon_density 0.5

    sm_cvar director_tank_force_offer 0

    sm_cvar director_upgradepack_density 3.56
    //--> Reference director_adrenaline_density.
    //--> Upgradepack refers to fire rounds, etc.

    sm_cvar director_vomitjar_density 4.0

    sm_cvar versus_tank_chance 1.0000

    sm_cvar versus_tank_chance_finale 1.0

    sm_cvar versus_tank_chance_intro 0.3

    sm_cvar versus_tank_flow_team_variation 10.0

    sm_cvar versus_witch_chance 0.8
    //--> See versus_tank_chance Above.

    sm_cvar versus_witch_chance_finale 0.9

    sm_cvar versus_witch_chance_intro 0.05

    sm_cvar versus_witch_flow_team_variation 5.0

    sm_cvar tank_stuck_time_suicide 9999999999

    sm_cvar versus_boss_flow_max_intro 0.9

    sm_cvar versus_boss_flow_max 0.9

    sm_cvar vs_max_team_switches 9999

    sm_cvar director_tank_lottery_selection_time "2"

    sm_cvar z_ghost_delay_max 22
    sm_cvar z_ghost_delay_min 22

    //--> Tougher Witch

    sm_cvar z_witch_damage "100"
    sm_cvar z_witch_damage_per_kill_hit "60"
    sm_cvar z_witch_flashlight_range "1000"
    sm_cvar z_witch_health "2000"
    sm_cvar z_witch_personal_space "400"
    sm_cvar z_witch_speed "800"
    sm_cvar z_witch_threat_hostile_range "1000"
    sm_cvar z_witch_threat_normal_range "800"

    //--> Left 4 Downtown v0.4.4 SM Extension Commands

    //--> Description:
    //--> Download at [EXTENSION] Left 4 Downtown (0.4.6) - L4D2 is here and supported - AlliedModders
    //--> Unlock Maximum player slots & Updated Developer
    //--> Functionality.

    l4d_maxplayers 8
    sm_cvar l4d_maxplayers 8

    //--> Set to "-1" to disable override, and can be set using
    //--> -maxplayers or +maxplayers from cmdline instead of
    //--> using l4d_maxplayers "xx" command.
    //--> "18" is maximum.

    //--> Description:
    //--> Download at [L4D(2)] Remove Lobby Reservation (When Full) - AlliedModders
    //--> Removes the "maximum" player limit in the server after
    //--> players connect from the lobby.
    //--> Survival is 4, Versus is 8, etc.
    //--> Use in conjunction with servers running >=9 player slots.

    //l4d_unreserve_full 1
    //sm_cvar l4d_unreserve_full 1

    //--> Set to "1" to automatically unreserve server at "full"
    //--> Again, this is 4 for Survival, 8 for Versus, etc.
    //--> Set to "0" to require admin to manually enter command.
    //--> Type sm_unreserve in console as Admin in-game to
    //--> Manually remove the reservation, after the game starts
    //--> From the lobby.

    //--> L4D Heartbeat Trigger SM Extension Commands

    //--> Description:
    //--> Download at [L4D] Heartbeat Trigger - AlliedModders
    //--> Removes the "maximum" player limit in the server after
    //--> players connect from the lobby.
    //--> Survival is 4, Versus is 8, etc.
    //--> Use in conjunction with servers running >=9 player slots.

    // sm_heartbeat_auto 1
    //--> Makes everyone on the server "heartbeat" when a player
    //--> Disconnects. Default: 1 (Enabled.) 0 to Disable.

    // sm_heartbeat_timeout 20
    //--> This is the timeout value between when the command can
    //--> be sent.

    // Execute ban files
    exec banned_user.cfg
    exec banned_ip.cfg

    //l4d2_guncontrol_assaultammo (default 500) - ammo for assault rifles
    //l4d2_guncontrol_smgammo (default 750) - ammo for SMGs
    //l4d2_guncontrol_shotgunammo (default 90) - ammo for pump shotguns
    //l4d2_guncontrol_autoshotgunammo (default 150) - ammo for automatic shotguns
    //l4d2_guncontrol_huntingrifleammo (default 150) - ammo for the HR
    //l4d2_guncontrol_sniperrifleammo (default 250) - ammo for the Milit. Sniper, AWP, and Scout
    //l4d2_guncontrol_grenadelauncherammo (default 75) - ammo for the Grenade Launcher
    //l4d2_guncontrol_m60ammo (default 999) - ammo for the M60
    //l4d2_guncontrol_allowgrenadereplenish 0 // (default 1) - allow Grenade Launcher Resupply at Ammo Dumps
    //l4d2_guncontrol_allowm60replenish (default 1) - allow M60 Resupply at Ammo Dumps
    //l4d2_guncontrol_incendammomulti (default 3) - how many clips of incendiary ammo you get off an ammopack
    //l4d2_guncontrol_explosiveammomulti (default 1) - how many clips of explosive ammo you get off an ammopack
    //l4d2_guncontrol_turnGLintoM60chance (default 2) - Turns GL spawns on all maps into M60 spawns. Works as chance setting. 1 is FULL/100% chance, 2 is half/50% chance, 3 one third and so on

    //sv_cvar ammo_autoshotgun_max 150 * // Autoshotgun and Spas max reserve ammo
    //sv_cvar ammo_chainsaw_max 500 * // Chainsaw max fuel
    //sv_cvar ammo_grenadelauncher_max 30 * // Grenade launcher max reserve ammo
    //sv_cvar ammo_huntingrifle_max 250 * // Hunting rifle max reserve ammo
    //sv_cvar ammo_pistol_max -2 * // Pistol/Magnum max reserve ammo
    //sv_cvar ammo_shotgun_max 90 * // Chrome and Pump Shotguns' max reserve ammo
    //sv_cvar ammo_smg_max 999 * // Uzi and Silenced MAC-10 max reserve ammo
    //sv_cvar ammo_sniperrifle_max 250
    //sv_cvar ammo_m60_max 999

    sm_cvar z_mob_population_density 5
    sm_cvar z_mega_mob_size 100
    sm_cvar z_mob_spawn_max_size 150

    //----> End of editable settings

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