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Thread: TK Punishes

  1. bigdog
    Quote Originally Posted by Kagato View Post
    To you, however, I come across as a potential candidate for the moderator team. This emphasizes all the problems we've been mentioning up until this point: you need to know the community to be able to successfully 'run' the community (or let it run itself).
    I guess you assume you are worth less to me than MNDF (who quit a month ago or so), or Betty? Or that, in a staff setting, you guys can't see eachother eye to eye?

    Perhaps rather than assuming I don't know communities, you accept I know how to run them? Maybe?

    But...given your post and the people you run with, its unlikely you're going to assume anything positive, at all. So, can't help you.

    you're wrong about being a mod, though. The essence of a mod is giving a shit when it matters. Seeing problems, and fixing them. And the kinds of people that do that see problems everywhere, and want to fix everything. Most people call them assholes. But leaders know they are assets. It's hard to get such people to get along....but under the right power and rule structures....they do.

    Or, they get fired. You'd get your shot (maybe), and I'd give it to you knowing that, if you aren't up to snuff, and at any moment, we could simply pull your powers, demote you, suspend you, fire you, if not outright ban you. I'm not afraid of having to do that. Instead, I fear having power vacuums because nobody wants to step up and be the asshole.

  2. bigdog
    Quote Originally Posted by Resident4Rising View Post
    I'm one opinonated person, and I can't express that on here because of the admins and I do try most of time and I couldn't care less of what people think, and they try to warn me and tell me not to post stuff like what I did, they can go to hell.
    Expressing your opinions is what a forum is for. Hating and spitting on people is what bans are for. It's easy to walk the line.

  3. bigdog
    Quote Originally Posted by Zoey W View Post
    I'm going I be perfectly honest here, I feel that you do have the potential to help l4df get a bigger community, but you have made a couple of bad decisions, while I agree parlock could have worded his arguments better, he still made some valid points. Banning him seemed a bad move as he was one of the most helpful and friendly people here, and he was very popular, so it's natural that people won't be happy, I'd say it would have been better to let people off with a warning rather than banning them right away (if they continue to troll, go ahead and ban them), it would help to keep some of our long term members
    parlock knew the deal from the weeks prior in the chat box thread. He wasn't suspended, fired, or banned then.

    He was banned when he decided not only to resign, but to spit on people. that's hostility, and from someone with great influence, access, and power...that's dangerous for the community peace. From my experience, once people cross that line, they are no longer necessary to exist in the community.

  4. bigdog
    Quote Originally Posted by Survivor117 View Post
    I'm sorry, but from most of your posts, it looks like you're really asskissing the new management.

    Just sayin' bro.
    that's right. fuck the management.

    sigh... I suppose its impossible that anything we do is right? Ever? Honestly man...

  5. Senior-Senior Member
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    I'm sorry, but from most of your posts, it looks like you're really asskissing the new management.

    Just sayin' bro.
    What you may, or may not know, is Kagato has made his presence known in other forums and sorta has an 'mo.' To be quite blunt he trolls and causes flame-wars.

    Conveniently, as has been done here, to cover his tracks, the troll tracks have disappeared. He not only 'burns bridges,' he erases his history. I don't believe that would make for moderator material.

    And a bad moderator is suffered by all including myself.

  6. On the way to greater things
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    Thanks for the thread guys! I had a lot of fun reading this, it's a lot better than TV.

  7. Community Staff
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    Well since this is seemingly over anyway I'm going to go ahead and lock this. If anyone has any suggestive feedback feel free to post it in the Questions and Feedback section, where a discussion can take place on said topic.

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