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Thread: I have never been...

  1. Registered TeamPlayer Xavsnipe's Avatar
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    Re: I have never been...

    Quote Originally Posted by WolverineBrother

    I've had my share of times wondering "where the hell is our chopper/jet" after being raped by the enemy helo for half the round, and keeping it painted for all pilots to see the whole time. Or being bombed from 4 directions while being circled by anywhere between 2 and 4 choppers simultaneously. All results of our teams inability to use assets effectively or at all.
    This is precisely my point. See, what I think is that before someone writes up on the general chat : " please balance the teams, that shit is stacked over there". They should step back and ask themselves: Are we using our team´s assets or misusing them? Maybe we have a couple of players on this side that will tear shit up if they´re just allowed to take that helo, or take that jet, or take that armor... I know there isn´t a line system and I know that everyone has the right to use and practice on these assets. I´m just saying, sometimes, one needs to step down and let the experienced people help out, if you´re not really making a difference for your side.

    There is no reason someone should go 60-0 in a helo or 70-0 in a jet. This is just evidence of the inconsiderate misuse of assets on the loosing team. Hey, if we´re loosing badly for a couple of rounds, I´ll find someone who can really help the team out in a jet or a good helo combo too, I´ll hold that vehicle for them and let them do their thing.

    I´m not that great at Tv´ing for example (and my ping really doesn´t help) so i´ll usually step out and let Devo, or Manno, or Latin, or Wildsrv, or all of those guys that I know for a fact are much better than I am at the chopper gun. This is a conscientious decision to help the team.
    Quote Originally Posted by phidan View Post
    The whole crux of your [deathgod] argument is nothing's impossible.
    Deathgod on Finance
    Quote Originally Posted by deathgodusmc View Post
    [The] purchase was a loss but it was its proper return

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    Re: I have never been...

    Quote Originally Posted by w4jchosen
    Quote Originally Posted by AKA_Lump6
    Quote Originally Posted by draco7891
    Quote Originally Posted by iCeWhoshotme
    I mean really, how are you supposed to clear the people out of your mains when that is all you have left and they are sitting there spawn raping you?
    Stop spawning in. Encourage the rest of your team to stop spawning in. Don't give them any kills, don't give them any points, don't needlessly absorb deaths. If it's obvious you can't clear them out, slow the ticket loss down as slow as possible by denying them a target to shoot at.

    Most people can't even stand the 45 seconds before a round begins without getting trigger happy; what are they going to do if they have to endure 4 minutes of standing around with nothing to do. What are they going to do? Stand? Teamkill? Throw things at each other? Stat pad?

    They'll even out the teams out of sheer boredom, just so they can play the whole way through a round.

    Sheer fucking genius!!! I love this idea.
    I would not advise using that tactic, however.
    Do explain. Outside of the obvious, PB will boot you for 2 minutes of inactive time and the fact that unless "ordered" not to spawn in this would be an act of disobedience which is contrary to the Texas... TeamPlayer concept.

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    I have never been...

    Re: I have never been...

    Quit crying and just play the damn game...if the other side is losing too much..switch and help them...

  4. Registered TeamPlayer (2)manno's Avatar
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    I have never been... I have never been...

    Re: I have never been...

    Quote Originally Posted by WolverineBrother
    Quote Originally Posted by Xavsnipe
    Very good posts people, very good.

    Manno you´re definitely right man. One thing that should be addressed is just that: When the team is loosing badly, we need the assets of the team to be used by the most experienced people. The new guys, or people trying out new things should be conscientious enough to realize they will hurt the team by misusing these assets. There is a time and place for everything, and I think practice should be left to non-peak hours, as Manno said.
    No doubt, inexperienced pilots vs leet pilots will hurt. And on certain maps more than others. And yeah, the true teamplayers will not hog an asset (jet or chopper) when the team needs a Xav or Manno in the cockpit.

    I've had my share of times wondering "where the hell is our chopper/jet" after being raped by the enemy helo for half the round, and keeping it painted for all pilots to see the whole time. Or being bombed from 4 directions while being circled by anywhere between 2 and 4 choppers simultaneously. All results of our teams inability to use assets effectively or at all.

    But we've been told in no uncertain terms by authority here that it is every players responsibility to become a complete player, and master the assets in order to counter the enemy.

    So the newbs have to practice sometime, and if prime time is the only time you have to play (might be why it is prime time after all, more people able to play...), does that mean you shouldn't be allowed to practice on the server you prefer to play on. Are we saying that if you have yet to master an aspect of the game, then you need to fuck off from TTP until you learn? Where do you draw the line?

    While it is probably frustrating for you air guys to be grounded, I'm tempted to say "suck it up, and find a way to win". We don't have lines for assets, and we sure as hell don't have a list of who's allowed to fly and who's not allowed. This is another case where you just have to find a way to win. "Give me the jet" is just as much of a cop out as "move some pilots over to our side". Just fucking deal with it.

    I'm also tempted to tell the newbs to hog the assets all the damn time, because it is sure refreshing to see (2)Manno and Xav bitching about being raped from the sky...
    LOL! You're right, we were bitching about it, just like everyone else. I like seeing other jet whores bombed to bits (especially if it's me doing it), and I'm sure there were plenty of cheers being handed out and debts collected as we were being blown sky high. :5

    Anyway, like I said, it's a touchy subject and I'm sensitive to that. The reason I posted was because this sits on a fine line, and I like dancing on them. The fine line the poster refers to has on the one hand, the downside of the excessive/extended team losing (frustration, people quitting, not having fun!), and on the other, you've got the causes/enabling of that (learning, trying new things, having fun!). I don't see any reason for TTP (or any other group for that matter) to have a policy governing it. So, can't you have it both ways?

    Sure you can. I'm not saying give "me" the jet (although I'm thinking it... but then, when am I not thinking give me the jet?). What I'm saying is think twice before "you" say "give me the jet" if "you" don't how to fly it. I'm not saying there should be a policy for it (that wouldn't be fun, and who would really want it?), but I am saying that people should consider their actions, and you'd hope their consideration would lead them do the right thing for their team, as good team players should.

    So that means squading up, and from time to time doing even more, like forming two small squads into a larger one, and heaven help you (and the rest of us) passing on a jet/helo/whatever so someone else can use it in a time of need. I've seen this happen several times before so I know it can be done.

    Even if that logic fails, no worries, I'll still be up to my usual tricks. Which even means a manno or two may stoop to checking in at an airport near you unauthorized, and unannouced :2. with Fisster, Xav, LA_Merc, Chosen, Wolverine, Ninja, iCe, and whomever else wants to come along. We'll find a way to win with or without equipment. :6
    Quote Originally Posted by Murker1 View Post
    You don't find (2)manno...(2)manno finds you.

  5. Registered TeamPlayer Xavsnipe's Avatar
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    Re: I have never been...

    Fuckin bombs man....I hate 'em
    Quote Originally Posted by phidan View Post
    The whole crux of your [deathgod] argument is nothing's impossible.
    Deathgod on Finance
    Quote Originally Posted by deathgodusmc View Post
    [The] purchase was a loss but it was its proper return

  6. Registered TeamPlayer w4jchosen's Avatar
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    I have never been...

    Re: I have never been...

    Quote Originally Posted by AKA_Lump6
    Do explain. Outside of the obvious, PB will boot you for 2 minutes of inactive time and the fact that unless "ordered" not to spawn in this would be an act of disobedience which is contrary to the Texas... TeamPlayer concept.
    The PB part aside you just explained it yourself and then there is this:

    From the Rules and Regs of the BF2 server
    Quote Originally Posted by ...bigdog...
    [size=24px]#3. Pursue your objective, or die trying. [/size]

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    Re: I have never been...

    I second fisster's notion.

  8. Registered TeamPlayer draco7891's Avatar
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    Re: I have never been...

    But #3 is meted by the definition of camping:

    Camping, by definition, is remaining in a specific area only to take enemies by surprise, however offering no strategic advantage to the team, other than to pad your personal KD. And, as said above.....KD's don't win games. Flags win games.
    I argue that at that point, the team is no longer in a strategic position, and they are no longer facing a legitimate threat from the enemy. They are simply killing people as they spawn for no benefit other than a high KD and a quick end to the round. Refusing to spawn is the counter to that behavior, by making the round last as long as possible.

    You will note that there are no regulations on time requirements for the rounds. It is a perfectly legitimate strategy to delay the enemy as much as possible (heck, take a look at the NFL, it's a major strategy).

    Furthermore, I have in the past received orders either from the commander or my SL, and I quote, "Let's stop spawning in there and giving them free kills". At that point, what must I do, disobey the SL to die pointlessly and increase the ticket loss rate, or obey the SL and forgo the server rules? What about the server rule about following orders?

    As for Punkbuster, if you move the death cam (and not just rotate it with the mouse about a point, but actually move with the movement keys), it's considered not idle, and if there are still people spawning or alive on your team, using the follow cam on them is also considered "not idle", as long as they themselves move every couple of minutes.


  9. Registered TeamPlayer Xavsnipe's Avatar
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    Re: I have never been...

    I don´t think that strategy is the best thing to do. Depending on what´s raping your flag (I assume it would be the only one the team has) I think you should spawn and haul ass trying to fend the enemy off and allowing someone or some squad to break out and cap something else to relieve the pressure. Just not spawning I don´t know about that.

    What if your squad doesn´t spawn and the rest of the team does? All you are doing is making the ticket bleed go slower, allowing more time for the raping team to kill more of yours, instead of spawning and maybe being able to AT that helo, or that armor thats raping you.
    Quote Originally Posted by phidan View Post
    The whole crux of your [deathgod] argument is nothing's impossible.
    Deathgod on Finance
    Quote Originally Posted by deathgodusmc View Post
    [The] purchase was a loss but it was its proper return

  10. Registered TeamPlayer Himmyo's Avatar
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    Re: I have never been...

    I was there last night when one team was completely stacked, but after a couple of rounds I and a couple of buddies moved over to the other side and it took a few games before we got our first win but after a few wins the other side was complaining that the teams are stacked again. So what do you do switch back to the losing side?
    I just wanted to show off my new avatar. Since this is topic is a never ending battle.

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