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Thread: I have never been...

  1. Registered TeamPlayer 11Bravo's Avatar
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    Re: I have never been...

    Quote Originally Posted by iCeWhoshotme
    ...I mean really, how are you supposed to clear the people out of your mains when that is all you have left and they are sitting there spawn raping you?...
    I don't concern myself with Uncappable flags. All you will accomplish is helping the opposing team to win. I don't play this game to help the opposition to win. Defending uncaps with the whole team is a waste of the team. Teams that force the opposition into having to retake flags is how to get them out of your Main Uncap. This is not directed at you ICE.

    LA_Merc can back me up on this. He was commanding one day on Highway Tampa, I had just joined the map, to my dismay the team was not fighting at all. Not forcing the enemy to deal with them. They just kept attempting to defend the main Uncap. Was quite ridiculous to witness. I formed a Squad, invited some people, placed my squad in fast movers and went to the farthest away CP. Capped it, then capped two more flags. The whole time me and my squad are doing this, I'm practically begging LA_Merc to get them boys out of the uncap and spawn on what we had taken. He's practically going nutz trying to get people out of the Uncap to defend the flags we had taken. Our ability to take flags forced the enemy to have to deal with us. Had our team been smart enough to stop complaining about Base Ravaging, and get their collective asses on the flags we had taken to stop the bleed out we could have salvaged the round and made a fight out of it. As it was, our team which was getting blown out, managed to pull out a respectable loss instead of a complete blowout.

    Next round, the other team attempted to do the same things again. I took those same guys who squaded with me the previous round and we managed to keep the opposing team occupied attempting to remove us off the flag we chose to defend. Our decision to defend allowed the rest of the team to move out and start capping flags. Although we didn't win the round, we didn't get blown out either. Educating players who aren't regulars on how to play is the hardest part. All of these types of posts fall on the ears of those who know. But what it doesn't accomplish is the education and edification of the non regulars who don't have a clue.

    Quote Originally Posted by LA_MERC_T4rg3T
    Some players need to man up. Don't wait for someone else to start a squad. Start your own and lead it. Apply for commander and take control of the map.
    One of the best statements I've read in a long time. It's a good start to changing the gameplay of the server.

    Quote Originally Posted by draco7891
    Stop spawning in. Encourage the rest of your team to stop spawning in. Don't give them any kills, don't give them any points, don't needlessly absorb deaths. If it's obvious you can't clear them out, slow the ticket loss down as slow as possible by denying them a target to shoot at...

    I've read alot of good comments from you in the past, this was not one of them. Please see my response above.

    Quote Originally Posted by ninja|oaklandr
    ...way too many 1-2 man squads...

    ...Some people take a while to adjust to the TTP style. They don't realize how much more fun they will have that way.
    In my capacity and with what I've been able to see, that is one of the worst issues, 1-2 man squads {as ground pounders they are practically a liability for the team}. The second worst issue I've witnessed; no one will step up to command. Every game, every map, the commander is a very valuable position and needs to be filled at the beginning of the round. It's a support role for the team. It is one of the main contributors to a round gone bad. No commander at the start means your team is already in the hole. The server needs regulars to fill that position as commander. You might not win, you might not have an excellent round. But your decision to command can be the difference between a blowout and a decent round. Also, by commanding you can see just how disorganized the team is, how spread out the squad members are. How there are 4 flags that need to be capped, but no one wants to leave the one flag you have. Therefore the team suffers. As much as I don't like commanding. It has allowed me to see more of what goes wrong with most teams.

    Quote Originally Posted by WolverineBrother
    I think we need to keep in mind what things are like outside of TTP. Because that's where these new guys are coming from...

    ...Out there, squadleaders don't give orders, don't communicate, and don't give a rats ass where their squad members are or what they are doing. If it's their first time at TTP they wont expect any different here...

    ...The newbs are our future...
    All of these are very good points and need to be remembered by all.

    Quote Originally Posted by LA_MERC_T4rg3T
    ..Some people just join a squad as to not get kicked.. Its sad but true and once they join a squad, they go on their merry way.
    Unfortunately that does happen. Which is why the server needs regulars to Squad Lead and attempt to teach them the way to do it on TTP.

    Quote Originally Posted by (2)manno
    So that means squading up, and from time to time doing even more, like forming two small squads into a larger one...I've seen this happen several times before so I know it can be done...
    One of the many reasons teams don't do well. Two small squads, not co-ordinated, going for the same goal but without the ability to accomplish it, unlike a full squad communicating and working together that can get the job done.

    Quote Originally Posted by draco7891
    But #3 is meted by the definition of camping:

    Camping, by definition, is remaining in a specific area only to take enemies by surprise, however offering no strategic advantage to the team, other than to pad your personal KD. And, as said above.....KD's don't win games. Flags win games.
    Camping/Not Camping is not a rule that is enforced on the server. That rule has to do more so with other games. Please don't attempt to apply it to the BF2 Server.

    There are other ways of getting things done on the BF2 Server. Not spawning in is not an option. If that is the case; then just leave the damn server, so that someone else can join and attempt to do what others say/think can't be done.

    Quote Originally Posted by LA_MERC_T4rg3T
    ...We were down tickets and taking on ticket bleed. I got my guys and we went cap 2 flags. One flag was not very important but the second was East Oilfields. We held East Oilfields and kept each other alive. Those 2 flags gave our side the edge we needed and China started taking on ticket bleed. Just by capping 2 flags and staying alive but hidding inside a building while holding the flag won us the round. We were down by 15 tickets at the 60 ticket mark and ended up winning by 8-10 tickets because of ticket bleed.

    It was a good come back for out team and thanks goes out to those in my squad.
    That is what more players on the server need to think about. What can I do for the team that will accomplish the best for the team & the win. Sometimes, defending is the ultimate offense & can be the decision between a win or a loss.

    While all of these posts serve to vent. Then don't educate the uneducated mass of non-regulars on the server. Attempt to squad up with people, attempt to let them see the good side of a well lead/organized squad. If you truly feel that TTP will benefit from their presence on the server, then by all means mention the site and invite them. Know your teams weaknesses and attempt to be the squad or commander that fills that weakness while the rest of the team plays catchup.

    Strive to be a difference maker on the server, every time you step on the server to play. Adapt, Improvise, Overcome, Win.

    ****************11B*************** Look for Pathfinder75thB in TeamSpeak! ***************11B*****************

  2. Registered TeamPlayer 11Bravo's Avatar
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    Re: I have never been...

    ...and just for emphasis:

    Fight as a squad, move as a squad, & die as a squad.

    Then become a team that fights like that.
    ****************11B*************** Look for Pathfinder75thB in TeamSpeak! ***************11B*****************

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    Re: I have never been...

    Quote Originally Posted by Himmyo
    Quote Originally Posted by rv2pc3d
    Quote Originally Posted by Himmyo
    I was there last night when one team was completely stacked, but after a couple of rounds I and a couple of buddies moved over to the other side and it took a few games before we got our first win but after a few wins the other side was complaining that the teams are stacked again. So what do you do switch back to the losing side?
    I just wanted to show off my new avatar. Since this is topic is a never ending battle.
    You mean "certain" players were complaining.... "The otherside" was not complaining. I was on last night and you didn't read one damn line of me complaining, nor have you ever. So please, rephrase your post to read correctly, cause I'm not taking kinldy to this thought process.
    Yes you are correct only certain players complained.
    Thanks Himmyo.

  4. Registered TeamPlayer Highstakes72's Avatar
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    Re: I have never been...


    You mean "certain" players were complaining.... "The otherside" was not complaining. I was on last night and you didn't read one damn line of me complaining, nor have you ever. So please, rephrase your post to read correctly, cause I'm not taking kinldy to this thought process.

    I was with RV last night for a while and second his statement....wasnt fun tho at Songhua when it felt like every vehicle and armor piece was hostile....but then again I did kill Latinman and GMG so I called it a win in my book.

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    I have never been...

    Re: I have never been...

    Quote Originally Posted by Highstakes72
    You mean "certain" players were complaining.... "The otherside" was not complaining. I was on last night and you didn't read one damn line of me complaining, nor have you ever. So please, rephrase your post to read correctly, cause I'm not taking kinldy to this thought process.

    Who are you asking to correct their post?

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    Re: I have never been...

    Quote Originally Posted by *11*Bravo-Pathfinder
    ...and just for emphasis:

    Fight as a squad, move as a squad, & die as a squad.

    Then become a team that fights like that.
    Feel free to die as a squad, as long as I'm on the other team and causing such to happen. :10

  7. Registered TeamPlayer Highstakes72's Avatar
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    Re: I have never been...

    Quote Originally Posted by badprimer1
    Quote Originally Posted by Highstakes72

    Who are you asking to correct their post?
    Sorry my post was all screwed up....just meant to back up what RV had said...

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    Re: I have never been...

    Hey - I'm replying to Bravo's long and thoughtful reply. I especially agree that no one who really needs to read this is going to, so this is targetted at the better or at least more experienced players:

    There is an inherent contradiction in the game that contributes to these unbalanced situations. The most fun and best competitive experience is really to be had in a squad with people who are teamplayers, people you recognize or know, that stick together, communicate, are reasonably competent, etc.

    The contradiction is, sometimes there are a lot of new or non-regular guys on your team and only maybe 6 or 12 regular 'teamplayers' or people you know, or enough for one or two good squads. If you REALLY want your TEAM to win, you would have to leave this fun, good squad situation and your buddies, create a squad of your own with one or two regulars, and whip 2 or 3 noobs into shape by inviting them and telling them what to do, or at least by starting another squad that will cap flags.

    I think 12 regulars in two squads will get beat by 12 regulars in four squads, every time. You can simply cover more ground and acquire more territory. The noobs aren't completely useless. if you're lucky, maybe one of them will be a hacker .

    When one team is getting whipped, I often see better players on the losing side locking their squads and inviting all the other better players they know. The result of this is that, yes, you are the best squad and get lots of points, but one squad can't win the game by itself and it perpetuates the team losing.

    Contradiction: (?) Sometimes more fun for me/you = team loss.

    In general, I would rather win or at least try my best to win so if you catch me in a locked squad you can give me shit.

    On the subject of uncaps - I love getting in the enemy uncap early in a round, raising hell, and sometimes having one or two whole squads looking for me. Is this productive? Damn right! That's one or two squads who aren't capping my team's flags. Sometimes I have the other team's commander and best jet pilots spawning AT and chasing me around! That is not a productive activity for their team. I don't think six guys uncap-raiding like this is a wise move usually, but a squad of 2 or 3 is ideal to keep them busy protecting their 'assets' and maybe u can steal the jet. This results in very few points for me, but prevents a lot of enemy from doing anything really useful. Also, I wouldn't do this in the late stages of a round if the game is close, obviously.

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    Re: I have never been...

    Quote Originally Posted by _get_some_budday
    Hey - I'm replying to Bravo's long and thoughtful reply. I especially agree that no one who really needs to read this is going to, so this is targetted at the better or at least more experienced players:

    There is an inherent contradiction in the game that contributes to these unbalanced situations. The most fun and best competitive experience is really to be had in a squad with people who are teamplayers, people you recognize or know, that stick together, communicate, are reasonably competent, etc.

    The contradiction is, sometimes there are a lot of new or non-regular guys on your team and only maybe 6 or 12 regular 'teamplayers' or people you know, or enough for one or two good squads. If you REALLY want your TEAM to win, you would have to leave this fun, good squad situation and your buddies, create a squad of your own with one or two regulars, and whip 2 or 3 noobs into shape by inviting them and telling them what to do, or at least by starting another squad that will cap flags.

    I think 12 regulars in two squads will get beat by 12 regulars in four squads, every time. You can simply cover more ground and acquire more territory. The noobs aren't completely useless. if you're lucky, maybe one of them will be a hacker .

    When one team is getting whipped, I often see better players on the losing side locking their squads and inviting all the other better players they know. The result of this is that, yes, you are the best squad and get lots of points, but one squad can't win the game by itself and it perpetuates the team losing.

    Contradiction: (?) Sometimes more fun for me/you = team loss.

    In general, I would rather win or at least try my best to win so if you catch me in a locked squad you can give me shit.

    On the subject of uncaps - I love getting in the enemy uncap early in a round, raising hell, and sometimes having one or two whole squads looking for me. Is this productive? Damn right! That's one or two squads who aren't capping my team's flags. Sometimes I have the other team's commander and best jet pilots spawning AT and chasing me around! That is not a productive activity for their team. I don't think six guys uncap-raiding like this is a wise move usually, but a squad of 2 or 3 is ideal to keep them busy protecting their 'assets' and maybe u can steal the jet. This results in very few points for me, but prevents a lot of enemy from doing anything really useful. Also, I wouldn't do this in the late stages of a round if the game is close, obviously.
    All points noted and understood. Thanks for your clarity.

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    Hey dont be afraid to mention names ice lol i have one person that i always know what team is winning by just seeing what team this guy is on. His name R*RooGaRoo he always switches to the winning team.

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